desc 'SSH connection with server' task :ssh do on roles(:app) do |host| run_locally do run_in host, "" end end end desc 'Opens a remote Rails console' task :c do on roles(:app) do |host| run_locally do run_in host, "cd #{current_path} && RAILS_ENV=#{fetch(:stage)} bundle exec rails c" end end end desc 'Opens a remote Database console' task :dbconsole do on roles(:app) do |host| run_locally do run_in host, "cd #{current_path} && RAILS_ENV=#{fetch(:stage)} bundle exec rails dbconsole --include-password" end end end desc 'Tails the environment log or the log passed as argument: cap log_tail[thin.3000.log]' task :log_tail, :file do |task, args| on roles(:app) do file = args[:file]? args[:file] : "*" execute "tail -f #{shared_path}/log/#{file} | grep -vE \"(^\s*$|asset|Render)\"" end end desc 'Search for a pattern in logs' task :log_pattern, :pattern do |task, args| on roles(:app) do execute "cat #{shared_path}/log/* | grep -A 10 -B 5 '#{args[:pattern]}'" end end desc "Runs a command in server: cap production x['free -m']" task :x, :command do |task, args| on roles(:app) do |host| run_locally do run_in host, args[:command] end end end desc 'Executes a rake task in server. i.e.: cap staging rake[db:version]' task :rake, :remote_task do |task, args| on roles(:app) do within release_path do with rails_env: fetch(:stage) do execute :rake, "#{args[:remote_task]}" end end end end desc 'Uploads a file to /tmp folder. i.e.: cap staging upload[tmp/db.sql]' task :upload, :file_path do |task, args| on roles(:app) do |host| run_locally do upload_scp host, args[:file_path] end end end desc 'Downloads a file. i.e.: cap staging download[/tmp/db.sql]' task :download, :file_path do |task, args| on roles(:app) do |host| run_locally do download_scp host, args[:file_path] end end end def run_in(host, remote_cmd) cmd = %w[ssh] opts = fetch(:ssh_options) cmd << "-oProxyCommand='#{opts[:proxy].command_line_template}'" if opts cmd << "#{host.user}@#{host.hostname}" cmd << "-p #{host.port || '22'}" cmd << "-tt '#{remote_cmd}'" command = cmd.join(' ') command exec command end def upload_scp(host, file_path) cmd = %w[scp] opts = fetch(:ssh_options) cmd << "-r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" cmd << "-oProxyCommand='#{opts[:proxy].command_line_template}'" if opts cmd << file_path cmd << "#{host.user}@#{host.hostname}:/tmp" command = cmd.join(' ') command exec command end def download_scp(host, file_path) cmd = %w[scp] opts = fetch(:ssh_options) cmd << "-oProxyCommand='#{opts[:proxy].command_line_template}'" if opts cmd << "#{host.user}@#{host.hostname}:#{file_path}" cmd << '.' command = cmd.join(' ') command exec command end