# frozen_string_literal: true module Bridgetown module Commands class New < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions extend Summarizable Registrations.register do register(New, "new", "new PATH", New.summary) end def self.banner "bridgetown new PATH" end summary "Creates a new Bridgetown site scaffold in PATH" class_option :apply, aliases: "-a", banner: "PATH|URL", desc: "Apply an automation after creating the site scaffold" class_option :configure, aliases: "-c", banner: "CONFIGURATION(S)", desc: "Comma separated list of bundled configurations to perform" class_option :force, type: :boolean, desc: "Force creation even if PATH already exists" class_option :"skip-bundle", type: :boolean, desc: "Skip 'bundle install'" class_option :"skip-yarn", type: :boolean, desc: "Skip 'yarn install'" class_option :"use-postcss", type: :boolean, desc: "Create an empty PostCSS configuration instead of using Sass" DOCSURL = "https://bridgetownrb.com/docs" def self.exit_on_failure? false end def self.source_root File.expand_path("../../site_template", __dir__) end class << self attr_accessor :created_site_dir end def new_site raise ArgumentError, "You must specify a path." if args.empty? new_site_path = File.expand_path(args.join(" "), Dir.pwd) @site_name = new_site_path.split(File::SEPARATOR).last if preserve_source_location?(new_site_path, options) say_status :conflict, "#{new_site_path} exists and is not empty.", :red Bridgetown.logger.abort_with "Ensure #{new_site_path} is empty or else " \ "try again with `--force` to proceed and overwrite any files." end self.destination_root = self.class.created_site_dir = new_site_path say_status :create, new_site_path create_site new_site_path after_install new_site_path, args.join(" "), options end protected def preserve_source_location?(path, options) !options["force"] && Dir.exist?(path) end def create_site(new_site_path) directory ".", ".", exclude_pattern: %r!\.erb|DS_Store$|\.(s[ac]|c)ss$! FileUtils.chmod_R "u+w", new_site_path template( "src/_posts/0000-00-00-welcome-to-bridgetown.md.erb", "src/_posts/#{Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}-welcome-to-bridgetown.md" ) template("Gemfile.erb", "Gemfile") template("package.json.erb", "package.json") template("webpack.config.js.erb", "webpack.config.js") template("frontend/javascript/index.js.erb", "frontend/javascript/index.js") options["use-postcss"] ? configure_postcss : configure_sass end def configure_sass copy_file("frontend/styles/index.scss") end def configure_postcss template("postcss.config.js.erb", "postcss.config.js") copy_file("frontend/styles/index.css") end # After a new site has been created, print a success notification and # then automatically execute bundle install from within the new site dir # unless the user opts to skip 'bundle install'. # rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def after_install(path, cli_path, options = {}) git_init path @skipped_bundle = true # is set to false if bundle install worked bundle_install path unless options["skip-bundle"] @skipped_yarn = true yarn_install path unless options["skip-yarn"] invoke(Apply, [], options) if options[:apply] invoke(Configure, options[:configure].split(","), {}) if options[:configure] logger = Bridgetown.logger yarn_start = "yarn start" logger.info "" logger.info "Success!".green, "🎉 Your new Bridgetown site was" \ " generated in #{cli_path.cyan}." if options["skip-yarn"] logger.info "You can now #{"cd".cyan} #{cli_path.cyan} to get started." logger.info "You'll probably also want to #{"yarn install".cyan}" \ " to load in your frontend assets." else logger.info "You can now #{"cd".cyan} and run #{yarn_start.cyan} to get started." end logger.info "Then check out our online documentation for" \ " next steps: #{DOCSURL.cyan}" logger.info "Bundle install skipped.".yellow if @skipped_bundle logger.info "Yarn install skipped.".yellow if @skipped_yarn end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def bundle_install(path) unless Bridgetown.environment == "test" require "bundler" Bridgetown.with_unbundled_env do inside(path) do run "bundle install", abort_on_failure: true end end end @skipped_bundle = false rescue LoadError say_status :run, "Could not load Bundler. Bundle install skipped.", :red rescue SystemExit say_status :run, "Problem occured while running bundle install.", :red end def git_init(path) unless Bridgetown.environment == "test" inside(path) do run "git init", abort_on_failure: true run "if [[ -n $(git status | grep 'On branch master') ]]; then git checkout -b main; fi" end end rescue SystemExit say_status :run, "Could not load git. git init skipped.", :red end def yarn_install(path) unless Bridgetown.environment == "test" inside(path) do run "yarn install", abort_on_failure: true end end @skipped_yarn = false rescue SystemExit say_status :run, "Could not load yarn. yarn install skipped.", :red end end end end