require './spec/spec_helper' describe ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::DatetimeDelta do before :each do @sphinx_version = (ThinkingSphinx.constants.include?(:Version) ? ThinkingSphinx::Version : '3.0.0').to_f if @sphinx_version < 3 @datetime_delta ='index'), {}) else @datetime_delta ='adapter'), {}) end end describe '#index' do it "should do nothing to the model" do @datetime_delta.index(double('model')) end it "should do nothing to the instance, if provided" do @datetime_delta.index(double('model'), double('instance')) end it "should make no system calls" do @datetime_delta.stub :` => true @datetime_delta.stub :system => true @datetime_delta.should_not_receive(:`) @datetime_delta.should_not_receive(:system) @datetime_delta.index(double('model'), double('instance')) end it "should return true" do @datetime_delta.index(double('model')).should be_true end end describe '#delayed_index' do let(:root) { File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../..' } before :each do @index = double('index', :delta? => true, :name => 'foo_delta', :core_name => 'foo_core', :delta_name => 'foo_delta', :reference => 'foo', ) @model = double('foo', :name => 'foo', :source_of_sphinx_index => @model, :delta_index_names => ['foo_delta'], :sphinx_indexes => [@index], ) #ThinkingSphinx.suppress_delta_output = false @datetime_delta.stub :` => "" @datetime_delta.stub :puts => nil @controller = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.controller @controller.stub :` => "" @controller.stub :system => true end it "should process the delta index for the given model" do if @sphinx_version < 3 @datetime_delta.should_receive(:`). with("indexer --config /config/development.sphinx.conf foo_delta") @datetime_delta.delayed_index(@model) else @controller.stub :index => "" @controller.should_receive(:index).with( @datetime_delta.delayed_index(@index) end end it "should merge the core and delta indexes for the given model" do @datetime_delta.should_receive(:`).with(/indexer --config \S+ --merge foo_core foo_delta --merge-dst-range sphinx_deleted 0 0/) if @sphinx_version < 3 @datetime_delta.delayed_index(@model) else core_index = double('index', :delta? => false, :name => 'foo_core', :reference => 'foo', ) ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.stub :indices => [core_index, @index] @datetime_delta.delayed_index(@index) end end it "should include --rotate if Sphinx is running" do if @sphinx_version < 3 ThinkingSphinx.stub(:sphinx_running? => true) @datetime_delta.should_receive(:`) do |command| command.should match(/\s--rotate\s/) 'output' end @datetime_delta.delayed_index(@model) else @controller.stub :running? => true @controller.should_receive(:`).with(/indexer.*--rotate/) @datetime_delta.delayed_index(@index) end end it "should output the details by default" do @datetime_delta.should_receive(:puts) @datetime_delta.delayed_index(@model) end it "should hide the details if suppressing delta output" do if @sphinx_version < 3 ThinkingSphinx.suppress_delta_output = true else ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.settings['quiet_deltas'] = true end @datetime_delta.should_not_receive(:puts) @datetime_delta.delayed_index(@model) end end describe '#toggle' do it "should do nothing to the instance" do @datetime_delta.toggle(double('instance')) end end describe '#toggled' do it "should return true if the column value is more recent than the threshold" do instance = double('instance', :updated_at => 20.minutes.ago) @datetime_delta.threshold = 30.minutes @datetime_delta.toggled(instance).should be_true end it "should return false if the column value is older than the threshold" do instance = double('instance', :updated_at => 30.minutes.ago) @datetime_delta.threshold = 20.minutes @datetime_delta.toggled(instance).should be_false end it "should return false if the column value is null" do instance = double('instance', :updated_at => nil) @datetime_delta.threshold = 20.minutes @datetime_delta.toggled(instance).should be_false end end describe '#reset_query' do it "should be nil" do @datetime_delta.reset_query(@model).should be_nil end end describe '#clause' do before :each do @model = double('model', :connection => double('connection')) @model.stub(:quoted_table_name => '`foo`') @model.connection.stub(:quote_column_name => '`updated_at`') @datetime_delta.stub( :adapter => double('adapter', :time_difference => 'time_difference') ) end it "should return nil if not for the toggled results" do @datetime_delta.clause(@model, false).should be_nil end it "should return only records within the threshold" do @datetime_delta.clause(@model, true). should == '`foo`.`updated_at` > time_difference' end end end