module Soundcloud module Models # Soundcloud User resource # # Look up the resource attributes and filtering usage here: # # # # Examples: # # gets the user with username userABC # user = sc_client.User.find('userABC') # # # finds all users named joe and print their usernames # joes = sc_client.User.find(:all, :params=> {:q => "joe"}) # joes.each do |user| # p user.username # end # # # gets the logged-in user # me = client.User.find_me # # # checks if the first user named joe is following the second user named joe # joe1 = joes.first # joe2 = joes[1] # joe1.has_contact?(joe2) # # # makes the loggedin user following joe2 # joe2.add_contact! # # # # Display all tracks of a user # user = sc_client.User.find('some-user') # user.tracks.each do |track| # p track.title # end class User < Base has_many :tracks, :contacts, :comments, :favorites, :playlists has_many_single_changeable :contacts, :favorites can_be_a_single_changeable :contact cattr_accessor :element_name self.element_name = 'user' # Convenience method to find the logged in user def self.find_me find(:one, :from => '/me') end end class Permission < User #:nodoc: end class Contact < User #:nodoc: end end end