require 'test_helper' class Spree::Admin::PageImagesIntegrationTest < SpreeEssentials::IntegrationCase setup do Spree::PageImage.destroy_all @page = Spree::Page.first || Factory.create(:spree_page) end should "have a link to new page image" do visit spree.admin_page_images_path(@page) btn = find("#new_image_link").native assert_match /#{spree.new_admin_page_image_path(@page)}$/, btn.attribute('href') assert_equal "New Image", btn.text end should "get new page image" do visit spree.new_admin_page_image_path(@page) assert_seen "New Image" within "#new_page_image" do assert has_field?("Attachment") assert has_field?("Alt") end end should "validate page image" do visit spree.new_admin_page_image_path(@page) click_button "Create" within "#errorExplanation" do assert_seen "2 errors prohibited this record from being saved:" assert_seen "Attachment can't be empty" assert_seen "Attachment file name can't be empty" end end should "create page image" do visit spree.admin_page_images_path(@page) click_link "New Image" within "#new_page_image" do attach_file "Attachment", sample_image_path fill_in "Alt", :with => "alt text!" end click_button "Create" assert_equal spree.admin_page_images_path(@page), current_path assert_flash :notice, "Page image has been successfully created!" end context "existing page image" do setup do @page_image = Factory.create(:spree_page_image, :viewable => @page) end should "edit and update" do visit spree.edit_admin_page_image_path(@page, @page_image) within "#edit_page_image_#{}" do attach_file "Attachment", sample_image_path("2.jpg") fill_in "Alt", :with => "omg!" end click_button "Update" assert_equal spree.admin_page_images_path(@page), current_path assert_flash :notice, "Page image has been successfully updated!" end should "get destroyed" do visit spree.admin_page_images_path(@page) within "table.index" do find("a[href='#']").click end assert find_by_id("popup_ok").click end end context "several page images" do setup do setup_action_controller_behaviour(Spree::Admin::PageImagesController) @page_images = {|i| Factory(:spree_page_image, :alt => "Image ##{i + 1}", :viewable => @page, :position => i) } end should "update positions" do positions = Hash[{|i| [, 2 - i.position ]}] visit spree.admin_page_images_path(@page) assert_seen "Image #1", :within => "tbody tr:first" assert_seen "Image #2", :within => "tbody tr:last" xhr :post, :update_positions, { :page_id => @page.to_param, :positions => positions } visit spree.admin_page_images_path(@page) assert_seen "Image #2", :within => "tbody tr:first" assert_seen "Image #1", :within => "tbody tr:last" end end end