require_relative 'db' require 'yaml' FileUtils.cp ("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../../config/settings.yml"), ("#{File.join(Dir.home)}" + '/.config/sshm/') unless File.exists?(("#{File.join(Dir.home)}" + '/.config/sshm/settings.yml')) CONFIG = YAML.load_file("#{File.join(ENV['HOME'])}/.config/sshm/settings.yml") require_relative 'version' module SSH module Manager class Cli DATABASE = def initialize(opts = {}) @options = opts @pretty_names = {:id => "ID", #TODO :connect_via :ip => "IP or hostname", :user => "Username", :hostname => "Alias", :port => "Port", :note => "Note", :options => "Options", :group => "Group", :connect_via => "Connect via (id)"} @visible_fields = [:id, :ip, :group, :note] @input_fields = [:ip, :hostname, :user, :port, :options, :note, :group, :connect_via] @column_width = 15 #TODO make this dynamic or a yaml setting end def connect_to(id) id.each do |conn| conn.to_i ssh_command = "" i = conn begin connection = DATABASE.get_connection_by_id(i) ip = connection[:ip] user = connection[:user] user = ENV['USER'] if user == "" options = connection[:options] via = connection[:connect_via] ssh_command = "ssh -A -t #{options} #{user}@#{ip} #{ssh_command}" i = via #TODO prevent endless via-loops end while via connection[:count] += 1 connection[:last_time] = DATABASE.update_connection(connection) if CONFIG['target'] == "self" exec ssh_command elsif CONFIG['terminal'] == "xfce4-terminal" || CONFIG['terminal'] == "gnome-terminal" if CONFIG['tabbed'] == 'true' command = "--title=#{user}@#{ip} --tab --command=" else command = "--title=#{user}@#{ip} --command=" end #TODO: add title --title='connection name to identify ' #TODO: bug when no terminal is open => wants to open 2 terms #TODO: dnslookup %x(#{CONFIG['terminal']} #{command}"#{ssh_command}") elsif CONFIG['terminal'] == "xterm" || CONFIG['terminal'] == "urxvt" %x(#{CONFIG['terminal']} -e "#{ssh_command}") else puts "We dont support #{CONFIG['terminal']} right now" puts 'Check Github for further development or contributing' end end #TODO: if db[secure_login] = false => end def update_available new_version =%x(gem search ssh-manager).split(' ')[1].gsub /\((.*)\)/, '\1' old_version = SSH::Manager::VERSION if new_version sudo gem update ssh-manager" else puts "Version: #{old_version} is up to date." end end def show_info(id) @input_fields << :count @input_fields << :last_time id.each do |conn| connections = DATABASE.get_connection_by_id(conn.to_i) puts "\n" @input_fields.each do |field| if field == :connect_via && connections[field] != nil via_ip = DATABASE.get_connection_by_id(connections[field])[:ip] printf "%s: %s -|- %s ", field, connections[field], via_ip else printf "%s: %s", field, connections[field] end puts "\n" end end end def transfer_key(id) #TODO connect_via #TODO options connection = DATABASE.get_connection_by_id(id) user = connection[:user] user = ENV['USER'] if user == "" %x(ssh-copy-id #{user}@#{connection[:ip]}) end def ping(id) connection = DATABASE.get_connection_by_id(id) if connection[:connect_via] connect_via = DATABASE.get_connection_by_id(connection[:connect_via]) ssh = "ssh #{connect_via[:user]}@#{connect_via[:ip]}" exec("#{ssh} ping #{connection[:ip]} -c 3") else exec("ping #{connection[:ip]} -c 3") end end def test(type) require 'byebug' byebug end def transfer_file(filename, id='', dest_path="/home/#{user}/") #TODO connect_via #TODO options connection = DATABASE.get_connection_by_id(id) user = connection[:user] user = ENV['USER'] if user == "" %x(scp #{filename} #{user}@#{connection[:ip]}:#{dest_path}) if File.file?(filename) %x(scp -r #{filename} #{@user}@#{connection[:ip]}:#{dest_path}) if end def add_connection connection = {:user => ENV['USER'], :port => "22"} @input_fields.each do |key| #TODO make this a method connection[key] = %x{source #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/; ask '#{@pretty_names[key]}' '#{connection[key]}'}.chomp end connection[:count] = 0 connection[:created_at] = connection[:last_time] = connection[:connect_via] = nil if connection[:connect_via] == "" DATABASE.add_new_connection(connection) #TODO catch SQLite3::ConstraintException end def delete(id) id.each do |conn| conn.to_i DATABASE.delete_connection(conn) end end def list_all connections = DATABASE.get_connection_data @visible_fields.each { |f| printf "%-#{@column_width}s", @pretty_names[f] } puts "\n" connections.each do |c| @visible_fields.each { |f| printf "%-#{@column_width}s", c[f] } puts "\n" end end def update(id) connection = DATABASE.get_connection_by_id(id) @input_fields.each do |key| #TODO make this a method connection[key] = %x{source #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/; ask '#{@pretty_names[key]}' '#{connection[key]}'}.chomp end connection[:connect_via] = nil if connection[:connect_via] == "" DATABASE.update_connection(connection) #TODO catch SQLite3::ConstraintException end def search_for(term) puts "All results for searchterm: #{term}" @visible_fields.each { |f| printf "%-#{@column_width}s", @pretty_names[f] } print "\n" DATABASE.search_for(term).each do |x| x.all.each do |cons| @visible_fields.each { |f| printf "%-#{@column_width}s", cons[f] } puts "\n" end end end def multiple_connection(term) DATABASE.search_for(term).each do |x| x.all.each do |dataset| self.connect_to(dataset[:id]) end end end end end end