require_relative "../spec_helper" describe "static_routing plugin" do it "adds support for static routes that are taken before normal routes" do app(:bare) do plugin :static_routing static_route "/foo" do |r| "#{r.path}:#{r.remaining_path}" end static_route "/bar" do |r| r.get{"GET:#{r.path}:#{r.remaining_path}"}{"POST:#{r.path}:#{r.remaining_path}"} end static_get "/bar" do |r| r.get{"GET2:#{r.path}:#{r.remaining_path}"} end static_route "/quux" do |r| r.halt [500, {}, []] end route do |r| r.on 'foo' do r.get true do 'foo1' end r.root do 'foo2' end end r.get 'baz' do 'baz' end end end 2.times do body('/foo').must_equal '/foo:' body('/foo/').must_equal 'foo2' body('/bar').must_equal 'GET2:/bar:' body('/bar', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST').must_equal 'POST:/bar:' status('/bar', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'PATCH').must_equal 404 body('/baz').must_equal 'baz' status('/quux').must_equal 500 @app = end end it "works with hooks plugin if loaded after" do a = [] app(:bare) do plugin :hooks plugin :static_routing before{a << 1} after{a << 2} static_route "/foo" do |r| a << 3 "bar" end route{} end body('/foo').must_equal 'bar' a.must_equal [1,3,2] end it "does not allow placeholders in static routes" do app(:bare) do plugin :static_routing static_route "/:foo" do |r| "#{r.path}:#{r.remaining_path}" end route{} end body('/:foo').must_equal '/:foo:' status('/a').must_equal 404 end it "duplicates data structures in subclasses" do app(:bare) do plugin :static_routing static_route "/foo" do |r| 'foo' end route{} end old_app = @app @app = old_app.static_route '/bar' do |r| 'bar1' end old_app.static_get '/foo' do |r| 'foop' end @app.static_route '/bar' do |r| 'bar2' end body('/foo').must_equal 'foo' body('/bar').must_equal 'bar2' body('/foo', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST').must_equal 'foo' @app = old_app body('/foo').must_equal 'foop' body('/bar').must_equal 'bar1' body('/foo', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST').must_equal 'foo' end it "freezes static routes when app is frozen" do app(:bare) do plugin :static_routing static_route "/foo" freeze proc do static_get "/foo" end.must_raise proc do static_route "/bar" end.must_raise end end end