$(document).ready(function() { var build_under_form, do_alert, do_update_function, populate; do_update_function = function() { var arr, data; arr = $("ol.sortable").nestedSortable("toArray"); data = "data=" + JSON.stringify(arr) + "&menuid=" + $("ol.sortable").attr("data-menuid"); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $('.js-settings').attr('data-site-url') + "admin/menus/save_menu", data: data, dataType: "html", success: function(data) {} }); }; do_alert = function() { $("#main-content .row > .col-md-12 .alert-wrapper").html("
Success! Menu was successfully updated
"); $("html,body").animate({ scrollTop: $("#header").offset().top }, "slow"); }; build_under_form = function(data, selector) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $('.js-settings').attr('data-site-url') + "admin/menus/ajax_dropbox", data: data, dataType: "html", success: function(data) { populate(data, selector); $("input").iCheck({ checkboxClass: "icheckbox_flat-grey", radioClass: "iradio_flat-grey" }); $('.saveWrapper').removeClass('hidden'); } }); }; populate = function(d, selector) { $(selector).append(d); }; $("#menu-sortable-fields ol.sortable").nestedSortable({ items: "li", maxLevels: 3 }); $(".update-menu").bind("click", function(e) { do_update_function(); do_alert(); }); $("ol.sortable").on("click", "i.handler", function() { var container; container = $(" > .item-information", $(this).closest("li")); if (container.hasClass("active")) { $(this).removeClass("fa-minus"); $(this).addClass("fa-plus"); container.slideUp("slow"); container.removeClass("active"); } else { $(this).removeClass("fa-plus"); $(this).addClass("fa-minus"); container.slideDown("slow"); container.addClass("active"); } }); $("select.mod").bind("change", function(e) { var form; form = $(this).closest("form"); $("input[name=\"type\"]", form).val($(":selected", $(this)).attr("data-type")); $("input[name=label]", form).val($(":selected", $(this)).text()); }); $("#menu-forms form").bind("submit", function(e) { var data, dataString, formData, html, label, randomnumber, type; e.preventDefault(); type = $(this).attr("data-type"); data = $(this).serializeArray(); dataString = $(this).serialize(); if (data[2]["value"] === "") { label = ""; } else { label = data[2]["value"]; } randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11); if (type === "custom") { if (($("input[name=customlink]", $(this)).val() !== "") && ($("input[name=label]", $(this)).val() !== "")) { html = "
  • " + label + "
    "; $("ol.sortable").append(html); build_under_form(data, "#custom_" + randomnumber); } } else { if (($("select[name=linkto]", $(this)).val() !== "") && ($("input[name=label]", $(this)).val() !== "")) { formData = $(this).serialize(); html = "
  • " + label + "
    "; $("ol.sortable").append(html); build_under_form(data, "#" + data[0]["value"] + "_" + randomnumber); } } $(this)[0].reset(); }); /* on save of individual li option - this will serialize the data to the html so when you save the actual menu it will take this data and send it to the server */ $("ol.sortable").on("click", ".submit-form", function() { var form_data; form_data = $(this).closest("form"); $(this).closest("li").attr("data-data", form_data.serialize()); $(this).closest("li").find('> .dd-handle > .list-name-option').text(form_data.find('input[name=label]').val()); $(".update-menu").trigger("click"); }); /* remove the option form the list. The form is not updated until you click the update function at which point it serializes the data without the option in. */ $("#menu-sortable-fields").on("click", ".delete-option", function(e) { var li; e.preventDefault(); $(this).closest(".item-information").slideUp("slow"); li = $(this).closest("li").fadeOut("slow"); setTimeout((function(e) { $(li).remove(); }), 1000); }); });