require 'bundler/setup' require 'rspec' require 'webmock/rspec' require 'awesome_print' require 'elastic/app-search' require 'config_helper' require 'securerandom' WebMock.allow_net_connect! # # Uses a static engine that will not change between tests. It comes preloaded # with documents that *are already indexed*. This means tests can run operations # that require documents to be indexed, like "search". # # This is optimal for tests that perform read-only operations, like "search". # RSpec.shared_context 'Static Test Engine' do before(:all) do @static_engine_name = "ruby-client-test-static-#{SecureRandom.hex}" as_api_key = ConfigHelper.get_as_api_key as_host_identifier = ConfigHelper.get_as_host_identifier as_api_endpoint = ConfigHelper.get_as_api_endpoint client_options = ConfigHelper.get_client_options(as_api_key, as_host_identifier, as_api_endpoint) @static_client = @static_client.create_engine(@static_engine_name) @document1 = { 'id' => '1', 'title' => 'The Great Gatsby' } @document2 = { 'id' => '2', 'title' => 'Catcher in the Rye' } @documents = [@document1, @document2] @static_client.index_documents(@static_engine_name, @documents) # Wait until documents are indexed start = ready = false until (ready) sleep(3) results =, '') ready = true if results['results'].length == 2 ready = true if ( - start).to_i >= 120 # Time out after 2 minutes end end let(:engine_name) { @static_engine_name } let(:document1) { @document1 } let(:document2) { @document2 } after(:all) do @static_client.destroy_engine(@static_engine_name) end end RSpec.shared_context 'Engine Name' do let(:engine_name) { "ruby-client-test-#{SecureRandom.hex}" } end RSpec.shared_context 'Meta Engine Name' do let(:meta_engine_name) { "ruby-client-test-#{SecureRandom.hex}" } end RSpec.shared_context 'Test Engine' do let(:engine_name) { "ruby-client-test-#{SecureRandom.hex}" } before(:each) do client.create_engine(engine_name) rescue Elastic::AppSearch::BadRequest end after(:each) do client.destroy_engine(engine_name) rescue Elastic::AppSearch::NonExistentRecord end end RSpec.shared_context 'App Search Credentials' do let(:as_api_key) { ConfigHelper.get_as_api_key } # AS_ACCOUNT_HOST_KEY is deprecated let(:as_host_identifier) { ConfigHelper.get_as_host_identifier } let(:as_api_endpoint) { ConfigHelper.get_as_api_endpoint } let(:client_options) do ConfigHelper.get_client_options(as_api_key, as_host_identifier, as_api_endpoint) end end RSpec.shared_context 'App Search Admin Credentials' do let(:as_api_key) { ConfigHelper.get_as_admin_key } # AS_ACCOUNT_HOST_KEY is deprecated let(:as_host_identifier) { ConfigHelper.get_as_host_identifier } let(:as_api_endpoint) { ConfigHelper.get_as_api_endpoint } let(:client_options) do ConfigHelper.get_client_options(as_api_key, as_host_identifier, as_api_endpoint) end end RSpec.configure do |config| # Run specs in random order to surface order dependencies. If you find an # order dependency and want to debug it, you can fix the order by providing # the seed, which is printed after each run. # --seed 1234 config.order = 'random' end