///*------------------------------------*\ // #TOOLS-RESPONSIVE //\*------------------------------------*/ // Here we set a variable assuming that responsive settings are not set // globally. If they have been previously been defined, the following variable // will be overriden and will be set to `true`. $inuit-responsive-settings: false !default; @if ($inuit-responsive-settings == false) { @warn "Oops! Have you included a responsive settings file?" } // A simple mixin to quickly generate whole media queries from the aliases and // conditions defined in `_settings.responsive.scss`. // // Usage: // // .foo { // color: green; // // @include media-query(palm) { // color: red; // } // // } @mixin media-query($mq) { $breakpoint-found: false; // Loop through the list of breakpoints we’ve provided in our settings file. @each $breakpoint in $breakpoints { // Grab the alias and the condition from their respective locations in // the list. $alias: nth($breakpoint, 1); $condition: nth($breakpoint, 2); // If the media query we’ve specified has an alias and a condition... @if $mq == $alias and $condition { // ...tell the mixin that we’ve found it... $breakpoint-found: true; // ...and spit it out here. @media #{$condition} { @content; } } } // If the user specifies a non-exitent alias, send them a warning. @if $breakpoint-found == false{ @warn "Oops! Breakpoint ‘#{$mq}’ does not exist." } }