require 'tempfile' # These methods are used by recap tasks to run commands and detect when files have changed # as part of a deployments module CrowdFavorite::Support::CapistranoExtensions # Run a command as the given user def as_user(user, command, pwd = deploy_to) sudo "su - #{user} -c 'cd #{pwd} && #{command}'" end # Run a command as root def as_root(command, pwd = deploy_to) as_user 'root', command, pwd end # Run a command as the application user def as_app(command, pwd = deploy_to) as_user application_user, command, pwd end # Put a string into a file as the application user def put_as_app(string, path) put string, "/tmp/cf-put-as-app" as_app "cp /tmp/cf-put-as-app #{path} && chmod g+rw #{path}", "/" ensure run "rm /tmp/cf-put-as-app" end def editor ENV['DEPLOY_EDITOR'] || ENV['EDITOR'] end # Edit a file on the remote server, using a local editor def edit_file(path) if editor as_app "touch #{path} && chmod g+rw #{path}" local_path ='deploy-edit').path get(path, local_path) CrowdFavorite::Support::ShellCommand.execute_interactive("#{editor} #{local_path}") else abort "To edit a remote file, either the EDITOR or DEPLOY_EDITOR environment variables must be set" end end # Run a git command in the `deploy_to` directory def git(command) run "cd #{deploy_to} && umask 002 && sg #{application_group} -c \"git #{command}\"" end # Capture the result of a git command run within the `deploy_to` directory def capture_git(command) capture "cd #{deploy_to} && umask 002 && sg #{application_group} -c 'git #{command}'" end def exit_code(command) capture("#{command} > /dev/null 2>&1; echo $?").strip end def exit_code_as_app(command, pwd = deploy_to) capture(%|sudo -p 'sudo password: ' su - #{application_user} -c 'cd #{pwd} && #{command} > /dev/null 2>&1'; echo $?|).strip end # Find the latest tag from the repository. As `git tag` returns tags in order, and our release # tags are timestamps, the latest tag will always be the last in the list. def latest_tag_from_repository result = capture_git("tag | tail -n1").strip result.empty? ? nil : result end # Does the given file exist within the deployment directory? def deployed_file_exists?(path, root_path = deploy_to) exit_code("cd #{root_path} && [ -f #{path} ]") == "0" end # Has the given path been created or changed since the previous deployment? During the first # successful deployment this will always return true. def deployed_file_changed?(path) return true unless latest_tag exit_code("cd #{deploy_to} && git diff --exit-code #{latest_tag} origin/#{branch} #{path}") == "1" end Capistrano::Configuration.send :include, self end