require File.expand_path('../shared/parse', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../shared/parse_us', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../shared/parse_eu', __FILE__) require 'date' describe "Date#parse" do # The space separator is also different, doesn't work for only numbers it "parses a day name into a Date object" do d = Date.parse("friday") d.should == Date.commercial(d.cwyear, d.cweek, 5) end it "parses a month name into a Date object" do d = Date.parse("october") d.should == Date.civil(, 10) end it "parses a month day into a Date object" do d = Date.parse("5th") d.should == Date.civil(,, 5) end # Specs using numbers it "throws an argument error for a single digit" do lambda{ Date.parse("1") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "parses DD as month day number" do d = Date.parse("10") d.should == Date.civil(,, 10) end it "parses DDD as year day number" do d = Date.parse("100") if Date.gregorian_leap?( d.should == Date.civil(, 4, 9) else d.should == Date.civil(, 4, 10) end end it "parses MMDD as month and day" do d = Date.parse("1108") d.should == Date.civil(, 11, 8) end ruby_version_is "" ... "1.9" do it "parses YYDDD as year and day number" do d = Date.parse("10100") d.should == Date.civil(10, 4, 10) end it "parses YYMMDD as year, month and day" do d = Date.parse("201023") d.should == Date.civil(20, 10, 23) end end ruby_version_is "1.9" do it "parses YYDDD as year and day number in 1969--2068" do d = Date.parse("10100") d.should == Date.civil(2010, 4, 10) end it "parses YYMMDD as year, month and day in 1969--2068" do d = Date.parse("201023") d.should == Date.civil(2020, 10, 23) end end it "parses YYYYDDD as year and day number" do d = Date.parse("1910100") d.should == Date.civil(1910, 4, 10) end it "parses YYYYMMDD as year, month and day number" do d = Date.parse("19101101") d.should == Date.civil(1910, 11, 1) end end describe "Date#parse with '.' separator" do before :all do @sep = '.' end it_should_behave_like "date_parse" end describe "Date#parse with '/' separator" do before :all do @sep = '/' end it_should_behave_like "date_parse" end describe "Date#parse with ' ' separator" do before :all do @sep = ' ' end it_should_behave_like "date_parse" end describe "Date#parse with '/' separator US-style" do before :all do @sep = '/' end it_should_behave_like "date_parse_us" end ruby_version_is "" ... "1.8.7" do describe "Date#parse with '.' separator US-style" do before :all do @sep = '.' end it_should_behave_like "date_parse_us" end end describe "Date#parse with '-' separator EU-style" do before :all do @sep = '-' end it_should_behave_like "date_parse_eu" end ruby_version_is "1.8.7" do describe "Date#parse(.)" do it "parses YYYY.MM.DD into a Date object" do d = Date.parse("2007.10.01") d.year.should == 2007 d.month.should == 10 == 1 end it "parses DD.MM.YYYY into a Date object" do d = Date.parse("10.01.2007") d.year.should == 2007 d.month.should == 1 == 10 end ruby_version_is "" ... "1.9" do it "parses YY.MM.DD into a Date object using the year YY" do d = Date.parse("10.01.07") d.year.should == 10 d.month.should == 1 == 7 end end ruby_version_is "1.9" do it "parses YY.MM.DD into a Date object using the year 20YY" do d = Date.parse("10.01.07") d.year.should == 2010 d.month.should == 1 == 7 end end it "parses YY.MM.DD using the year digits as 20YY when given true as additional argument" do d = Date.parse("10.01.07", true) d.year.should == 2010 d.month.should == 1 == 7 end end end