require File.expand_path('../spec_helper', __FILE__) module XcodeInstall # # FIXME: This test randomely fail on GitHub Actions. # # describe '#fetch' do # before do # client = mock # client.stubs(:cookie).returns('customCookie') # Spaceship::PortalClient.stubs(:login).returns(client) # end # it 'downloads the file and calls the `progress_block` with the percentage' do # installer = # xcode ='name' => 'Xcode 9.3', # 'files' => [{ # 'remotePath' => '/Developer_Tools/Xcode_9.3/Xcode_9.3.xip' # }]) # installer.stubs(:fetch_seedlist).returns([xcode]) # stdin = 'stdin' # stdout = 'stdout' # stderr = 'stderr' # wait_thr = 'wait_thr' # stdin.stubs(:close) # stdout.stubs(:close) # stderr.stubs(:close) # current_time = '123123' # Time.stubs(:now).returns(current_time) # xip_path = File.join(File.expand_path('~'), '/Library/Caches/XcodeInstall/Xcode_9.3.xip') # progress_log_file = File.join(File.expand_path('~'), "/Library/Caches/XcodeInstall/progress.#{current_time}.progress") # command = [ # 'curl', # '--disable', # '--cookie customCookie', # '--cookie-jar /tmp/curl-cookies.txt', # '--retry 3', # '--location', # '--continue-at -', # "--output #{xip_path}", # '\\?path\\=/Developer_Tools/Xcode_9.3/Xcode_9.3.xip', # "2> #{progress_log_file}" # ] # Open3.stubs(:popen3).with(command.join(' ')).returns([stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr]) # wait_thr.stubs(:alive?).returns(true) # thr_value = 'thr_value' # wait_thr.stubs(:value).returns(thr_value) # thr_value.stubs(:success?).returns(true) # installer.stubs(:install_dmg).with(, '-9.3', false, false) # do # sleep(1) # File.write(progress_log_file, ' 0 4766M 0 6835k 0 0 573k 0 2:21:58 0:00:11 2:21:47 902k') # sleep(1) # File.write(progress_log_file, ' 5 4766M 0 6835k 0 0 573k 0 2:21:58 0:00:11 2:21:47 902k') # sleep(1) # File.write(progress_log_file, '50 4766M 0 6835k 0 0 573k 0 2:21:58 0:00:11 2:21:47 902k') # sleep(1) # File.write(progress_log_file, '100 4766M 0 6835k 0 0 573k 0 2:21:58 0:00:11 2:21:47 902k') # sleep(0.5) # wait_thr.stubs(:alive?).returns(false) # end # percentages = [] # installer.install_version( # # version: the version to install # '9.3', # # `should_switch # false, # # `should_clean` # false, # false for now for faster debugging # # `should_install` # true, # # `progress` # false, # # `url` is nil, as we don't have a custom source # nil, # # `show_release_notes` is `false`, as this is a non-interactive machine # false, # # `progress_block` be updated on the download progress # proc do |percent| # percentages << percent # end # ) # percentages.each do |current_percent| # # Verify all reported percentages are between 0 and 100 #, 50) # end # # Verify we got a good amount of percentages reported #, 4) # end # end describe '#find_xcode_version' do it 'should find the one with the matching name' do installer = xcodes = ['name' => '11.4 beta 2', 'dateModified' => '12/11/19 14:28', 'files' => [{ 'remotePath' => '/Developer_Tools/Xcode_11.4_beta_2/Xcode_11.4_beta_2.xip' }]),'name' => '11.4', 'dateModified' => '12/15/19 11:28', 'files' => [{ 'remotePath' => '/Developer_Tools/Xcode_11.4/Xcode_11.4.xip' }]) ] installer.stubs(:fetch_seedlist).returns(xcodes) installer.find_xcode_version('11.4')'11.4') end end end