module Mongoid module History module Tracker extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps attr_writer :trackable field :association_chain, type: Array, default: [] field :modified, type: Hash field :original, type: Hash field :version, type: Integer field :action, type: String field :scope, type: String belongs_to :modifier, class_name: Mongoid::History.modifier_class_name index(scope: 1) index(association_chain: 1) Mongoid::History.tracker_class_name = name.tableize.singularize.to_sym end def undo!(modifier = nil) if action.to_sym == :destroy re_create elsif action.to_sym == :create re_destroy elsif Mongoid::History.mongoid3? trackable.update_attributes!(undo_attr(modifier), without_protection: true) else trackable.update_attributes!(undo_attr(modifier)) end end def redo!(modifier = nil) if action.to_sym == :destroy re_destroy elsif action.to_sym == :create re_create elsif Mongoid::History.mongoid3? trackable.update_attributes!(redo_attr(modifier), without_protection: true) else trackable.update_attributes!(redo_attr(modifier)) end end def undo_attr(modifier) undo_hash = affected.easy_unmerge(modified) undo_hash.easy_merge!(original) modifier_field = trackable.history_trackable_options[:modifier_field] undo_hash[modifier_field] = modifier (modified.keys - undo_hash.keys).each do |k| undo_hash[k] = nil end localize_keys(undo_hash) end def redo_attr(modifier) redo_hash = affected.easy_unmerge(original) redo_hash.easy_merge!(modified) modifier_field = trackable.history_trackable_options[:modifier_field] redo_hash[modifier_field] = modifier localize_keys(redo_hash) end def trackable_root @trackable_root ||= trackable_parents_and_trackable.first end def trackable @trackable ||= trackable_parents_and_trackable.last end def trackable_parents @trackable_parents ||= trackable_parents_and_trackable[0, -1] end def trackable_parent @trackable_parent ||= trackable_parents_and_trackable[-2] end # Outputs a :from, :to hash for each affected field. Intentionally excludes fields # which are not tracked, even if there are tracked values for such fields # present in the database. # # @return [ HashWithIndifferentAccess ] a change set in the format: # { field_1: {to: new_val}, field_2: {from: old_val, to: new_val} } def tracked_changes @tracked_changes ||= (modified.keys | original.keys).inject( do |h, k| h[k] = { from: original[k], to: modified[k] }.delete_if { |_, vv| vv.nil? } h end.delete_if { |k, v| v.blank? || !trackable_parent_class.tracked_field?(k) } end # Outputs summary of edit actions performed: :add, :modify, :remove, or :array. # Does deep comparison of arrays. Useful for creating human-readable representations # of the history tracker. Considers changing a value to 'blank' to be a removal. # # @return [ HashWithIndifferentAccess ] a change set in the format: # { add: { field_1: new_val, ... }, # modify: { field_2: {from: old_val, to: new_val}, ... }, # remove: { field_3: old_val }, # array: { field_4: {add: ['foo', 'bar'], remove: ['baz']} } } def tracked_edits @tracked_edits ||= tracked_changes.inject( do |h, (k, v)| unless v[:from].blank? && v[:to].blank? if v[:from].blank? h[:add] ||= {} h[:add][k] = v[:to] elsif v[:to].blank? h[:remove] ||= {} h[:remove][k] = v[:from] else if v[:from].is_a?(Array) && v[:to].is_a?(Array) h[:array] ||= {} old_values = v[:from] - v[:to] new_values = v[:to] - v[:from] h[:array][k] = { add: new_values, remove: old_values }.delete_if { |_, vv| vv.blank? } else h[:modify] ||= {} h[:modify][k] = v end end end h end end # Similar to #tracked_changes, but contains only a single value for each # affected field: # - :create and :update return the modified values # - :destroy returns original values # Included for legacy compatibility. # # @deprecated # # @return [ HashWithIndifferentAccess ] a change set in the format: # { field_1: value, field_2: value } def affected target = action.to_sym == :destroy ? :from : :to @affected ||= tracked_changes.inject( { |h, (k, v)| h[k] = v[target] h } end # Returns the class of the trackable, irrespective of whether the trackable object # has been destroyed. # # @return [ Class ] the class of the trackable def trackable_parent_class association_chain.first["name"].constantize end private def re_create association_chain.length > 1 ? create_on_parent : create_standalone end def re_destroy trackable.destroy end def create_standalone restored = = original["_id"]! end def create_on_parent name = association_chain.last["name"] if trackable_parent.class.embeds_one?(name) trackable_parent.create_embedded(name, localize_keys(original)) elsif trackable_parent.class.embeds_many?(name) trackable_parent.get_embedded(name).create!(localize_keys(original)) else raise "This should never happen. Please report bug!" end end def trackable_parents_and_trackable @trackable_parents_and_trackable ||= traverse_association_chain end def traverse_association_chain chain = association_chain.dup doc = nil documents = [] loop do node = chain.shift name = node['name'] doc = if doc.nil? # root association. First element of the association chain # unscoped is added to remove any default_scope defined in model klass = name.classify.constantize klass.unscoped.where(_id: node['id']).first elsif doc.class.embeds_one?(name) doc.get_embedded(name) elsif doc.class.embeds_many?(name) doc.get_embedded(name).unscoped.where(_id: node['id']).first else raise "This should never happen. Please report bug." end documents << doc break if chain.empty? end documents end def localize_keys(hash) klass = association_chain.first["name"].constantize klass.localized_fields.keys.each do |name| hash["#{name}_translations"] = hash.delete(name) if hash[name].present? end if klass.respond_to?(:localized_fields) hash end end end end