# encoding: UTF-8 # # = net/ntlm.rb # # An NTLM Authentication Library for Ruby # # This code is a derivative of "dbf2.rb" written by yrock # and Minero Aoki. You can find original code here: # http://jp.rubyist.net/magazine/?0013-CodeReview # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2005,2006 yrock # # # 2006-02-11 refactored by Minero Aoki # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # All protocol information used to write this code stems from # "The NTLM Authentication Protocol" by Eric Glass. The author # would thank to him for this tremendous work and making it # available on the net. # http://davenport.sourceforge.net/ntlm.html # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2003 Eric Glass # # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # The author also looked Mozilla-Firefox-1.0.7 source code, # namely, security/manager/ssl/src/nsNTLMAuthModule.cpp and # Jonathan Bastien-Filiatrault's libntlm-ruby. # "http://x2a.org/websvn/filedetails.php? # repname=libntlm-ruby&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fntlm.rb&sc=1" # The latter has a minor bug in its separate_keys function. # The third key has to begin from the 14th character of the # input string instead of 13th:) #-- # $Id: ntlm.rb,v 1.1 2006/10/05 01:36:52 koheik Exp $ #++ require 'base64' require 'openssl' require 'openssl/digest' require 'socket' # Load Order is important here require 'net/ntlm/field' require 'net/ntlm/int16_le' require 'net/ntlm/int32_le' require 'net/ntlm/int64_le' require 'net/ntlm/string' require 'net/ntlm/field_set' require 'net/ntlm/blob' require 'net/ntlm/security_buffer' require 'net/ntlm/message' require 'net/ntlm/message/type0' require 'net/ntlm/message/type1' require 'net/ntlm/message/type2' require 'net/ntlm/message/type3' require 'net/ntlm/encode_util' require 'net/ntlm/client' module Net module NTLM LM_MAGIC = "KGS!@\#$%" TIME_OFFSET = 11644473600 MAX64 = 0xffffffffffffffff class << self # Valid format for LAN Manager hex digest portion: 32 hexadecimal characters. LAN_MANAGER_HEX_DIGEST_REGEXP = /[0-9a-f]{32}/i # Valid format for NT LAN Manager hex digest portion: 32 hexadecimal characters. NT_LAN_MANAGER_HEX_DIGEST_REGEXP = /[0-9a-f]{32}/i # Valid format for an NTLM hash composed of `':'`. DATA_REGEXP = /\A#{LAN_MANAGER_HEX_DIGEST_REGEXP}:#{NT_LAN_MANAGER_HEX_DIGEST_REGEXP}\z/ # Takes a string and determines whether it is a valid NTLM Hash # @param [String] the string to validate # @return [Boolean] whether or not the string is a valid NTLM hash def is_ntlm_hash?(data) decoded_data = data.dup decoded_data = EncodeUtil.decode_utf16le(decoded_data) if DATA_REGEXP.match(decoded_data) true else false end end # Conver the value to a 64-Bit Little Endian Int # @param [String] val The string to convert def pack_int64le(val) [val & 0x00000000ffffffff, val >> 32].pack("V2") end # Builds an array of strings that are 7 characters long # @param [String] str The string to split # @api private def split7(str) s = str.dup until s.empty? (ret ||= []).push s.slice!(0, 7) end ret end # Not sure what this is doing # @param [String] str String to generate keys for # @api private def gen_keys(str) split7(str).map{ |str7| bits = split7(str7.unpack("B*")[0]).inject('')\ {|ret, tkn| ret += tkn + (tkn.gsub('1', '').size % 2).to_s } [bits].pack("B*") } end def apply_des(plain, keys) dec = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new("des-cbc") dec.padding = 0 keys.map {|k| dec.key = k dec.encrypt.update(plain) + dec.final } end # Generates a Lan Manager Hash # @param [String] password The password to base the hash on def lm_hash(password) keys = gen_keys password.upcase.ljust(14, "\0") apply_des(LM_MAGIC, keys).join end # Generate a NTLM Hash # @param [String] password The password to base the hash on # @option opt :unicode (false) Unicode encode the password def ntlm_hash(password, opt = {}) pwd = password.dup unless opt[:unicode] pwd = EncodeUtil.encode_utf16le(pwd) end OpenSSL::Digest::MD4.digest pwd end # Generate a NTLMv2 Hash # @param [String] user The username # @param [String] password The password # @param [String] target The domain or workstation to authenticate to # @option opt :unicode (false) Unicode encode the domain def ntlmv2_hash(user, password, target, opt={}) if is_ntlm_hash? password decoded_password = EncodeUtil.decode_utf16le(password) ntlmhash = [decoded_password.upcase[33,65]].pack('H32') else ntlmhash = ntlm_hash(password, opt) end userdomain = user.upcase + target unless opt[:unicode] userdomain = EncodeUtil.encode_utf16le(userdomain) end OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(OpenSSL::Digest::MD5.new, ntlmhash, userdomain) end def lm_response(arg) begin hash = arg[:lm_hash] chal = arg[:challenge] rescue raise ArgumentError end chal = NTLM::pack_int64le(chal) if chal.is_a?(Integer) keys = gen_keys hash.ljust(21, "\0") apply_des(chal, keys).join end def ntlm_response(arg) hash = arg[:ntlm_hash] chal = arg[:challenge] chal = NTLM::pack_int64le(chal) if chal.is_a?(Integer) keys = gen_keys hash.ljust(21, "\0") apply_des(chal, keys).join end def ntlmv2_response(arg, opt = {}) begin key = arg[:ntlmv2_hash] chal = arg[:challenge] ti = arg[:target_info] rescue raise ArgumentError end chal = NTLM::pack_int64le(chal) if chal.is_a?(Integer) if opt[:client_challenge] cc = opt[:client_challenge] else cc = rand(MAX64) end cc = NTLM::pack_int64le(cc) if cc.is_a?(Integer) if opt[:timestamp] ts = opt[:timestamp] else ts = Time.now.to_i end # epoch -> milsec from Jan 1, 1601 ts = 10_000_000 * (ts + TIME_OFFSET) blob = Blob.new blob.timestamp = ts blob.challenge = cc blob.target_info = ti bb = blob.serialize OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(OpenSSL::Digest::MD5.new, key, chal + bb) + bb end def lmv2_response(arg, opt = {}) key = arg[:ntlmv2_hash] chal = arg[:challenge] chal = NTLM::pack_int64le(chal) if chal.is_a?(Integer) if opt[:client_challenge] cc = opt[:client_challenge] else cc = rand(MAX64) end cc = NTLM::pack_int64le(cc) if cc.is_a?(Integer) OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(OpenSSL::Digest::MD5.new, key, chal + cc) + cc end def ntlm2_session(arg, opt = {}) begin passwd_hash = arg[:ntlm_hash] chal = arg[:challenge] rescue raise ArgumentError end chal = NTLM::pack_int64le(chal) if chal.is_a?(Integer) if opt[:client_challenge] cc = opt[:client_challenge] else cc = rand(MAX64) end cc = NTLM::pack_int64le(cc) if cc.is_a?(Integer) keys = gen_keys(passwd_hash.ljust(21, "\0")) session_hash = OpenSSL::Digest::MD5.digest(chal + cc).slice(0, 8) response = apply_des(session_hash, keys).join [cc.ljust(24, "\0"), response] end end end end