# Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved. # This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL 2. $LOAD_PATH.unshift '..' unless $LOAD_PATH.include? '..' require 'qwik/util-string' $LOAD_PATH << '../../ext' unless $LOAD_PATH.include?('../../ext') begin require 'xmlformatter.so' $have_xmlformatter_so = true rescue LoadError #p "No extention. Use Ruby version." $have_xmlformatter_so = false end module Qwik class RB_XMLFormatter # copied from gonzui-0.1 # Extend some functions by Kouichirou Eto # To eliminate costs for object creation, the following # strings are defined as constants. It makes format_xml # 1.2 times faster. SP = ' ' QT = '"' EQ = '=' LT = '<' GT = '>' LF = "\n" SL = '/' NL = '' # null # Meta element XMLDECL = '?xml' DOCTYPE = '!DOCTYPE' COMMENT = '!--' CDATA = '![CDATA[' def format(ar, indent=0, sindent=0) n = (0 <= indent) ? LF : NL sn = (0 <= sindent) ? LF : NL if !ar[0].is_a?(Symbol) out = '' ar.each {|x| if x.is_a?(Array) out << format(x, indent, sindent) # recursive elsif x.is_a?(String) out << x.escapeHTML elsif x.is_a?(NilClass) # do nothing else p "what?", x out << x.to_s.escapeHTML end } return out end element = ar[0].to_s.escapeHTML if element == XMLDECL # XML Declaration attributes = '' attributes += " version=\""+ar[1]+"\"" if ar[1] attributes += " encoding=\""+ar[2]+"\"" if ar[2] attributes += " standalone=\""+ar[3]+"\"" if ar[3] return "" elsif element == DOCTYPE # doctype return "" elsif element == COMMENT # comment return "" elsif element == CDATA # CDATA return "" end offset = 1 attributes = '' while ar[offset].is_a?(Hash) attr = ar[offset] offset += 1 attr.keys.sort{|a, b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.each {|k| v = attr[k] attributes << SP << k.to_s.escapeHTML << EQ << QT << v.to_s.escapeHTML << QT } end if ar[offset].nil? && ar.length == offset o = '' o << LT << element << attributes << n << SL << GT return o end out = '' out << LT << element << attributes << sn << GT (offset...ar.length).each {|i| x = ar[i] if x.is_a?(Array) out << format(x, indent, sindent) # recursive elsif x.is_a?(String) out << x.escapeHTML else out << x.to_s.escapeHTML end } out << LT << SL << element << n << GT out end end end class Array def rb_format_xml(indent=0, sindent=0) formatter = Qwik::RB_XMLFormatter.new result = formatter.format(self, indent, sindent) result end # You can not specify indent in c_formt_xml. def c_format_xml formatter = Gonzui::XMLFormatter.new result = formatter.format(self) result end def format_xml return self.c_format_xml if $have_xmlformatter_so return self.rb_format_xml end end if $0 == __FILE__ if ARGV[0] == '-c' $check = true else require 'qwik/testunit' require 'pp' $test = true end end if defined?($test) && $test class TestXMLFormatter < Test::Unit::TestCase def ok(e, w) ok_eq(e, w.rb_format_xml) ok_eq(e, w.format_xml) # assert twice end def ok_rb(e, w) ok_eq(e, w.rb_format_xml) end def test_rb_format_xml ok_eq("", [:a].rb_format_xml(0)) ok_eq("", [:a, ""].rb_format_xml(0, -1)) ok_eq("", [:a, ""].rb_format_xml) ok_eq("", [:a, [:b, '']].rb_format_xml(-1, -1)) ok_eq("", [:a, [:b, ""]].rb_format_xml(0, -1)) ok_eq("", [:a, [:b, ""]].rb_format_xml) end def test_all # test_basic ok("", [:a]) ok("t", [:a, 't']) ok("", [:a, [:b, '']]) ok("s", [:a, {:href=>'t'}, 's']) # test_escape ok("<", [:a, '<']) ok("", [:a, {:href=>'<'}]) ok("", [:a, {'>'=>'<'}]) ok("", [:a, {'<'=>'<'}]) ok("<<\n/>", [:'<']) ok("<< &=\"<\"\n/>", [:'<', {'&'=>'<'}]) # test_doctype ok("", [:"!DOCTYPE", 'html', 'PUBLIC', '-//W3C//DTD html 4.01 Transitional//EN', 'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd']) ok("", [:"!DOCTYPE", 'html', 'PUBLIC', '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN', 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd']) # test_comment ok('', [:'!--', 'comment']) ok("", [:"!--", "<"]) # test_text ok('', []) ok('', ['']) ok('a', ['a']) ok('ab', ['a', 'b']) ok('abc', ['a', ['b'], 'c']) # test_null ok("", [:a, '']) ok("", [:a, nil]) ok("", [:a, []]) ok("nil", [:a, :nil]) ok("
", [:p, {:id=>''}]) ok("
", [:p, {:id=>nil}]) ok("
", [:p, {:id=>[]}]) ok("
", [:p, [['b']]]) ok("bc
", [:p, ['b'], 'c']) ok("", [:p, {:id=>''}, '']) # test_non_destructive w = [:a] ok("", w) ok("", w) # test_bug ok("", [[:a], [:b]]) # test_format_xml # copied from gonzui-0.3 html = [:html] head = [:head, [:title, 'foo']] body = [:body, [:h1, [:a, {:href => 'foo<&">.html'}, 'foo<&">']]] body.push([:p, 'hello']) html.push(head) html.push(body) ok("hello
", html) # test_general ok( "This is hello, worldexample.
", [:html, [:head, [:title, 'hello']], [:body, [:h1, 'hello, world!'], [:p, 'This is ', [:a, {:href=>'hello.html'}, 'hello, world'], 'example.']]] ) # test_etc ok_rb("", [:html, {:xmlns=>'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', :'xml:lang'=>'ja', :lang=>'ja'}, '']) ok_rb("", [:meta, {:'http-equiv'=>'Content-Type', :content=>'text/html; charset=shift_jis'}]) # test_cdata ok("", [:'![CDATA[', 'cdata']) ok("", [:'![CDATA[', "<"]) # test_xmldecl ok("", [:'?xml']) ok("", [:'?xml', '1.0']) ok("", [:'?xml', '1.0', 'utf-8']) ok("", [:'?xml', '1.0', 'utf-8', 'yes']) ok("", [[:'?xml', '1.0', 'utf-8'], [:a]]) # check_wabisabi_output html = [:html, [:head, [:title, 'hello']], [:body, [:h1, 'hello, world!'], [:p, 'This is a ', [:a, {:href=>'hello.html'}, 'hello, world'], ' example.']]] #puts html.format_xml ok("This is a hello, world example.
", html) end end end