lv: active_admin: dashboard: Panelis dashboard_welcome: welcome: "Laipni lūgti Active Admin." call_to_action: "Izmantojiet 'app/admin/dashboard.rb', lai pievienotu sadaļas panelim." view: "Apskatīt" edit: "Labot" delete: "Dzēst" delete_confirmation: "Vai Tu tiešām vēlies dzēst?" new_model: "Pievienot '%{model}' ierakstu" create_model: "Pievienot '%{model}' ierakstu" edit_model: "Labot '%{model}' ierakstu" update_model: "Labot '%{model}' ierakstu" delete_model: "Dzēst '%{model}' ierakstu" details: "Apraksts" cancel: "Atcelt" empty: "Tukšs" previous: "Iepriekšējā" next: "Nākošā" download: "Lejuplādēt:" has_many_new: "Pievienot jaunu '%{model}' ierakstu" has_many_delete: "Dzēst" has_many_remove: "Noņemt" filters: buttons: filter: "Filtrēt" clear: "Novākt filtrus" predicates: contains: "Satur" equals: "Vienāds ar" starts_with: "Sākas ar" ends_with: "Beidzas ar" greater_than: "Lielāks par" less_than: "Mazāks par" main_content: "Lūdzu implementēt %{model}#main_content, lai rādītos saturs." logout: "Iziet" powered_by: "Powered by %{active_admin} %{version}" sidebars: filters: "Filtri" pagination: empty: "Nav ierakstu" one: "1 ieraksts" one_page: "%{n} ieraksti" multiple: "%{from} - %{to} ieraksti no %{total} kopā" multiple_without_total: "%{from} - %{to}" entry: one: "ieraksts" other: "ieraksti" any: "Jebkurš" blank_slate: content: "Sadaļā '%{resource_name}' nav neviena ieraksta." link: "Izveidot jaunu" batch_actions: button_label: "Batch Actions" delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete these %{plural_model}? You won't be able to undo this." succesfully_destroyed: one: "Successfully destroyed 1 %{model}" other: "Successfully destroyed %{count} %{plural_model}" selection_toggle_explanation: "(Toggle Selection)" link: "Create one" action_label: "%{title} Selected" labels: destroy: "Delete" comments: body: "Saturs" author: "Autors" title: "Komentārs" add: "Pievienot komentāru" resource: "Resurss" no_comments_yet: "Nav neviena komentāra." title_content: "Komentāri (%{count})" errors: empty_text: "Komentārs netika saglabāts - nekas nav ierakstīts" devise: login: title: "Ielogojaties" remember_me: "atcerēties mani" submit: "Ielogojaties" reset_password: title: "Aizmirsāt savu paroli?" submit: "Atjaunotu savu paroli" change_password: title: "Nomainīt paroli" submit: "Nomainīt savu paroli" links: sign_in: "pierakstīties" forgot_your_password: "Aizmirsāt savu paroli?" sign_in_with_omniauth_provider: "Pierakstieties ar %{provider}"