# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'cinch' require 'cinch/toolbox' require 'cinch-storage' require 'cinch/cooldown' require 'time-lord' module Cinch::Plugins # plugin to allow users to see when other users were last active class Seen include Cinch::Plugin class Activity < Struct.new(:nick, :time, :message) def to_yaml { nick: nick, time: time, message: message } end end enforce_cooldown self.help = 'Use .seen to see the last time that nick was active.' listen_to :channel match /seen ([^\s]+)\z/ def initialize(*args) super @storage = CinchStorage.new(config[:filename] || 'yaml/seen.yml') @storage.data ||= {} end def listen(m) channel = m.channel.name nick = m.user.nick @storage.data[channel] ||= {} @storage.data[channel][nick.downcase] = Activity.new(nick, Time.now, m.message) @storage.synced_save(@bot) end def execute(m, nick) return if sent_via_pm?(m) unless m.user.nick.downcase == nick.downcase m.reply last_seen(m.channel.name, nick), true end end private def last_seen(channel, nick) @storage.data[channel] ||= {} activity = @storage.data[channel][nick.downcase] if activity.nil? "I've never seen #{nick} before, sorry!" else "I last saw #{activity.nick} #{activity.time.ago.to_words} " + "saying '#{activity.message}'" end end def sent_via_pm?(m) return false unless m.channel.nil? m.reply 'You must use that command in the main channel.' true end end end