module SHACL::Algebra ## class Shape < Operator NAME = :Shape ## # Returns the nodes matching this particular shape, based upon the shape properties: # * `targetNode` # * `targetClass` # * `targetSubjectsOf` # * `targetObjectsOf` # * `id` – where `type` includes `rdfs:Class` # # @return [Array] def targetNodes (Array(@options[:targetNode]) + Array(@options[:targetClass]).map do |cls| graph.query({predicate: RDF.type, object: cls}).subjects end + Array(@options[:targetSubjectsOf]).map do |pred| graph.query({predicate: pred}).subjects end + Array(@options[:targetObjectsOf]).map do |pred| graph.query({predicate: pred}).objects end + ( Array(type).include?(RDF::RDFS.Class) ? graph.query({predicate: RDF.type, object: id}).subjects : [] )).flatten.uniq end ## # Builin evaluators. These evaulators may be used on either NodeShapes or PropertyShapes. ## # Specifies that each value node is a SHACL instance of a given type. # # @example # ex:ClassExampleShape # a sh:NodeShape ; # sh:targetNode ex:Bob, ex:Alice, ex:Carol ; # sh:property [ # sh:path ex:address ; # sh:class ex:PostalAddress ; # ] . # # @param [Array] types The type expected for each value node. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus node to the value nodes. # @param [Array] value_nodes # @return [Array] def builtin_class(types, node, path, value_nodes, **options) do |n| has_type = n.resource? && begin objects = graph.query({subject: n, predicate: RDF.type}).objects types.all? {|t| objects.include?(t)} end satisfy(focus: node, path: path, value: n, message: "is#{' not' unless has_type} of class #{type.to_sxp}", resultSeverity: (options.fetch(:severity) unless has_type), component: RDF::Vocab::SHACL.ClassConstraintComponent, **options) end.flatten.compact end # Specifies a condition to be satisfied with regards to the datatype of each value node. # # @example # ex:DatatypeExampleShape # a sh:NodeShape ; # sh:targetNode ex:Alice, ex:Bob, ex:Carol ; # sh:property [ # sh:path ex:age ; # sh:datatype xsd:integer ; # ] . # # # @param [RDF::URI] datatype the expected datatype of each value node. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus node to the value nodes. # @return [Array] def builtin_datatype(datatype, node, path, value_nodes, **options) do |n| has_datatype = n.literal? && n.datatype == datatype && n.valid? satisfy(focus: node, path: path, value: n, message: "is#{' not' unless has_datatype} a valid literal with datatype #{datatype.to_sxp}", resultSeverity: (options.fetch(:severity) unless has_datatype), component: RDF::Vocab::SHACL.DatatypeConstraintComponent, **options) end.flatten.compact end # Specifies the condition that the set of value nodes is disjoint with the set of objects of the triples that have the focus node as subject and the value of sh:disjoint as predicate. # # @example # ex:DisjointExampleShape # a sh:NodeShape ; # sh:targetNode ex:USA, ex:Germany ; # sh:property [ # sh:path ex:prefLabel ; # sh:disjoint ex:altLabel ; # ] . # # @param [Array] properties the properties of the focus node whose values must be disjoint with the value nodes. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus node to the value nodes. # @param [Array] value_nodes # @return [Array] def builtin_disjoint(properties, node, path, value_nodes, **options) disjoint_nodes = do |prop| graph.query({subject: node, predicate: prop}).objects end.flatten.compact do |n| has_value = disjoint_nodes.include?(n) satisfy(focus: node, path: path, value: n, message: "is#{' not' unless has_value} disjoint with #{disjoint_nodes.to_sxp}", resultSeverity: (options.fetch(:severity) if has_value), component: RDF::Vocab::SHACL.DisjointConstraintComponent, **options) end.flatten.compact end # Specifies the condition that the set of all value nodes is equal to the set of objects of the triples that have the focus node as subject and the value of sh:equals as predicate. # # @example # ex:EqualExampleShape # a sh:NodeShape ; # sh:targetNode ex:Bob ; # sh:property [ # sh:path ex:firstName ; # sh:equals ex:givenName ; # ] . # # @param [RDF::URI] property the property of the focus node whose values must be equal to some value node. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus node to the value nodes. # @param [Array] value_nodes # @return [Array] def builtin_equals(property, node, path, value_nodes, **options) equal_nodes = graph.query({subject: node, predicate: property}).objects ( do |n| has_value = equal_nodes.include?(n) satisfy(focus: node, path: path, value: n, message: "is#{' not' unless has_value} a value in #{equal_nodes.to_sxp}", resultSeverity: (options.fetch(:severity) unless has_value), component: RDF::Vocab::SHACL.EqualsConstraintComponent, **options) end + do |n| !value_nodes.include?(n) ? not_satisfied(focus: node, path: path, value: n, message: "should have a value in #{value_nodes.to_sxp}", resultSeverity: options.fetch(:severity), component: RDF::Vocab::SHACL.EqualsConstraintComponent, **options) : nil end).flatten.compact end # Specifies the condition that at least one value node is equal to the given RDF term. # # @example # ex:StanfordGraduate # a sh:NodeShape ; # sh:targetNode ex:Alice ; # sh:property [ # sh:path ex:alumniOf ; # sh:hasValue ex:Stanford ; # ] . # # @param [RDF::URI] term the term that must be a value of a value node. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus node to the value nodes. # @param [Array] value_nodes # @return [Array] def builtin_hasValue(term, node, path, value_nodes, **options) has_value = value_nodes.include?(term) [satisfy(focus: node, path: path, message: "is#{' not' unless has_value} the value #{term.to_sxp}", resultSeverity: (options.fetch(:severity) unless has_value), component: RDF::Vocab::SHACL.HasValueConstraintComponent, **options)] end # Specifies the condition that each value node is a member of a provided SHACL list. # # @example # ex:InExampleShape # a sh:NodeShape ; # sh:targetNode ex:RainbowPony ; # sh:property [ # sh:path ex:color ; # sh:in ( ex:Pink ex:Purple ) ; # ] . # # @param [RDF::URI] list the list which must contain the value nodes.. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus node to the value nodes. # @param [Array] value_nodes # @return [Array] def builtin_in(list, node, path, value_nodes, **options) do |n| has_value = list.include?(n) satisfy(focus: node, path: path, value: n, message: "is#{' not' unless has_value} a value in #{list.to_sxp}", resultSeverity: (options.fetch(:severity) unless has_value), component: RDF::Vocab::SHACL.InConstraintComponent, **options) end.flatten.compact end # The condition specified by sh:languageIn is that the allowed language tags for each value node are limited by a given list of language tags. # # @example # ex:NewZealandLanguagesShape # a sh:NodeShape ; # sh:targetNode ex:Mountain, ex:Berg ; # sh:property [ # sh:path ex:prefLabel ; # sh:languageIn ( "en" "mi" ) ; # ] . # # @param [Array] datatypes the expected datatype of each value node. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus node to the value nodes. # @return [Array] def builtin_languageIn(datatypes, node, path, value_nodes, **options) do |n| has_language = n.literal? && datatypes.any? {|l| n.language.to_s.start_with?(l)} satisfy(focus: node, path: path, value: n, message: "is#{' not' unless has_language} a literal with a language in #{datatypes.to_sxp}", resultSeverity: (options.fetch(:severity) unless has_language), component: RDF::Vocab::SHACL.LanguageInConstraintComponent, **options) end.flatten.compact end # Compares value nodes to be < than the specified value. # # @example # ex:NumericRangeExampleShape # a sh:NodeShape ; # sh:targetNode ex:Bob, ex:Alice, ex:Ted ; # sh:property [ # sh:path ex:age ; # sh:minInclusive 0 ; # sh:maxInclusive 150 ; # ] . # # @param [RDF::URI] term the term is used to compare each value node. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus node to the value nodes. # @param [Array] value_nodes # @return [Array] def builtin_maxExclusive(term, node, path, value_nodes, **options) compare(:<, [term], node, path, value_nodes, RDF::Vocab::SHACL.MaxExclusiveConstraintComponent, **options) end # Compares value nodes to be <= than the specified value. # # @example # ex:NumericRangeExampleShape # a sh:NodeShape ; # sh:targetNode ex:Bob, ex:Alice, ex:Ted ; # sh:property [ # sh:path ex:age ; # sh:minInclusive 0 ; # sh:maxInclusive 150 ; # ] . # # @param [RDF::URI] term the term is used to compare each value node. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus node to the value nodes. # @param [Array] value_nodes # @return [Array] def builtin_maxInclusive(term, node, path, value_nodes, **options) compare(:<=, [term], node, path, value_nodes, RDF::Vocab::SHACL.MaxInclusiveConstraintComponent, **options) end # Specifies the maximum string length of each value node that satisfies the condition. This can be applied to any literals and IRIs, but not to blank nodes. # # @param [RDF::URI] term the term is used to compare each value node. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus node to the value nodes. # @param [Array] value_nodes # @return [Array] def builtin_maxLength(term, node, path, value_nodes, **options) do |n| compares = !n.node? && n.to_s.length <= term.to_i satisfy(focus: node, path: path, value: n, message: "is#{' not' unless compares} a literal at with length <= #{term.to_sxp}", resultSeverity: (options.fetch(:severity) unless compares), component: RDF::Vocab::SHACL.MaxLengthConstraintComponent, **options) end.flatten.compact end # Compares value nodes to be > than the specified value. # # @example # ex:NumericRangeExampleShape # a sh:NodeShape ; # sh:targetNode ex:Bob, ex:Alice, ex:Ted ; # sh:property [ # sh:path ex:age ; # sh:minInclusive 0 ; # sh:maxInclusive 150 ; # ] . # # @param [RDF::URI] term the term is used to compare each value node. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus node to the value nodes. # @param [Array] value_nodes # @return [Array] def builtin_minExclusive(term, node, path, value_nodes, **options) compare(:>, [term], node, path, value_nodes, RDF::Vocab::SHACL.MinExclusiveConstraintComponent, **options) end # Compares value nodes to be >= than the specified value. # # @example # ex:NumericRangeExampleShape # a sh:NodeShape ; # sh:targetNode ex:Bob, ex:Alice, ex:Ted ; # sh:property [ # sh:path ex:age ; # sh:minInclusive 0 ; # sh:maxInclusive 150 ; # ] . # # @param [RDF::URI] term the term is used to compare each value node. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus nod to the value nodes. # @param [Array] value_nodes # @return [Array] def builtin_minInclusive(term, node, path, value_nodes, **options) compare(:>=, [term], node, path, value_nodes, RDF::Vocab::SHACL.MinInclusiveConstraintComponent, **options) end # Specifies the minimum string length of each value node that satisfies the condition. This can be applied to any literals and IRIs, but not to blank nodes. # # @param [RDF::URI] term the term is used to compare each value node. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus node to the value nodes. # @param [Array] value_nodes # @return [Array] def builtin_minLength(term, node, path, value_nodes, **options) do |n| compares = !n.node? && n.to_s.length >= term.to_i satisfy(focus: node, path: path, value: n, message: "is#{' not' unless compares} a literal with length >= #{term.to_sxp}", resultSeverity: (options.fetch(:severity) unless compares), component: RDF::Vocab::SHACL.MinLengthConstraintComponent, **options) end.flatten.compact end # The matrix of comparisons of different types of nodes # @return {Hash{Class => RDF::URI}} NODE_KIND_COMPARE = { RDF::URI => [ RDF::Vocab::SHACL.IRI, RDF::Vocab::SHACL.BlankNodeOrIRI, RDF::Vocab::SHACL.IRIOrLiteral, ], RDF::Node => [ RDF::Vocab::SHACL.BlankNode, RDF::Vocab::SHACL.BlankNodeOrIRI, RDF::Vocab::SHACL.BlankNodeOrLiteral, ], RDF::Literal => [ RDF::Vocab::SHACL.Literal, RDF::Vocab::SHACL.IRIOrLiteral, RDF::Vocab::SHACL.BlankNodeOrLiteral, ] } # Specifies a condition to be satisfied by the RDF node kind of each value node. # # @example # ex:NodeKindExampleShape # a sh:NodeShape ; # sh:targetObjectsOf ex:knows ; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI . # # @param [RDF::URI] term the kind of node to match each value node. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus node to the to the value nodes. # @param [Array] value_nodes # @return [Array] def builtin_nodeKind(term, node, path, value_nodes, **options) do |n| compares = NODE_KIND_COMPARE.fetch(n.class, []).include?(term) satisfy(focus: node, path: path, value: n, message: "is#{' not' unless compares} a node kind match of #{term.to_sxp}", resultSeverity: (options.fetch(:severity) unless compares), component: RDF::Vocab::SHACL.NodeKindConstraintComponent, **options) end.flatten.compact end # Specifies a regular expression that each value node matches to satisfy the condition. # # @example # ex:PatternExampleShape # a sh:NodeShape ; # sh:targetNode ex:Bob, ex:Alice, ex:Carol ; # sh:property [ # sh:path ex:bCode ; # sh:pattern "^B" ; # starts with 'B' # sh:flags "i" ; # Ignore case # ] . # # @param [RDF::URI] pattern A regular expression that all value nodes need to match. # @param [RDF::Term] node the focus node # @param [RDF::URI, SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] path (nil) the property path from the focus node to the value nodes.. # @param [Array] value_nodes # @return [Array] def builtin_pattern(pattern, node, path, value_nodes, **options) flags = options[:flags].to_s regex_opts = 0 | regex_opts |= Regexp::MULTILINE if flags.include?(?m) regex_opts |= Regexp::IGNORECASE if flags.include?(?i) regex_opts |= Regexp::EXTENDED if flags.include?(?x) pat =, regex_opts) do |n| compares = !n.node? && pat.match?(n.to_s) satisfy(focus: node, path: path, value: n, message: "is#{' not' unless compares} a match #{pat.inspect}", resultSeverity: (options.fetch(:severity) unless compares), component: RDF::Vocab::SHACL.PatternConstraintComponent, **options) end.flatten.compact end protected # Common comparison logic for lessThan, lessThanOrEqual, max/minInclusive/Exclusive def compare(method, terms, node, path, value_nodes, component, **options) do |left| results = do |right| case left when RDF::Literal unless right.literal? && ( (left.simple? && right.simple?) || (left.is_a?(RDF::Literal::Numeric) && right.is_a?(RDF::Literal::Numeric)) || (left.datatype == right.datatype && left.language == right.language)) :incomperable else left.send(method, right) end when RDF::URI right.uri? && left.send(method, right) else :incomperable end end if results.include?(:incomperable) not_satisfied(focus: node, path: path, value: left, message: "is incomperable with #{terms.to_sxp}", resultSeverity: options.fetch(:severity), component: component, **options) elsif results.include?(false) not_satisfied(focus: node, path: path, value: left, message: "is not #{method} than #{terms.to_sxp}", resultSeverity: options.fetch(:severity), component: component, **options) else satisfy(focus: node, path: path, value: left, message: "is #{method} than #{terms.to_sxp}", component: component, **options) end end.flatten.compact end end end