title: WLang
version: 0.8.4
- id: about
name: About
file: about.rdoc
- id: overview
name: Overview
file: overview.rdoc
- id: rulesets
name: Rulesets
file: rulesets.wtpl
links: 'spec["rulesets"].reverse'
- id: dialects
name: Dialects
file: dialects.wtpl
- id: hosting
name: Hosting language
file: hosting.rdoc
- id: glossary
name: Glossary
file: glossary.wtpl
- id: symbols
name: Tag symbols
file: symbols.wtpl
- term: template
definition: |-
Source code respecting the wlang grammar, and attached to a given wlang
example: |-
Hello ${name}
- term: dialect
definition: |-
Basically, dialect is used as a synonym for (programming) language.
However _wlang_ uses a tree of dialects, allowing specializations: sql/sybase
for example is the qualified name of a sub-dialect 'sybase' of the 'sql' dialect.
Dialects come with associated _encoders_.
example: |-
- term: wlang dialect
definition: |-
When we talk about a wlang dialect, we are actually refering to some
specialization of the wlang tag-based grammar: wlang/xhtml for example
is the templating language _wlang_ proposes to generate xhtml pages. An
example of source code in that dialect has been shown before.
In addition to its encoders a wlang dialect comes with its sets of _tags_
and associated _rules_.
example: |-
- term: encoder
definition: |-
Text transformation (algorithm) applying some encoding conventions of a portion
of a the target language generated by a dialect. HTML entities-encoding, SQL's back-quoting
are examples of encoders. Encoders are accessible through their qualified name (dialect/encoder).
example: |-
- term: ruleset
definition: |-
Reusable set of tags associated to rules.
example: |-
Imperative ruleset
Encoding rulset
- term: wlang tag
definition: |-
Special tags in the template, starting with wlang symbols and a number of wlang
blocks. A tag is associated with a wlang rule.
example: |-
- term: rule
definition: |-
Transformation semantics of a given tag. When wlang instantiates a
template it simply replaces wlang tags by some replacement value
(which is always a string). This value is computed by the rule attached to
the tag. Rule definition (see Rulesets tab on top of the page)
explicitly describes the number of blocks it expects, in which dialect they
are parsed and instantiated and the way the replacement value is computed.
example: |-
Instantiates #1, looking for an encoder qualified name. Instantiates #2 in
the current dialect. Encode #2's instantiation using encoder found in (#1)
and return the result as replacement value.
- term: context
definition: |-
Some rules allow code to be executed in the hosting language (the
definition explicitly announce it by putting wlang/hosted in the corresponding
block). When doing so, this code is in fact executed in a given context that
provides the execution semantics.
- term: hosting language
definition: |-
language (or framework) that executes wlang. More precisely, the hosting language
is the one that rules what is considered as an executable expression in tags that
relies on some execution semantics (like !{...} for example). See the 'Hosting language'
section to learn more.
example: |-
- name: Basic
description: |-
The Basic ruleset is commonly installed on any dialect and provides access to _wlang_
foundations inside your template: requesting the hosting language to execute some expression,
changing the current dialect and encoding text.
- ["wlang/active-string", "Hello !{name}", "Hello O'Neil"]
- ["wlang/active-string", "Hello %{wlang/dummy}{!{name}}", "Hello !{name}"]
- ["wlang/dummy", "Hello %{wlang/dummy}{!{name}}", "Hello %{wlang/dummy}{!{name}}"]
- ["wlang/active-string", "Hello ^{plain-text/upcase}{${name}}", "Hello O'NEIL"]
# !{wlang/hosted}
- name: "execution"
symbol: "!"
signature: "!{wlang/hosted}"
definition: |-
Instantiates #1, looking for an expression of the hosting language. Evaluates it,
looking for any object. Converts it to a string (using to_s for example if Ruby is
the hosting language) and returns the result as replacement value.
# %{wlang/active-string}{...}
- name: "modulation"
symbol: "%"
signature: "%{wlang/active-string}{...}"
definition: |-
Instantiates #1, looking for a dialect qualified name. Instantiates #2
according to the rules defined by that dialect and returns the #2's
instantiation as replacement value.
# ^{wlang/active-string}{...}
- name: "encoding"
symbol: "^"
signature: "^{wlang/active-string}{...}"
definition: |-
Instantiates #1, looking for an encoder qualified name. Instantiates #2 in
the current dialect. Encode #2's instantiation using encoder found in (#1) and
returns encoding as replacement value.
# %!{wlang/active-string using ... with ...}{...}
- name: "recursive-application"
symbol: "%!"
signature: "%!{wlang/active-string ? ?}{...}"
definition: |-
Instantiates #1, looking for a dialect qualified name. Instantiates #2
in the current dialect. Instantiates #2's instantiation in the dialect found
in #1, using context installed by 'using ...' and 'with ...'. Returns this
instantiation as replacement value (this really advanced rule allows
# ${wlang/hosted}
- name: "injection"
symbol: "$"
signature: "${wlang/hosted}"
definition: Same semantics as execution (intended to be overrided).
# +{wlang/hosted}
- name: "inclusion"
symbol: "+"
signature: "+{wlang/hosted}"
definition: Same semantics as execution (intended to be overrided).
- name: Encoding
description: |-
Almost all languages require escaping/encoding in specific situations: quoted string literals
always come with an escaping mechanism (unfortunately different from one language to another),
html requires entities-encoding, etc. The Encoding ruleset proposes shortcut tags for encoding.
Note that these shortcuts are written in such a way that they don't depend on the effective
dialect. _wlang_ hides language and vendors differences!
- ["wlang/xhtml", "Hello &{name}", "Hello name"]
- ["wlang/xhtml", "Hello &{