require File.expand_path("../../spec_helper", __FILE__) describe "Friendly::Index" do before do @klass = stub(:table_name => "users") @index =, [:name, :age]) end it "satisfies query when all the fields are indexed" do @index.should be_satisfies(query({:name => "x", :age => "y"})) end it "doesn't satisfy query when some fields are not indexed" do @index.should_not be_satisfies(query({:name => "x", :dob => "12/01/1980"})) end it "doesn't satisfy if it only uses keys on the right of the index" do @index.should_not be_satisfies(query({:age => "y"})) end it "satisfies if it only uses keys on the left of the index" do @index.should be_satisfies(query({:name => "y"})) end it "satisfies an ordered query if it uses all fields and order is rightmost" do @index.should be_satisfies(query(:name => "y", :order! => :age.desc)) end it "doesn't satisfy an ordered query if it uses all fields and order ! leftmost" do @index.should_not be_satisfies(query(:name => "Stewie", :order! => :name.desc)) end it "doesn't satisfy an ordered query if it uses a field after a gap" do ix =, [:name, :height, :age]) ix.should_not be_satisfies(query(:name => "James", :order! => :age.desc)) end describe "with one field" do before do @index =, [:name]) end it "has an appropriate table name" do @index.table_name.should == "index_users_on_name" end end describe "with multiple fields" do before do @index =, [:name, :age]) end it "has an appropriate table name" do @index.table_name.should == "index_users_on_name_and_age" end end describe "finding the first record matching a query" do before do @result = row(:id => 42) @datastore = stub(:first => @result) @index =, [:name], @datastore) @doc = stub @klass.stubs(:first).with(:id => 42).returns(@doc) @result = @index.first(:name => "x") end it "queries the datastore with the attributes from the query" do @datastore.should have_received(:first).once @datastore.should have_received(:first).with(@index, :name => "x") end it "finds the document by the id returned by the datastore" do @klass.should have_received(:first).with(:id => 42) end it "returns the document returned by the klass" do @result.should == @doc end describe "when no result is found" do before do @datastore.stubs(:first).returns(nil) @result = @index.first(:name => "x") end it "returns nil" do @result.should be_nil end end end describe "finding all the rows matching a query" do before do @results = [row(:id => 42), row(:id => 43), row(:id => 44)] @query = query(:name => "x") @datastore = stub(:all => @results) @index =, [:name], @datastore) @documents = stub @klass.stubs(:all).with(:id => [42, 43, 44], :preserve_order! => false).returns(@documents) @result = @index.all(@query) end it "queries the datastore with the conditions" do @datastore.should have_received(:all).once @datastore.should have_received(:all).with(@index, @query) end it "then queries the klass for the ids it found in the index" do @klass.should have_received(:all).with(:id => [42, 43, 44], :preserve_order! => false) end it "returns the result from the klass.all call" do @result.should == @documents end end describe "finding all the rows matching a query in order" do before do @results = [row(:id => 42), row(:id => 43), row(:id => 44)] @query = query(:name => "x", :order! => :created_at.desc) @datastore = stub(:all => @results) @index =, [:name], @datastore) @documents = stub @klass.stubs(:all).with(:id => [42, 43, 44], :preserve_order! => true).returns(@documents) @result = @index.all(@query) end it "queries the klass with preserve_order! => true" do @klass.should have_received(:all).with(:id => [42, 43, 44], :preserve_order! => true) end end describe "updating the indexes" do before do @datastore = stub(:insert => nil, :update => nil) @index =, [:name], @datastore) @document = stub(:name => "Stewie", :indexes => [@index], :id => 42) @index_record = {:name => "Stewie", :id => 42} end describe "indexing a new document" do before do @index.create(@document) end it "inserts a record in to the datastore with the indexed vals and id" do @datastore.should have_received(:insert).with(@index, @index_record) end end describe "indexing an existing document" do before do @index.update(@document) end it "updates the index records in the database" do @datastore.should have_received(:update).with(@index, 42, @index_record) end end end describe "destroying the index rows" do before do @datastore = stub(:delete => nil) @index =, [:name], @datastore) @document = stub(:name => "Stewie", :indexes => [@index], :id => 42) @index.destroy(@document) end it "deletes the records in the index" do @datastore.should have_received(:delete).with(@index, 42) end end describe "counting rows matching a query" do before do @datastore = stub @query = query(:name => "Stewie") @index =, [:name], @datastore) @datastore.stubs(:count).with(@index, @query).returns(10) end it "delegates to the datastore" do @index.count(@query).should == 10 end end end