require 'active_support/cache' require 'torquebox/kernel' module ActiveSupport module Cache class TorqueBoxStore < Store SECONDS = java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit::SECONDS def initialize(options = {}) super(options) cache end def name options[:name] || TORQUEBOX_APP_NAME end def clustering_mode java_import org.infinispan.config.Configuration::CacheMode replicated = [:r, :repl, :replicated, :replication].include? options[:mode] distributed = [:d, :dist, :distributed, :distribution].include? options[:mode] sync = !!options[:sync] case when replicated sync ? CacheMode::REPL_SYNC : CacheMode::REPL_ASYNC when distributed sync ? CacheMode::DIST_SYNC : CacheMode::DIST_ASYNC else sync ? CacheMode::INVALIDATION_SYNC : CacheMode::INVALIDATION_ASYNC end end # Clear the entire cache. Be careful with this method since it could # affect other processes if shared cache is being used. def clear(options = nil) cache.clearAsync end # Delete all entries with keys matching the pattern. def delete_matched( matcher, options = nil ) options = merged_options(options) pattern = key_matcher( matcher, options ) keys.each { |key| delete( key, options ) if key =~ pattern } end # Increment an integer value in the cache; return new value def increment(name, amount = 1, options = nil) options = merged_options( options ) key = namespaced_key( name, options ) current = cache.get(key) value = decode(current).value.to_i new_entry = value+amount, options ) if cache.replace( key, current, encode(new_entry) ) return new_entry.value else raise "Concurrent modification, old value was #{value}" end end # Decrement an integer value in the cache; return new value def decrement(name, amount = 1, options = nil) increment( name, -amount, options ) end # Cleanup the cache by removing expired entries. def cleanup(options = nil) options = merged_options(options) keys.each do |key| entry = read_entry(key, options) delete_entry(key, options) if entry && entry.expired? end end protected # Return the keys in the cache; potentially very expensive depending on configuration def keys cache.key_set end # Read an entry from the cache implementation. Subclasses must implement this method. def read_entry(key, options) decode(cache.get(key)) end # Write an entry to the cache implementation. Subclasses must implement this method. def write_entry(key, entry, options = {}) args = [ :put_async, key, encode(entry) ] args[0] = :put_if_absent_async if options[:unless_exist] args << options[:expires_in].to_i << SECONDS if options[:expires_in] cache.send( *args ) && true end # Delete an entry from the cache implementation. Subclasses must implement this method. def delete_entry(key, options) # :nodoc: cache.removeAsync( key ) && true end def encode value Marshal.dump(value).to_java_bytes end def decode value value && Marshal.load(String.from_java_bytes(value)) end private def cache @cache ||= clustered || local || nothing end def manager @manager ||= TorqueBox::Kernel.lookup("CacheContainerRegistry").cache_container( 'web' ) rescue nil end def reconfigure(mode=clustering_mode) cache = manager.get_cache(name) config = cache.configuration unless config.cache_mode == mode puts "Reconfiguring cache #{name} from #{config.cache_mode} to #{mode}" cache.stop config.cache_mode = mode manager.define_configuration(name, config) cache.start end return cache end def configure(mode=clustering_mode) puts "Configuring cache #{name} as #{mode}" config = manager.default_configuration.clone config.cache_mode = mode manager.define_configuration(name, config) manager.get_cache(name) end def clustered if manager.running?(name) reconfigure else configure end rescue puts "Unable to obtain clustered cache; falling back to local: #{$!}" if manager end def local # workaround common problem running infinispan in web containers (see FAQ) java.lang.Thread.current_thread.context_class_loader = org.infinispan.Cache.java_class.class_loader manager = manager.get_cache() rescue puts "Unable to obtain local cache: #{$!}" end def nothing result = def result.method_missing(*args); end logger.warn "No caching will occur" if logger result end end end end