module Mocktail class DeclaresDryClass def initialize @handles_dry_call = @raises_neato_no_method_error = end def declare(type, instance_methods) dry_class = { include type if type.instance_of?(Module) def initialize(*args, **kwargs, &blk) end define_method :is_a?, ->(thing) { type.ancestors.include?(thing) } alias_method :kind_of?, :is_a? if type.instance_of?(Class) define_method :instance_of?, ->(thing) { type == thing } end } # These have special implementations, but if the user defines # any of them on the object itself, then they'll be replaced with normal # mocked methods. YMMV add_stringify_methods!(dry_class, :to_s, type, instance_methods) add_stringify_methods!(dry_class, :inspect, type, instance_methods) define_method_missing_errors!(dry_class, type, instance_methods) define_double_methods!(dry_class, type, instance_methods) dry_class end private def define_double_methods!(dry_class, type, instance_methods) handles_dry_call = @handles_dry_call instance_methods.each do |method| dry_class.undef_method(method) if dry_class.method_defined?(method) dry_class.define_method method, ->(*args, **kwargs, &block) { Debug.guard_against_mocktail_accidentally_calling_mocks_if_debugging! handles_dry_call.handle( singleton: false, double: self, original_type: type, dry_type: dry_class, method: method, original_method: type.instance_method(method), args: args, kwargs: kwargs, block: block )) } end end def add_stringify_methods!(dry_class, method_name, type, instance_methods) dry_class.define_singleton_method method_name, -> { if (id_matches = super().match(/:([0-9a-fx]+)>$/)) "#<Class #{"including module " if type.instance_of?(Module)}for mocktail of #{}:#{id_matches[1]}>" else super() end } unless instance_methods.include?(method_name) dry_class.define_method method_name, -> { if (id_matches = super().match(/:([0-9a-fx]+)>$/)) "#<Mocktail of #{}:#{id_matches[1]}>" else super() end } end end def define_method_missing_errors!(dry_class, type, instance_methods) return if instance_methods.include?(:method_missing) raises_neato_no_method_error = @raises_neato_no_method_error dry_class.define_method :method_missing, ->(name, *args, **kwargs, &block) { singleton: false, double: self, original_type: type, dry_type: self.class, method: name, original_method: nil, args: args, kwargs: kwargs, block: block ) ) } end end end