# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Christopher Walters () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' describe Chef::ResourceCollection do before(:each) do @rc = Chef::ResourceCollection.new() @resource = Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("makoto") end describe "initialize" do it "should return a Chef::ResourceCollection" do @rc.should be_kind_of(Chef::ResourceCollection) end end describe "[]" do it "should accept Chef::Resources through [index]" do lambda { @rc[0] = @resource }.should_not raise_error lambda { @rc[0] = "string" }.should raise_error end it "should allow you to fetch Chef::Resources by position" do @rc[0] = @resource @rc[0].should eql(@resource) end end describe "push" do it "should accept Chef::Resources through pushing" do lambda { @rc.push(@resource) }.should_not raise_error lambda { @rc.push("string") }.should raise_error end end describe "<<" do it "should accept the << operator" do lambda { @rc << @resource }.should_not raise_error end end describe "insert" do it "should accept only Chef::Resources" do lambda { @rc.insert(@resource) }.should_not raise_error lambda { @rc.insert("string") }.should raise_error end it "should append resources to the end of the collection when not executing a run" do zmr = Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("there is no spoon") @rc.insert(@resource) @rc.insert(zmr) @rc[0].should eql(@resource) @rc[1].should eql(zmr) end it "should insert resources to the middle of the collection if called while executing a run" do resource_to_inject = Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("there is no spoon") zmr = Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("morpheus") dummy = Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("keanu reeves") @rc.insert(zmr) @rc.insert(dummy) @rc.execute_each_resource do |resource| @rc.insert(resource_to_inject) if resource == zmr end @rc[0].should eql(zmr) @rc[1].should eql(resource_to_inject) @rc[2].should eql(dummy) end end describe "each" do it "should allow you to iterate over every resource in the collection" do load_up_resources results = Array.new lambda { @rc.each do |r| results << r.name end }.should_not raise_error results.each_index do |i| case i when 0 results[i].should eql("dog") when 1 results[i].should eql("cat") when 2 results[i].should eql("monkey") end end end end describe "each_index" do it "should allow you to iterate over every resource by index" do load_up_resources results = Array.new lambda { @rc.each_index do |i| results << @rc[i].name end }.should_not raise_error results.each_index do |i| case i when 0 results[i].should eql("dog") when 1 results[i].should eql("cat") when 2 results[i].should eql("monkey") end end end end describe "lookup" do it "should allow you to find resources by name via lookup" do zmr = Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("dog") @rc << zmr @rc.lookup(zmr.to_s).should eql(zmr) zmr = Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("cat") @rc[0] = zmr @rc.lookup(zmr).should eql(zmr) zmr = Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("monkey") @rc.push(zmr) @rc.lookup(zmr).should eql(zmr) end it "should raise an exception if you send something strange to lookup" do lambda { @rc.lookup(:symbol) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an exception if it cannot find a resource with lookup" do lambda { @rc.lookup("zen_master[dog]") }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ResourceNotFound) end end describe "resources" do it "should find a resource by symbol and name (:zen_master => monkey)" do load_up_resources @rc.resources(:zen_master => "monkey").name.should eql("monkey") end it "should find a resource by symbol and array of names (:zen_master => [a,b])" do load_up_resources results = @rc.resources(:zen_master => [ "monkey", "dog" ]) results.length.should eql(2) check_by_names(results, "monkey", "dog") end it "should find resources of multiple kinds (:zen_master => a, :file => b)" do load_up_resources results = @rc.resources(:zen_master => "monkey", :file => "something") results.length.should eql(2) check_by_names(results, "monkey", "something") end it "should find a resource by string zen_master[a]" do load_up_resources @rc.resources("zen_master[monkey]").name.should eql("monkey") end it "should find resources by strings of zen_master[a,b]" do load_up_resources results = @rc.resources("zen_master[monkey,dog]") results.length.should eql(2) check_by_names(results, "monkey", "dog") end it "should find resources of multiple types by strings of zen_master[a]" do load_up_resources results = @rc.resources("zen_master[monkey]", "file[something]") results.length.should eql(2) check_by_names(results, "monkey", "something") end it "should raise an exception if you pass a bad name to resources" do lambda { @rc.resources("michael jackson") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an exception if you pass something other than a string or hash to resource" do lambda { @rc.resources([Array.new]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an error when attempting to find a resource that does not exist" do lambda {@rc.find("script[nonesuch]")}.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ResourceNotFound) end end describe "when validating a resource query object" do it "accepts a string of the form 'resource_type[resource_name]'" do @rc.validate_lookup_spec!("resource_type[resource_name]").should be_true end it "accepts a single-element :resource_type => 'resource_name' Hash" do @rc.validate_lookup_spec!(:service => "apache2").should be_true end it "accepts a chef resource object" do res = Chef::Resource.new("foo", nil) @rc.validate_lookup_spec!(res).should be_true end it "rejects a malformed query string" do lambda do @rc.validate_lookup_spec!("resource_type[missing-end-bracket") end.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::InvalidResourceSpecification) end it "rejects an argument that is not a String, Hash, or Chef::Resource" do lambda do @rc.validate_lookup_spec!(Object.new) end.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::InvalidResourceSpecification) end end describe "to_json" do it "should serialize to json" do json = @rc.to_json json.should =~ /json_class/ json.should =~ /instance_vars/ end end describe "self.from_json" do it "should deserialize itself from json" do @rc << @resource json = @rc.to_json s_rc = Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(json) s_rc.should be_a_kind_of(Chef::ResourceCollection) s_rc[0].name.should eql(@resource.name) end end describe "provides access to the raw resources array" do it "returns the resources via the all_resources method" do @rc.all_resources.should equal(@rc.instance_variable_get(:@resources)) end end describe "provides access to stepable iterator" do it "returns the iterator object" do @rc.instance_variable_set(:@iterator, :fooboar) @rc.iterator.should == :fooboar end end def check_by_names(results, *names) names.each do |res_name| results.detect{ |res| res.name == res_name }.should_not eql(nil) end end def load_up_resources %w{dog cat monkey}.each do |n| @rc << Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new(n) end @rc << Chef::Resource::File.new("something") end end