module Ebfly class App < Thor include Command desc "create ", "Create an application named " option :d, :banner => "", :desc => "Describes the application" def create(name) puts "Create app: #{name} ..." opts = { application_name: name } opts.merge!(description: options[:d]) if options[:d] debug(opts) ret = run { eb.create_application(opts) } debug(ret) show_app_info(ret[:application]) end desc "delete ", "Delete an application named " option :f, :desc => "Terminate running environment by force", :default => false, :type => :boolean def delete(name) puts "Delete app: #{name} ..." opts = { application_name: name, terminate_env_by_force: options[:f] } debug(opts) run { eb.delete_application(opts) } puts "Done" end desc "info ", "Show information of the application" def info(name) begin inf = app_info(name) debug inf show_app_info(inf) rescue => err style_err err exit 1 end end desc "versions ", "Show the application versions" def versions(name) opts = { application_name: name } ret = run { eb.describe_application_versions(opts) } debug(ret) show_app_versions(ret[:application_versions]) end private def app_info(app) opts = { application_names: [ app ] } ret = run { eb.describe_applications(opts) } raise "application named #{app} not found" unless ret[:applications][0] ret[:applications][0] end def show_app_info(app) puts "" puts "=== application info ===" puts "application name:\t#{app[:application_name]}" puts "description:\t\t#{app[:description]}" puts "created at:\t\t#{app[:date_created]}" puts "updated at:\t\tapplication name: #{app[:date_updated]}" puts "configuration_templates:" app[:configuration_templates].each do |t| puts " #{t}" end end def show_app_versions(versions) len = versions.length puts "" puts "=== application versions ===" versions.each_with_index do |v, i| puts "#{len-i}. #{v[:version_label]}\t#{v[:date_updated]}" end end end end