# coding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe "RailsAdmin Basic List" do subject { page } describe "GET /admin" do it "responds successfully" do visit dashboard_path end end describe "GET /admin/typo" do it "redirects to dashboard and inform the user the model wasn't found" do visit '/admin/whatever' expect(page.driver.status_code).to eq(404) expect(find('.alert-error')).to have_content("Model 'Whatever' could not be found") end end describe "GET /admin/balls/545-typo" do it "redirects to balls index and inform the user the id wasn't found" do visit '/admin/ball/545-typo' expect(page.driver.status_code).to eq(404) expect(find('.alert-error')).to have_content("Ball with id '545-typo' could not be found") end end describe "GET /admin/player as list" do it "shows \"List of Models\", should show filters and should show column headers" do 21.times { FactoryGirl.create :player } # two pages of players visit index_path(:model_name => "player") should have_content("List of Players") should have_content("Created at") should have_content("Updated at") # it "shows the show, edit and delete links" do should have_selector("td a", :text => 'Show') should have_selector("td a", :text => 'Edit') should have_selector("td a", :text => 'Delete') # it "has the search box with some prompt text" do should have_selector("input[placeholder='Filter']") # https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/issues/362 # test that no link uses the "wildcard route" with the main # controller and list method # it "does not use the 'wildcard route'" do should have_selector("a[href*='all=true']") # make sure we're fully testing pagination should have_no_selector("a[href^='/rails_admin/main/list']") end end describe "GET /admin/player" do before do RailsAdmin.config Player do list do field :name field :team field :injured field :retired end end @teams = 2.times.map do FactoryGirl.create(:team) end @players = [ FactoryGirl.create(:player, :retired => true, :injured => true, :team => @teams[0]), FactoryGirl.create(:player, :retired => true, :injured => false, :team => @teams[0]), FactoryGirl.create(:player, :retired => false, :injured => true, :team => @teams[1]), FactoryGirl.create(:player, :retired => false, :injured => false, :team => @teams[1]), ] end it "allows to query on any attribute" do visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :query => @players[0].name) should have_content(@players[0].name) (1..3).each do |i| should have_no_content(@players[i].name) end end it "allows to filter on one attribute" do visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :f => {:injured => {"1" => {:v => "true"}}}) should have_content(@players[0].name) should have_no_content(@players[1].name) should have_content(@players[2].name) should have_no_content(@players[3].name) end it "allows to combine filters on two different attributes" do visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :f => {:retired => {"1" => {:v => "true"}}, :injured => {"1" => {:v => "true"}}}) should have_content(@players[0].name) (1..3).each do |i| should have_no_content(@players[i].name) end end it "allows to filter on belongs_to relationships" do visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :f => {:team => {"1" => { :v => @teams[0].name }}}) should have_content(@players[0].name) should have_content(@players[1].name) should have_no_content(@players[2].name) should have_no_content(@players[3].name) end it "allows to disable search on attributes" do RailsAdmin.config Player do list do field :position field :name do searchable false end end end visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :query => @players[0].name) should have_no_content(@players[0].name) end it "allows to search a belongs_to attribute over the base table" do RailsAdmin.config Player do list do field PK_COLUMN field :name field :team do searchable Player => :team_id end end end visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :f => {:team => {"1" => {:v => @teams.first.id}}}) should have_content(@players[0].name) should have_content(@players[1].name) should have_no_content(@players[2].name) should have_no_content(@players[3].name) end it "allows to search a belongs_to attribute over the target table" do RailsAdmin.config Player do list do field PK_COLUMN field :name field :team do searchable Team => :name end end end visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :f => {:team => {"1" => {:v => @teams.first.name}}}) should have_content(@players[0].name) should have_content(@players[1].name) should have_no_content(@players[2].name) should have_no_content(@players[3].name) end it "allows to search a belongs_to attribute over the target table with a table name specified as a hash" do RailsAdmin.config Player do list do field PK_COLUMN field :name field :team do searchable :teams => :name end end end visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :f => {:team => {"1" => {:v => @teams.first.name}}}) should have_content(@players[0].name) should have_content(@players[1].name) should have_no_content(@players[2].name) should have_no_content(@players[3].name) end it "allows to search a belongs_to attribute over the target table with a table name specified as a string" do RailsAdmin.config Player do list do field PK_COLUMN field :name field :team do searchable 'teams.name' end end end visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :f => {:team => {"1" => {:v => @teams.first.name}}}) should have_content(@players[0].name) should have_content(@players[1].name) should have_no_content(@players[2].name) should have_no_content(@players[3].name) end it "allows to search a belongs_to attribute over the label method by default" do RailsAdmin.config Player do list do field PK_COLUMN field :name field :team end end visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :f => {:team => {"1" => {:v => @teams.first.name}}}) should have_content(@players[0].name) should have_content(@players[1].name) should have_no_content(@players[2].name) should have_no_content(@players[3].name) end it "allows to search a belongs_to attribute over the target table when an attribute is specified" do RailsAdmin.config Player do list do field PK_COLUMN field :name field :team do searchable :name end end end visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :f => {:team => {"1" => {:v => @teams.first.name}}}) should have_content(@players[0].name) should have_content(@players[1].name) should have_no_content(@players[2].name) should have_no_content(@players[3].name) end it "allows to search over more than one attribute" do RailsAdmin.config Player do list do field PK_COLUMN field :name field :team do searchable [:name, {Player => :team_id}] end end end visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :f => {:team => {"1" => {:v => @teams.first.name}, "2" => {:v => @teams.first.id, :o => 'is'}}}) should have_content(@players[0].name) should have_content(@players[1].name) should have_no_content(@players[2].name) should have_no_content(@players[3].name) # same with a different id visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :f => {:team => {"1" => {:v => @teams.first.name}, "2" => {:v => @teams.last.id, :o => 'is'}}}) should have_no_content(@players[0].name) should have_no_content(@players[1].name) should have_no_content(@players[2].name) should have_no_content(@players[3].name) end it "displays base filters when no filters are present in the params" do RailsAdmin.config Player do list do filters [:name, :team] end end visit index_path(:model_name => "player") should have_content(%{$.filters.append("Name", "name", "string", null, null, "", 1);}) should have_content(%{$.filters.append("Team", "team", "belongs_to_association", null, null, "", 2);}) end end describe "GET /admin/player with 2 objects" do before(:each) do @players = 2.times.map { FactoryGirl.create :player } visit index_path(:model_name => "player") end it "shows \"2 results\"" do should have_content("2 players") end end describe "GET /admin/player with 20 objects" do before(:each) do @players = 20.times.map { FactoryGirl.create :player } visit index_path(:model_name => "player") end it "shows \"20 results\"" do should have_content("20 players") end end describe "GET /admin/player with 3 pages, page 2" do before(:each) do items_per_page = RailsAdmin.config.default_items_per_page (items_per_page * 3).times { FactoryGirl.create(:player) } visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :page => 2) end it "paginates correctly" do expect(find('.pagination ul li:first')).to have_content("« Prev") expect(find('.pagination ul li:last')).to have_content("Next »") expect(find('.pagination ul li.active')).to have_content("2") end end describe "list with 3 pages, page 3" do before(:each) do items_per_page = RailsAdmin.config.default_items_per_page @players = (items_per_page * 3).times.map { FactoryGirl.create(:player) } visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :page => 3) end it "paginates correctly and contain the right item" do expect(find('.pagination ul li:first')).to have_content("« Prev") expect(find('.pagination ul li:last')).to have_content("Next »") expect(find('.pagination ul li.active')).to have_content("3") end end describe "GET /admin/player show all" do it "responds successfully with a single model" do FactoryGirl.create :player visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :all => true) expect(find('div.total-count')).to have_content("1 player") expect(find('div.total-count')).not_to have_content("1 players") end it "responds successfully with multiple models" do 2.times.map { FactoryGirl.create :player } visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :all => true) expect(find('div.total-count')).to have_content("2 players") end end describe "GET /admin/player show with pagination disabled by :associated_collection" do it "responds successfully" do @team = FactoryGirl.create :team 2.times.map { FactoryGirl.create :player, :team => @team } visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :associated_collection => "players", :compact => true, :current_action => 'update', :source_abstract_model => 'team', :source_object_id => @team.id) expect(find('div.total-count')).to have_content("2 players") end end describe "list as compact json" do it "has_content an array with 2 elements and contain an array of elements with keys id and label" do 2.times.map { FactoryGirl.create :player } response = page.driver.get(index_path(:model_name => "player", :compact => true, :format => :json)) expect(ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body).length).to eq(2) ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body).each do |object| expect(object).to have_key("id") expect(object).to have_key("label") end end end describe "search operator" do let(:player) { FactoryGirl.create :player } before do expect(Player.count).to eq(0) end it "finds the player if the query matches the default search opeartor" do RailsAdmin.config do |config| config.default_search_operator = 'ends_with' config.model Player do list { field :name } end end visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :query => player.name[2, -1]) should have_content(player.name) end it "does not find the player if the query does not match the default search opeartor" do RailsAdmin.config do |config| config.default_search_operator = 'ends_with' config.model Player do list { field :name } end end visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :query => player.name[0, 2]) should have_no_content(player.name) end it "finds the player if the query matches the specified search operator" do RailsAdmin.config Player do list do field :name do search_operator 'starts_with' end end end visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :query => player.name[0, 2]) should have_content(player.name) end it "does not find the player if the query does not match the specified search operator" do RailsAdmin.config Player do list do field :name do search_operator 'starts_with' end end end visit index_path(:model_name => "player", :query => player.name[1..-1]) should have_no_content(player.name) end end describe "list for objects with overridden to_param" do before(:each) do @ball = FactoryGirl.create :ball visit index_path(:model_name => "ball") end it "shows the show, edit and delete links with valid url" do should have_selector("td a[href='/admin/ball/#{@ball.id}']") should have_selector("td a[href='/admin/ball/#{@ball.id}/edit']") should have_selector("td a[href='/admin/ball/#{@ball.id}/delete']") end end end