=begin Arachni-RPC Copyright (c) 2011 Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos This is free software; you can copy and distribute and modify this program under the term of the GPL v2.0 License (See LICENSE file for details) =end cwd = File.expand_path( File.dirname( __FILE__ ) ) require File.join( cwd, '../lib/arachni/rpc/', 'em' ) # connect to the server client = Arachni::RPC::EM::Client.new( host: 'localhost', port: 7332, # optional authentication token, if it doesn't match the one # set on the server-side you'll be getting exceptions. token: 'superdupersecret', # optional serializer (defaults to YAML) # see the 'serializer' method at: # http://eventmachine.rubyforge.org/EventMachine/Protocols/ObjectProtocol.html#M000369 # # Will trigger the Server's fallback serializer. serializer: YAML, # # In order to enable peer verification one must first provide # the following: # # SSL CA certificate # ssl_ca: cwd + '/../spec/pems/cacert.pem', # SSL private key # ssl_pkey: cwd + '/../spec/pems/client/key.pem', # SSL certificate # ssl_cert: cwd + '/../spec/pems/client/cert.pem' ) # Make things easy on the eyes using the mapper, it allows you to do this: # # res = bench.foo( arg ) # # Instead of: # # res = client.call( 'bench.foo', arg ) # bench = Arachni::RPC::RemoteObjectMapper.new( client, 'bench' ) # # In order to perform an asynchronous call you will need to provide a block, # even if it is an empty one. # bench.foo( 'This is an async call to "bench.foo".' ) do |res| p res # => "This is an async call to \"bench.foo\"." # did something RPC related go wrong? # p res.rpc_exception? # => false # did something go wrong on the server-side? # p res.rpc_remote_exception? # => false # did the connection die abruptly? # p res.rpc_connection_error? # => false # did we call an object for which there is no handler on the server-side? # p res.rpc_invalid_object_error? # => false # did we call a server-side method that isn't existent or public? # p res.rpc_invalid_method_error? # => false # was there an authentication token mismatch? # p res.rpc_invalid_token_error? # => false end # # On the server-side this is an async method but works just like everything else here. # # You'll need to kind-of specify the async methods on the server-side, # check the server example file for more info. # bench.async_foo( 'This is an async call to "bench.async_foo".' ) do |res| p res # => "This is an async call to \"bench.async_foo\"." end p bench.async_foo( 'This is a sync call to "bench.async_foo".' ) # => "This is a sync call to \"bench.async_foo\"." # # To perform a sync (blocking) call do the usual stuff. # # This is thread safe so if you'd rather use Threads instead of async calls # for that extra performance kick you go ahead and do your thing now... # p bench.foo( 'This is a sync call to "bench.foo".' ) # => "This is a sync call to \"bench.foo\"." # # When you are performing a synchronous call and things go wrong # an exception will be thrown. # # Exceptions on the server-side unrelated to the RPC system will be forwarded. # # # Non-existent object. # blah = Arachni::RPC::RemoteObjectMapper.new( client, 'blah' ) begin p blah.something rescue => e p e # => # end # # Non-existent or non-public method. # begin p bench.fdoo rescue => e p e # => # end # # When you are performing an asynchronous call and things go wrong # an exception will be returned. # # It will *NOT* be thrown! # It will be *RETURNED*! # blah.something do |res| p res # => # # RPC Exception helper methods have been added to all Ruby objects (except BasicObject) # so they'll always be there when you need them. # p res.rpc_exception? # => true # p res.rpc_invalid_object_error? # => true end # # We don't know when async calls will return so we wait forever. # # Call ::EM.stop to break-out. # Arachni::RPC::EM.block