/* builder.c * Copyright (c) 2011, 2016 Peter Ohler * All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include "ruby.h" #if HAVE_RB_ENC_ASSOCIATE #include "ruby/encoding.h" #endif #include "ox.h" #include "buf.h" #include "err.h" #define MAX_DEPTH 128 typedef struct _element { char *name; char buf[64]; long len; bool has_child; bool non_text_child; } *Element; typedef struct _builder { struct _buf buf; int indent; char encoding[64]; int depth; FILE *file; struct _element stack[MAX_DEPTH]; long line; long col; long pos; } *Builder; static VALUE builder_class = Qundef; static const char indent_spaces[] = "\n "; // 128 spaces // The : character is equivalent to 10. Used for replacement characters up to // 10 characters long such as '􏿿'. From // https://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml11-20060816 #if 0 static const char xml_friendly_chars[257] = "\ :::::::::11::1::::::::::::::::::\ 11611156111111111111111111114141\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111"; #endif // From 2.3 of the XML 1.1 spec. All over 0x20 except <&", > also. Builder // uses double quotes for attributes. static const char xml_attr_chars[257] = "\ :::::::::11::1::::::::::::::::::\ 11611151111111111111111111114141\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111"; // From 3.1 of the XML 1.1 spec. All over 0x20 except <&, > also. static const char xml_element_chars[257] = "\ :::::::::11::1::::::::::::::::::\ 11111151111111111111111111114141\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111111111111111111"; inline static size_t xml_str_len(const unsigned char *str, size_t len, const char *table) { size_t size = 0; for (; 0 < len; str++, len--) { size += table[*str]; } return size - len * (size_t)'0'; } static void append_indent(Builder b) { if (0 >= b->indent) { return; } if (b->buf.head < b->buf.tail) { int cnt = (b->indent * (b->depth + 1)) + 1; if (sizeof(indent_spaces) <= (size_t)cnt) { cnt = sizeof(indent_spaces) - 1; } buf_append_string(&b->buf, indent_spaces, cnt); b->line++; b->col = cnt - 1; b->pos += cnt; } } static void append_string(Builder b, const char *str, size_t size, const char *table, bool strip_invalid_chars) { size_t xsize = xml_str_len((const unsigned char*)str, size, table); if (size == xsize) { const char *s = str; const char *end = str + size; buf_append_string(&b->buf, str, size); b->col += size; s = strchr(s, '\n'); while (NULL != s) { b->line++; b->col = end - s; s = strchr(s + 1, '\n'); } b->pos += size; } else { char buf[256]; char *end = buf + sizeof(buf) - 1; char *bp = buf; size_t i = size; int fcnt; for (; '\0' != *str && 0 < i; i--, str++) { if ('1' == (fcnt = table[(unsigned char)*str])) { if (end <= bp) { buf_append_string(&b->buf, buf, bp - buf); bp = buf; } if ('\n' == *str) { b->line++; b->col = 1; } else { b->col++; } b->pos++; *bp++ = *str; } else { b->pos += fcnt - '0'; b->col += fcnt - '0'; if (buf < bp) { buf_append_string(&b->buf, buf, bp - buf); bp = buf; } switch (*str) { case '"': buf_append_string(&b->buf, """, 6); break; case '&': buf_append_string(&b->buf, "&", 5); break; case '\'': buf_append_string(&b->buf, "'", 6); break; case '<': buf_append_string(&b->buf, "<", 4); break; case '>': buf_append_string(&b->buf, ">", 4); break; default: // Must be one of the invalid characters. if (!strip_invalid_chars) { rb_raise(ox_syntax_error_class, "'\\#x%02x' is not a valid XML character.", *str); } break; } } } if (buf < bp) { buf_append_string(&b->buf, buf, bp - buf); bp = buf; } } } static void append_sym_str(Builder b, VALUE v) { const char *s; long len; switch (rb_type(v)) { case T_STRING: s = StringValuePtr(v); len = RSTRING_LEN(v); break; case T_SYMBOL: s = rb_id2name(SYM2ID(v)); len = strlen(s); break; default: rb_raise(ox_arg_error_class, "expected a Symbol or String"); break; } append_string(b, s, len, xml_element_chars, false); } static void i_am_a_child(Builder b, bool is_text) { if (0 <= b->depth) { Element e = &b->stack[b->depth]; if (!e->has_child) { e->has_child = true; buf_append(&b->buf, '>'); b->col++; b->pos++; } if (!is_text) { e->non_text_child = true; } } } static int append_attr(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE bv) { Builder b = (Builder)bv; buf_append(&b->buf, ' '); b->col++; b->pos++; append_sym_str(b, key); buf_append_string(&b->buf, "=\"", 2); b->col += 2; b->pos += 2; Check_Type(value, T_STRING); append_string(b, StringValuePtr(value), (int)RSTRING_LEN(value), xml_attr_chars, false); buf_append(&b->buf, '"'); b->col++; b->pos++; return ST_CONTINUE; } static void init(Builder b, int fd, int indent, long initial_size) { buf_init(&b->buf, fd, initial_size); b->indent = indent; *b->encoding = '\0'; b->depth = -1; b->line = 1; b->col = 1; b->pos = 0; } static void builder_free(void *ptr) { Builder b; Element e; int d; if (0 == ptr) { return; } b = (Builder)ptr; buf_cleanup(&b->buf); for (e = b->stack, d = b->depth; 0 < d; d--, e++) { if (e->name != e->buf) { free(e->name); } } xfree(ptr); } static void pop(Builder b) { Element e; if (0 > b->depth) { rb_raise(ox_arg_error_class, "closed too many elements"); } e = &b->stack[b->depth]; b->depth--; if (e->has_child) { if (e->non_text_child) { append_indent(b); } buf_append_string(&b->buf, "name, e->len, xml_element_chars, false); buf_append(&b->buf, '>'); b->col += e->len + 3; b->pos += e->len + 3; if (e->buf != e->name) { free(e->name); e->name = 0; } } else { buf_append_string(&b->buf, "/>", 2); b->col += 2; b->pos += 2; } } static void bclose(Builder b) { while (0 <= b->depth) { pop(b); } if (0 <= b->indent) { buf_append(&b->buf, '\n'); } b->line++; b->col = 1; b->pos++; buf_finish(&b->buf); if (NULL != b->file) { fclose(b->file); } } static VALUE to_s(Builder b) { volatile VALUE rstr; if (0 != b->buf.fd) { rb_raise(ox_arg_error_class, "can not create a String with a stream or file builder."); } if (0 <= b->indent && '\n' != *(b->buf.tail - 1)) { buf_append(&b->buf, '\n'); b->line++; b->col = 1; b->pos++; } *b->buf.tail = '\0'; // for debugging rstr = rb_str_new(b->buf.head, buf_len(&b->buf)); if ('\0' != *b->encoding) { #if HAVE_RB_ENC_ASSOCIATE rb_enc_associate(rstr, rb_enc_find(b->encoding)); #endif } return rstr; } /* call-seq: new(options) * * Creates a new Builder that will write to a string that can be retrieved with * the to_s() method. If a block is given it is executed with a single parameter * which is the builder instance. The return value is then the generated string. * * - +options+ - (Hash) formating options * - +:indent+ (Fixnum) indentaion level, negative values excludes terminating newline * - +:size+ (Fixnum) the initial size of the string buffer */ static VALUE builder_new(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Builder b = ALLOC(struct _builder); int indent = ox_default_options.indent; long buf_size = 0; if (1 == argc) { volatile VALUE v; rb_check_type(*argv, T_HASH); if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(*argv, ox_indent_sym))) { #ifdef RUBY_INTEGER_UNIFICATION if (rb_cInteger != rb_obj_class(v)) { #else if (rb_cFixnum != rb_obj_class(v)) { #endif rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":indent must be a fixnum.\n"); } indent = NUM2INT(v); } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(*argv, ox_size_sym))) { #ifdef RUBY_INTEGER_UNIFICATION if (rb_cInteger != rb_obj_class(v)) { #else if (rb_cFixnum != rb_obj_class(v)) { #endif rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":size must be a fixnum.\n"); } buf_size = NUM2LONG(v); } } b->file = NULL; init(b, 0, indent, buf_size); if (rb_block_given_p()) { volatile VALUE rb = Data_Wrap_Struct(builder_class, NULL, builder_free, b); rb_yield(rb); bclose(b); return to_s(b); } else { return Data_Wrap_Struct(builder_class, NULL, builder_free, b); } } /* call-seq: file(filename, options) * * Creates a new Builder that will write to a file. * * - +filename+ (String) filename to write to * - +options+ - (Hash) formating options * - +:indent+ (Fixnum) indentaion level, negative values excludes terminating newline * - +:size+ (Fixnum) the initial size of the string buffer */ static VALUE builder_file(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Builder b = ALLOC(struct _builder); int indent = ox_default_options.indent; long buf_size = 0; FILE *f; if (1 > argc) { rb_raise(ox_arg_error_class, "missing filename"); } Check_Type(*argv, T_STRING); if (NULL == (f = fopen(StringValuePtr(*argv), "w"))) { xfree(b); rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "%s\n", strerror(errno)); } if (2 == argc) { volatile VALUE v; rb_check_type(argv[1], T_HASH); if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(argv[1], ox_indent_sym))) { #ifdef RUBY_INTEGER_UNIFICATION if (rb_cInteger != rb_obj_class(v)) { #else if (rb_cFixnum != rb_obj_class(v)) { #endif rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":indent must be a fixnum.\n"); } indent = NUM2INT(v); } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(argv[1], ox_size_sym))) { #ifdef RUBY_INTEGER_UNIFICATION if (rb_cInteger != rb_obj_class(v)) { #else if (rb_cFixnum != rb_obj_class(v)) { #endif rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":size must be a fixnum.\n"); } buf_size = NUM2LONG(v); } } b->file = f; init(b, fileno(f), indent, buf_size); if (rb_block_given_p()) { volatile VALUE rb = Data_Wrap_Struct(builder_class, NULL, builder_free, b); rb_yield(rb); bclose(b); return Qnil; } else { return Data_Wrap_Struct(builder_class, NULL, builder_free, b); } } /* call-seq: io(io, options) * * Creates a new Builder that will write to an IO instance. * * - +io+ (String) IO to write to * - +options+ - (Hash) formating options * - +:indent+ (Fixnum) indentaion level, negative values excludes terminating newline * - +:size+ (Fixnum) the initial size of the string buffer */ static VALUE builder_io(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Builder b = ALLOC(struct _builder); int indent = ox_default_options.indent; long buf_size = 0; int fd; volatile VALUE v; if (1 > argc) { rb_raise(ox_arg_error_class, "missing IO object"); } if (!rb_respond_to(*argv, ox_fileno_id) || Qnil == (v = rb_funcall(*argv, ox_fileno_id, 0)) || 0 == (fd = FIX2INT(v))) { rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "expected an IO that has a fileno."); } if (2 == argc) { volatile VALUE v; rb_check_type(argv[1], T_HASH); if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(argv[1], ox_indent_sym))) { #ifdef RUBY_INTEGER_UNIFICATION if (rb_cInteger != rb_obj_class(v)) { #else if (rb_cFixnum != rb_obj_class(v)) { #endif rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":indent must be a fixnum.\n"); } indent = NUM2INT(v); } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(argv[1], ox_size_sym))) { #ifdef RUBY_INTEGER_UNIFICATION if (rb_cInteger != rb_obj_class(v)) { #else if (rb_cFixnum != rb_obj_class(v)) { #endif rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":size must be a fixnum.\n"); } buf_size = NUM2LONG(v); } } b->file = NULL; init(b, fd, indent, buf_size); if (rb_block_given_p()) { volatile VALUE rb = Data_Wrap_Struct(builder_class, NULL, builder_free, b); rb_yield(rb); bclose(b); return Qnil; } else { return Data_Wrap_Struct(builder_class, NULL, builder_free, b); } } /* call-seq: instruct(decl,options) * * Adds the top level element. * * - +decl+ - (String) 'xml' expected * - +options+ - (Hash) version or encoding */ static VALUE builder_instruct(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Builder b = (Builder)DATA_PTR(self); i_am_a_child(b, false); append_indent(b); if (0 == argc) { buf_append_string(&b->buf, "", 7); b->col += 7; b->pos += 7; } else { volatile VALUE v; buf_append_string(&b->buf, "col += 2; b->pos += 2; append_sym_str(b, *argv); if (1 < argc && rb_cHash == rb_obj_class(argv[1])) { int len; if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(argv[1], ox_version_sym))) { if (rb_cString != rb_obj_class(v)) { rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":version must be a Symbol.\n"); } len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(v); buf_append_string(&b->buf, " version=\"", 10); buf_append_string(&b->buf, StringValuePtr(v), len); buf_append(&b->buf, '"'); b->col += len + 11; b->pos += len + 11; } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(argv[1], ox_encoding_sym))) { if (rb_cString != rb_obj_class(v)) { rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":encoding must be a Symbol.\n"); } len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(v); buf_append_string(&b->buf, " encoding=\"", 11); buf_append_string(&b->buf, StringValuePtr(v), len); buf_append(&b->buf, '"'); b->col += len + 12; b->pos += len + 12; strncpy(b->encoding, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(b->encoding)); b->encoding[sizeof(b->encoding) - 1] = '\0'; } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(argv[1], ox_standalone_sym))) { if (rb_cString != rb_obj_class(v)) { rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":standalone must be a Symbol.\n"); } len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(v); buf_append_string(&b->buf, " standalone=\"", 13); buf_append_string(&b->buf, StringValuePtr(v), len); buf_append(&b->buf, '"'); b->col += len + 14; b->pos += len + 14; } } buf_append_string(&b->buf, "?>", 2); b->col += 2; b->pos += 2; } return Qnil; } /* call-seq: element(name,attributes) * * Adds an element with the name and attributes provided. If a block is given * then on closing of the block a pop() is called. * * - +name+ - (String) name of the element * - +attributes+ - (Hash) of the element */ static VALUE builder_element(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Builder b = (Builder)DATA_PTR(self); Element e; const char *name; long len; if (1 > argc) { rb_raise(ox_arg_error_class, "missing element name"); } i_am_a_child(b, false); append_indent(b); b->depth++; if (MAX_DEPTH <= b->depth) { rb_raise(ox_arg_error_class, "XML too deeply nested"); } switch (rb_type(*argv)) { case T_STRING: name = StringValuePtr(*argv); len = RSTRING_LEN(*argv); break; case T_SYMBOL: name = rb_id2name(SYM2ID(*argv)); len = strlen(name); break; default: rb_raise(ox_arg_error_class, "expected a Symbol or String for an element name"); break; } e = &b->stack[b->depth]; if (sizeof(e->buf) <= (size_t)len) { e->name = strdup(name); *e->buf = '\0'; } else { strcpy(e->buf, name); e->name = e->buf; } e->len = len; e->has_child = false; e->non_text_child = false; buf_append(&b->buf, '<'); b->col++; b->pos++; append_string(b, e->name, len, xml_element_chars, false); if (1 < argc && T_HASH == rb_type(argv[1])) { rb_hash_foreach(argv[1], append_attr, (VALUE)b); } // Do not close with > or /> yet. That is done with i_am_a_child() or pop(). if (rb_block_given_p()) { rb_yield(self); pop(b); } return Qnil; } /* call-seq: void_element(name,attributes) * * Adds an void element with the name and attributes provided. * * - +name+ - (String) name of the element * - +attributes+ - (Hash) of the element */ static VALUE builder_void_element(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Builder b = (Builder)DATA_PTR(self); const char *name; long len; if (1 > argc) { rb_raise(ox_arg_error_class, "missing element name"); } i_am_a_child(b, false); append_indent(b); switch (rb_type(*argv)) { case T_STRING: name = StringValuePtr(*argv); len = RSTRING_LEN(*argv); break; case T_SYMBOL: name = rb_id2name(SYM2ID(*argv)); len = strlen(name); break; default: rb_raise(ox_arg_error_class, "expected a Symbol or String for an element name"); break; } buf_append(&b->buf, '<'); b->col++; b->pos++; append_string(b, name, len, xml_element_chars, false); if (1 < argc && T_HASH == rb_type(argv[1])) { rb_hash_foreach(argv[1], append_attr, (VALUE)b); } buf_append_string(&b->buf, ">", 1); b->col++;; b->pos++; return Qnil; } /* call-seq: comment(text) * * Adds a comment element to the XML string being formed. * - +text+ - (String) contents of the comment */ static VALUE builder_comment(VALUE self, VALUE text) { Builder b = (Builder)DATA_PTR(self); rb_check_type(text, T_STRING); i_am_a_child(b, false); append_indent(b); buf_append_string(&b->buf, "", 3); b->col += 5; b->pos += 5; return Qnil; } /* call-seq: doctype(text) * * Adds a DOCTYPE element to the XML string being formed. * - +text+ - (String) contents of the doctype */ static VALUE builder_doctype(VALUE self, VALUE text) { Builder b = (Builder)DATA_PTR(self); rb_check_type(text, T_STRING); i_am_a_child(b, false); append_indent(b); buf_append_string(&b->buf, "col += 10; b->pos += 10; append_string(b, StringValuePtr(text), RSTRING_LEN(text), xml_element_chars, false); buf_append(&b->buf, '>'); b->col++; b->pos++; return Qnil; } /* call-seq: text(text) * * Adds a text element to the XML string being formed. * - +text+ - (String) contents of the text field * - +strip_invalid_chars+ - [true|false] strips any characters invalid for XML, defaults to false */ static VALUE builder_text(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Builder b = (Builder)DATA_PTR(self); volatile VALUE v; volatile VALUE strip_invalid_chars; if ((0 == argc) || (argc > 2)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (given %d, expected 1..2)", argc); } v = argv[0]; if (2 == argc) { strip_invalid_chars = argv[1]; } else { strip_invalid_chars = Qfalse; } if (T_STRING != rb_type(v)) { v = rb_funcall(v, ox_to_s_id, 0); } i_am_a_child(b, true); append_string(b, StringValuePtr(v), RSTRING_LEN(v), xml_element_chars, RTEST(strip_invalid_chars)); return Qnil; } /* call-seq: cdata(data) * * Adds a CDATA element to the XML string being formed. * - +data+ - (String) contents of the CDATA element */ static VALUE builder_cdata(VALUE self, VALUE data) { Builder b = (Builder)DATA_PTR(self); volatile VALUE v = data; const char *str; const char *s; const char *end; int len; if (T_STRING != rb_type(v)) { v = rb_funcall(v, ox_to_s_id, 0); } str = StringValuePtr(v); len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(v); s = str; end = str + len; i_am_a_child(b, false); append_indent(b); buf_append_string(&b->buf, "col += 9; b->pos += 9; buf_append_string(&b->buf, str, len); b->col += len; s = strchr(s, '\n'); while (NULL != s) { b->line++; b->col = end - s; s = strchr(s + 1, '\n'); } b->pos += len; buf_append_string(&b->buf, "]]>", 3); b->col += 3; b->pos += 3; return Qnil; } /* call-seq: raw(text) * * Adds the provided string directly to the XML without formatting or modifications. * * - +text+ - (String) contents to be added */ static VALUE builder_raw(VALUE self, VALUE text) { Builder b = (Builder)DATA_PTR(self); volatile VALUE v = text; const char *str; const char *s; const char *end; int len; if (T_STRING != rb_type(v)) { v = rb_funcall(v, ox_to_s_id, 0); } str = StringValuePtr(v); len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(v); s = str; end = str + len; i_am_a_child(b, true); buf_append_string(&b->buf, str, len); b->col += len; s = strchr(s, '\n'); while (NULL != s) { b->line++; b->col = end - s; s = strchr(s + 1, '\n'); } b->pos += len; return Qnil; } /* call-seq: to_s() * * Returns the JSON document string in what ever state the construction is at. */ static VALUE builder_to_s(VALUE self) { return to_s((Builder)DATA_PTR(self)); } /* call-seq: line() * * Returns the current line in the output. The first line is line 1. */ static VALUE builder_line(VALUE self) { return LONG2NUM(((Builder)DATA_PTR(self))->line); } /* call-seq: column() * * Returns the current column in the output. The first character in a line is at * column 1. */ static VALUE builder_column(VALUE self) { return LONG2NUM(((Builder)DATA_PTR(self))->col); } /* call-seq: pos() * * Returns the number of bytes written. */ static VALUE builder_pos(VALUE self) { return LONG2NUM(((Builder)DATA_PTR(self))->pos); } /* call-seq: pop() * * Closes the current element. */ static VALUE builder_pop(VALUE self) { pop((Builder)DATA_PTR(self)); return Qnil; } /* call-seq: close() * * Closes the all elements and the document. */ static VALUE builder_close(VALUE self) { bclose((Builder)DATA_PTR(self)); return Qnil; } /* * Document-class: Ox::Builder * * An XML builder. */ void ox_init_builder(VALUE ox) { #if 0 // Just for rdoc. ox = rb_define_module("Ox"); #endif builder_class = rb_define_class_under(ox, "Builder", rb_cObject); rb_define_module_function(builder_class, "new", builder_new, -1); rb_define_module_function(builder_class, "file", builder_file, -1); rb_define_module_function(builder_class, "io", builder_io, -1); rb_define_method(builder_class, "instruct", builder_instruct, -1); rb_define_method(builder_class, "comment", builder_comment, 1); rb_define_method(builder_class, "doctype", builder_doctype, 1); rb_define_method(builder_class, "element", builder_element, -1); rb_define_method(builder_class, "void_element", builder_void_element, -1); rb_define_method(builder_class, "text", builder_text, -1); rb_define_method(builder_class, "cdata", builder_cdata, 1); rb_define_method(builder_class, "raw", builder_raw, 1); rb_define_method(builder_class, "pop", builder_pop, 0); rb_define_method(builder_class, "close", builder_close, 0); rb_define_method(builder_class, "to_s", builder_to_s, 0); rb_define_method(builder_class, "line", builder_line, 0); rb_define_method(builder_class, "column", builder_column, 0); rb_define_method(builder_class, "pos", builder_pos, 0); }