#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w require 'rubygems' require 'sexp_processor' # :stopdoc: # REFACTOR: stolen from ruby_parser class Regexp unless defined? ENC_NONE then ENC_NONE = /x/n.options ENC_EUC = /x/e.options ENC_SJIS = /x/s.options ENC_UTF8 = /x/u.options end unless defined? CODES then CODES = { EXTENDED => 'x', IGNORECASE => 'i', MULTILINE => 'm', ENC_NONE => 'n', ENC_EUC => 'e', ENC_SJIS => 's', ENC_UTF8 => 'u', } end end # :startdoc: ## # Generate ruby code from a sexp. class Ruby2Ruby < SexpProcessor VERSION = "2.1.2" # :nodoc: # cutoff for one-liners LINE_LENGTH = 78 # binary operation messages BINARY = [:<=>, :==, :<, :>, :<=, :>=, :-, :+, :*, :/, :%, :<<, :>>, :**, :'!='] ## # Nodes that represent assignment and probably need () around them. # # TODO: this should be replaced with full precedence support :/ ASSIGN_NODES = [ :dasgn, :flip2, :flip3, :lasgn, :masgn, :attrasgn, :op_asgn1, :op_asgn2, :op_asgn_and, :op_asgn_or, :return, :if, # HACK :rescue, ] def initialize # :nodoc: super @indent = " " self.auto_shift_type = true self.strict = true self.expected = String @calls = [] # self.debug[:defn] = /zsuper/ end ############################################################ # Processors def process_alias(exp) # :nodoc: parenthesize "alias #{process(exp.shift)} #{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_and(exp) # :nodoc: parenthesize "#{process exp.shift} and #{process exp.shift}" end def process_arglist(exp) # custom made node # :nodoc: code = [] until exp.empty? do arg = exp.shift to_wrap = arg.first == :rescue arg_code = process arg code << (to_wrap ? "(#{arg_code})" : arg_code) end code.join ', ' end def process_args(exp) # :nodoc: args = [] until exp.empty? do arg = exp.shift case arg when Symbol then args << arg when Sexp then case arg.first when :lasgn then args << process(arg) when :masgn then args << process(arg) else raise "unknown arg type #{arg.first.inspect}" end else raise "unknown arg type #{arg.inspect}" end end "(#{args.join ', '})" end def process_array(exp) # :nodoc: "[#{process_arglist(exp)}]" end def process_attrasgn(exp) # :nodoc: receiver = process exp.shift name = exp.shift rhs = exp.pop args = s(:array, *exp) exp.clear case name when :[]= then args = process args "#{receiver}#{args} = #{process rhs}" else raise "dunno what to do: #{args.inspect}" unless args.size == 1 # s(:array) name = name.to_s.sub(/=$/, '') if rhs && rhs != s(:arglist) then "#{receiver}.#{name} = #{process(rhs)}" else raise "dunno what to do: #{rhs.inspect}" end end end def process_back_ref(exp) # :nodoc: "$#{exp.shift}" end # TODO: figure out how to do rescue and ensure ENTIRELY w/o begin def process_begin(exp) # :nodoc: code = [] code << "begin" until exp.empty? src = process(exp.shift) src = indent(src) unless src =~ /(^|\n)(rescue|ensure)/ # ensure no level 0 rescues code << src end code << "end" return code.join("\n") end def process_block(exp) # :nodoc: result = [] exp << nil if exp.empty? until exp.empty? do code = exp.shift if code.nil? or code.first == :nil then result << "# do nothing\n" else result << process(code) end end result = parenthesize result.join "\n" result += "\n" unless result.start_with? "(" return result end def process_block_pass exp # :nodoc: raise "huh?: #{exp.inspect}" if exp.size > 1 "&#{process exp.shift}" end def process_break(exp) # :nodoc: val = exp.empty? ? nil : process(exp.shift) # HACK "break" + (val ? " #{val}" : "") if val then "break #{val}" else "break" end end def process_call(exp) # :nodoc: receiver_node_type = exp.first.nil? ? nil : exp.first.first receiver = process exp.shift receiver = "(#{receiver})" if ASSIGN_NODES.include? receiver_node_type name = exp.shift args = [] # this allows us to do both old and new sexp forms: exp.push(*exp.pop[1..-1]) if exp.size == 1 && exp.first.first == :arglist @calls.push name in_context :arglist do until exp.empty? do arg_type = exp.first.sexp_type is_empty_hash = (exp.first == s(:hash)) arg = process exp.shift next if arg.empty? strip_hash = (arg_type == :hash and not BINARY.include? name and not is_empty_hash and (exp.empty? or exp.first.sexp_type == :splat)) wrap_arg = Ruby2Ruby::ASSIGN_NODES.include? arg_type arg = arg[2..-3] if strip_hash arg = "(#{arg})" if wrap_arg args << arg end end case name when *BINARY then "(#{receiver} #{name} #{args.join(', ')})" when :[] then receiver ||= "self" "#{receiver}[#{args.join(', ')}]" when :[]= then receiver ||= "self" rhs = args.pop "#{receiver}[#{args.join(', ')}] = #{rhs}" when :"!" then "(not #{receiver})" when :"-@" then "-#{receiver}" when :"+@" then "+#{receiver}" else args = nil if args.empty? args = "(#{args.join(', ')})" if args receiver = "#{receiver}." if receiver "#{receiver}#{name}#{args}" end ensure @calls.pop end def process_case(exp) # :nodoc: result = [] expr = process exp.shift if expr then result << "case #{expr}" else result << "case" end until exp.empty? pt = exp.shift if pt and pt.first == :when result << "#{process(pt)}" else code = indent(process(pt)) code = indent("# do nothing") if code =~ /^\s*$/ result << "else\n#{code}" end end result << "end" result.join("\n") end def process_cdecl(exp) # :nodoc: lhs = exp.shift lhs = process lhs if Sexp === lhs unless exp.empty? then rhs = process(exp.shift) "#{lhs} = #{rhs}" else lhs.to_s end end def process_class(exp) # :nodoc: "#{exp.comments}class #{util_module_or_class(exp, true)}" end def process_colon2(exp) # :nodoc: "#{process(exp.shift)}::#{exp.shift}" end def process_colon3(exp) # :nodoc: "::#{exp.shift}" end def process_const(exp) # :nodoc: exp.shift.to_s end def process_cvar(exp) # :nodoc: "#{exp.shift}" end def process_cvasgn(exp) # :nodoc: "#{exp.shift} = #{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_cvdecl(exp) # :nodoc: "#{exp.shift} = #{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_defined(exp) # :nodoc: "defined? #{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_defn(exp) # :nodoc: type1 = exp[1].first type2 = exp[2].first rescue nil expect = [:ivar, :iasgn, :attrset] # s(name, args, ivar|iasgn|attrset) if exp.size == 3 and type1 == :args and expect.include? type2 then name = exp.first # don't shift in case we pass through case type2 when :ivar then ivar_name = exp.ivar.last meth_name = ivar_name.to_s[1..-1].to_sym expected = s(meth_name, s(:args), s(:ivar, ivar_name)) if exp == expected then exp.clear return "attr_reader #{name.inspect}" end when :attrset then # TODO: deprecate? this is a PT relic exp.clear return "attr_writer :#{name.to_s[0..-2]}" when :iasgn then ivar_name = exp.iasgn[1] meth_name = "#{ivar_name.to_s[1..-1]}=".to_sym arg_name = exp.args.last expected = s(meth_name, s(:args, arg_name), s(:iasgn, ivar_name, s(:lvar, arg_name))) if exp == expected then exp.clear return "attr_writer :#{name.to_s[0..-2]}" end else raise "Unknown defn type: #{exp.inspect}" end end comm = exp.comments name = exp.shift args = process exp.shift args = "" if args == "()" exp.shift if exp == s(s(:nil)) # empty it out of a default nil expression # REFACTOR: use process_block but get it happier wrt parenthesize body = [] until exp.empty? do body << process(exp.shift) end body << "# do nothing" if body.empty? body = body.join("\n") body = body.lines.to_a[1..-2].join("\n") if body =~ /^\Abegin/ && body =~ /^end\z/ body = indent(body) unless body =~ /(^|\n)rescue/ return "#{comm}def #{name}#{args}\n#{body}\nend".gsub(/\n\s*\n+/, "\n") end def process_defs(exp) # :nodoc: lhs = exp.shift var = [:self, :cvar, :dvar, :ivar, :gvar, :lvar].include? lhs.first name = exp.shift lhs = process(lhs) lhs = "(#{lhs})" unless var exp.unshift "#{lhs}.#{name}" process_defn(exp) end def process_dot2(exp) # :nodoc: "(#{process exp.shift}..#{process exp.shift})" end def process_dot3(exp) # :nodoc: "(#{process exp.shift}...#{process exp.shift})" end def process_dregx(exp) # :nodoc: options = re_opt exp.pop if Fixnum === exp.last "/" << util_dthing(:dregx, exp) << "/#{options}" end def process_dregx_once(exp) # :nodoc: process_dregx(exp) + "o" end def process_dstr(exp) # :nodoc: "\"#{util_dthing(:dstr, exp)}\"" end def process_dsym(exp) # :nodoc: ":\"#{util_dthing(:dsym, exp)}\"" end def process_dxstr(exp) # :nodoc: "`#{util_dthing(:dxstr, exp)}`" end def process_ensure(exp) # :nodoc: body = process exp.shift ens = exp.shift ens = nil if ens == s(:nil) ens = process(ens) || "# do nothing" ens = "begin\n#{ens}\nend\n" if ens =~ /(^|\n)rescue/ body.sub!(/\n\s*end\z/, '') body = indent(body) unless body =~ /(^|\n)rescue/ return "#{body}\nensure\n#{indent ens}" end def process_evstr(exp) # :nodoc: exp.empty? ? '' : process(exp.shift) end def process_false(exp) # :nodoc: "false" end def process_flip2(exp) # :nodoc: "#{process(exp.shift)}..#{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_flip3(exp) # :nodoc: "#{process(exp.shift)}...#{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_for(exp) # :nodoc: recv = process exp.shift iter = process exp.shift body = exp.empty? ? nil : process(exp.shift) result = ["for #{iter} in #{recv} do"] result << indent(body ? body : "# do nothing") result << "end" result.join("\n") end def process_gasgn(exp) # :nodoc: process_iasgn(exp) end def process_gvar(exp) # :nodoc: return exp.shift.to_s end def process_hash(exp) # :nodoc: result = [] until exp.empty? lhs = process(exp.shift) rhs = exp.shift t = rhs.first rhs = process rhs rhs = "(#{rhs})" unless [:lit, :str].include? t # TODO: verify better! result << "#{lhs} => #{rhs}" end return result.empty? ? "{}" : "{ #{result.join(', ')} }" end def process_iasgn(exp) # :nodoc: lhs = exp.shift if exp.empty? then # part of an masgn lhs.to_s else "#{lhs} = #{process exp.shift}" end end def process_if(exp) # :nodoc: expand = Ruby2Ruby::ASSIGN_NODES.include? exp.first.first c = process exp.shift t = process exp.shift f = process exp.shift c = "(#{c.chomp})" if c =~ /\n/ if t then unless expand then if f then r = "#{c} ? (#{t}) : (#{f})" r = nil if r =~ /return/ # HACK - need contextual awareness or something else r = "#{t} if #{c}" end return r if r and (@indent+r).size < LINE_LENGTH and r !~ /\n/ end r = "if #{c} then\n#{indent(t)}\n" r << "else\n#{indent(f)}\n" if f r << "end" r elsif f unless expand then r = "#{f} unless #{c}" return r if (@indent+r).size < LINE_LENGTH and r !~ /\n/ end "unless #{c} then\n#{indent(f)}\nend" else # empty if statement, just do it in case of side effects from condition "if #{c} then\n#{indent '# do nothing'}\nend" end end def process_iter(exp) # :nodoc: iter = process exp.shift args = exp.shift body = exp.empty? ? nil : process(exp.shift) args = case args when 0 then " ||" else a = process(args)[1..-2] a = " |#{a}|" unless a.empty? a end b, e = if iter == "END" then [ "{", "}" ] else [ "do", "end" ] end iter.sub!(/\(\)$/, '') # REFACTOR: ugh result = [] result << "#{iter} {" result << args if body then result << " #{body.strip} " else result << ' ' end result << "}" result = result.join return result if result !~ /\n/ and result.size < LINE_LENGTH result = [] result << "#{iter} #{b}" result << args result << "\n" if body then result << indent(body.strip) result << "\n" end result << e result.join end def process_ivar(exp) # :nodoc: exp.shift.to_s end def process_kwsplat(exp) "**#{process exp.shift}" end def process_lasgn(exp) # :nodoc: s = "#{exp.shift}" s += " = #{process exp.shift}" unless exp.empty? s end def process_lit(exp) # :nodoc: obj = exp.shift case obj when Range then "(#{obj.inspect})" else obj.inspect end end def process_lvar(exp) # :nodoc: exp.shift.to_s end def process_masgn(exp) # :nodoc: # s(:masgn, s(:array, s(:lasgn, :var), ...), s(:to_ary, , ...)) # s(:iter, , s(:args, s(:masgn, :a, :b)), ) case exp.first when Sexp then lhs = exp.shift rhs = exp.empty? ? nil : exp.shift case lhs.first when :array then lhs.shift # node type lhs = lhs.map do |l| case l.first when :masgn then "(#{process(l)})" else process(l) end end else raise "no clue: #{lhs.inspect}" end unless rhs.nil? then t = rhs.first rhs = process rhs rhs = rhs[1..-2] if t == :array # FIX: bad? I dunno return "#{lhs.join(", ")} = #{rhs}" else return lhs.join(", ") end when Symbol then # block arg list w/ masgn result = exp.join ", " exp.clear "(#{result})" else raise "unknown masgn: #{exp.inspect}" end end def process_match(exp) # :nodoc: "#{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_match2(exp) # :nodoc: lhs = process(exp.shift) rhs = process(exp.shift) "#{lhs} =~ #{rhs}" end def process_match3(exp) # :nodoc: rhs = process(exp.shift) left_type = exp.first.sexp_type lhs = process(exp.shift) if ASSIGN_NODES.include? left_type then "(#{lhs}) =~ #{rhs}" else "#{lhs} =~ #{rhs}" end end def process_module(exp) # :nodoc: "#{exp.comments}module #{util_module_or_class(exp)}" end def process_next(exp) # :nodoc: val = exp.empty? ? nil : process(exp.shift) if val then "next #{val}" else "next" end end def process_nil(exp) # :nodoc: "nil" end def process_not(exp) # :nodoc: "(not #{process exp.shift})" end def process_nth_ref(exp) # :nodoc: "$#{exp.shift}" end def process_op_asgn1(exp) # :nodoc: # [[:lvar, :b], [:arglist, [:lit, 1]], :"||", [:lit, 10]] lhs = process(exp.shift) index = process(exp.shift) msg = exp.shift rhs = process(exp.shift) "#{lhs}[#{index}] #{msg}= #{rhs}" end def process_op_asgn2(exp) # :nodoc: # [[:lvar, :c], :var=, :"||", [:lit, 20]] lhs = process(exp.shift) index = exp.shift.to_s[0..-2] msg = exp.shift rhs = process(exp.shift) "#{lhs}.#{index} #{msg}= #{rhs}" end def process_op_asgn_and(exp) # :nodoc: # a &&= 1 # [[:lvar, :a], [:lasgn, :a, [:lit, 1]]] exp.shift process(exp.shift).sub(/\=/, '&&=') end def process_op_asgn_or(exp) # :nodoc: # a ||= 1 # [[:lvar, :a], [:lasgn, :a, [:lit, 1]]] exp.shift process(exp.shift).sub(/\=/, '||=') end def process_or(exp) # :nodoc: "(#{process exp.shift} or #{process exp.shift})" end def process_postexe(exp) # :nodoc: "END" end def process_redo(exp) # :nodoc: "redo" end def process_resbody exp # :nodoc: args = exp.shift body = finish(exp) body << "# do nothing" if body.empty? name = args.lasgn true name ||= args.iasgn true args = process(args)[1..-2] args = " #{args}" unless args.empty? args += " => #{name[1]}" if name "rescue#{args}\n#{indent body.join("\n")}" end def process_rescue exp # :nodoc: body = process(exp.shift) unless exp.first.first == :resbody els = process(exp.pop) unless exp.last.first == :resbody body ||= "# do nothing" simple = exp.size == 1 && exp.resbody.size <= 3 && !exp.resbody.block && !exp.resbody.return resbodies = [] until exp.empty? do resbody = exp.shift simple &&= resbody[1] == s(:array) simple &&= resbody[2] != nil && resbody[2].node_type != :block resbodies << process(resbody) end if els then "#{indent body}\n#{resbodies.join("\n")}\nelse\n#{indent els}" elsif simple then resbody = resbodies.first.sub(/\n\s*/, ' ') "#{body} #{resbody}" else "#{indent body}\n#{resbodies.join("\n")}" end end def process_retry(exp) # :nodoc: "retry" end def process_return(exp) # :nodoc: # HACK return "return" + (exp.empty? ? "" : " #{process exp.shift}") if exp.empty? then return "return" else return "return #{process exp.shift}" end end def process_sclass(exp) # :nodoc: "class << #{process(exp.shift)}\n#{indent(process_block(exp))}\nend" end def process_self(exp) # :nodoc: "self" end def process_splat(exp) # :nodoc: if exp.empty? then "*" else "*#{process(exp.shift)}" end end def process_str(exp) # :nodoc: return exp.shift.dump end def process_super(exp) # :nodoc: args = finish exp "super(#{args.join(', ')})" end def process_svalue(exp) # :nodoc: code = [] until exp.empty? do code << process(exp.shift) end code.join(", ") end def process_to_ary(exp) # :nodoc: process(exp.shift) end def process_true(exp) # :nodoc: "true" end def process_undef(exp) # :nodoc: "undef #{process(exp.shift)}" end def process_until(exp) # :nodoc: cond_loop(exp, 'until') end def process_valias(exp) # :nodoc: "alias #{exp.shift} #{exp.shift}" end def process_when(exp) # :nodoc: src = [] if self.context[1] == :array then # ugh. matz! why not an argscat?!? val = process(exp.shift) exp.shift # empty body return "*#{val}" end until exp.empty? cond = process(exp.shift).to_s[1..-2] code = indent(finish(exp).join("\n")) code = indent "# do nothing" if code =~ /\A\s*\Z/ src << "when #{cond} then\n#{code.chomp}" end src.join("\n") end def process_while(exp) # :nodoc: cond_loop(exp, 'while') end def process_xstr(exp) # :nodoc: "`#{process_str(exp)[1..-2]}`" end def process_yield(exp) # :nodoc: args = [] until exp.empty? do args << process(exp.shift) end unless args.empty? then "yield(#{args.join(', ')})" else "yield" end end def process_zsuper(exp) # :nodoc: "super" end ############################################################ # Rewriters: def rewrite_attrasgn exp # :nodoc: if context.first(2) == [:array, :masgn] then exp[0] = :call exp[2] = exp[2].to_s.sub(/=$/, '').to_sym end exp end def rewrite_ensure exp # :nodoc: exp = s(:begin, exp) unless context.first == :begin exp end def rewrite_resbody exp # :nodoc: raise "no exception list in #{exp.inspect}" unless exp.size > 2 && exp[1] raise exp[1].inspect if exp[1][0] != :array # for now, do nothing, just check and freak if we see an errant structure exp end def rewrite_rescue exp # :nodoc: complex = false complex ||= exp.size > 3 complex ||= exp.resbody.block complex ||= exp.resbody.size > 3 complex ||= exp.find_nodes(:resbody).any? { |n| n[1] != s(:array) } complex ||= exp.find_nodes(:resbody).any? { |n| n.last.nil? } complex ||= exp.find_nodes(:resbody).any? { |n| n[2] and n[2].node_type == :block } handled = context.first == :ensure exp = s(:begin, exp) if complex unless handled exp end def rewrite_svalue(exp) # :nodoc: case exp.last.first when :array s(:svalue, *exp[1][1..-1]) when :splat exp else raise "huh: #{exp.inspect}" end end ############################################################ # Utility Methods: ## # Generate a post-or-pre conditional loop. def cond_loop(exp, name) cond = process(exp.shift) body = process(exp.shift) head_controlled = exp.shift body = indent(body).chomp if body code = [] if head_controlled then code << "#{name} #{cond} do" code << body if body code << "end" else code << "begin" code << body if body code << "end #{name} #{cond}" end code.join("\n") end ## # Utility method to escape something interpolated. def dthing_escape type, lit lit = lit.gsub(/\n/, '\n') case type when :dregx then lit.gsub(/(\A|[^\\])\//, '\1\/') when :dstr, :dsym then lit.gsub(/"/, '\"') when :dxstr then lit.gsub(/`/, '\`') else raise "unsupported type #{type.inspect}" end end ## # Process all the remaining stuff in +exp+ and return the results # sans-nils. def finish exp # REFACTOR: work this out of the rest of the processors body = [] until exp.empty? do body << process(exp.shift) end body.compact end ## # Indent all lines of +s+ to the current indent level. def indent(s) s.to_s.split(/\n/).map{|line| @indent + line}.join("\n") end ## # Wrap appropriate expressions in matching parens. def parenthesize exp case self.context[1] when nil, :defn, :defs, :class, :sclass, :if, :iter, :resbody, :when, :while then exp else "(#{exp})" end end ## # Return the appropriate regexp flags for a given numeric code. def re_opt options bits = (0..8).map { |n| options[n] * 2**n } bits.delete 0 bits.map { |n| Regexp::CODES[n] }.join end ## # Return a splatted symbol for +sym+. def splat(sym) :"*#{sym}" end ## # Utility method to generate something interpolated. def util_dthing(type, exp) s = [] # first item in sexp is a string literal s << dthing_escape(type, exp.shift) until exp.empty? pt = exp.shift case pt when Sexp then case pt.first when :str then s << dthing_escape(type, pt.last) when :evstr then s << '#{' << process(pt) << '}' # do not use interpolation here else raise "unknown type: #{pt.inspect}" end else raise "unhandled value in d-thing: #{pt.inspect}" end end s.join end ## # Utility method to generate ether a module or class. def util_module_or_class(exp, is_class=false) result = [] name = exp.shift name = process name if Sexp === name result << name if is_class then superk = process(exp.shift) result << " < #{superk}" if superk end result << "\n" body = [] begin code = process(exp.shift) unless exp.empty? body << code.chomp unless code.nil? or code.chomp.empty? end until exp.empty? unless body.empty? then body = indent(body.join("\n\n")) + "\n" else body = "" end result << body result << "end" result.join end end