Class ActiveRecord::Base
In: lib/rails_extensions/cachetastic_active_record_base.rb
Parent: Object


Included Modules

Cachetastic::Helpers::ActiveRecord Cachetastic::Helpers::ActiveRecord

Public Class methods

Deletes an object from the cache for a given key.

Returns an object from the cache for a given key. If the object returned is nil and the self_populate parameter is true then the key will be used to try and find the object in the database, set the object into the cache, and then return the object.

Sets an object into the cache for a given key.

Public Instance methods

Unless the object is a new ActiveRecord object this method will store the object in the cache using the object‘s ID as the key.

Unless the object is a new ActiveRecord object this method will delete the object in the cache using the object‘s ID as the key.
