describe 'About page', type: :feature do let(:exhibit) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit) } let(:exhibit_curator) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit_curator, exhibit: exhibit) } let!(:about_page1) { FactoryGirl.create(:about_page, title: 'First Page', exhibit: exhibit) } let!(:about_page2) { FactoryGirl.create(:about_page, title: 'Second Page', exhibit: exhibit) } let(:unpublished_page) { FactoryGirl.create(:about_page, title: 'Unpublished Page', published: false, exhibit: exhibit) } describe 'sidebar' do it 'displays' do visit spotlight.exhibit_about_page_path(about_page1.exhibit, about_page1) # the sidebar should display within('#sidebar') do # within the sidebar navigation within('ul.sidenav') do # the current page should be active expect(page).to have_css('', text: about_page1.title) # the other page should be linked expect(page).to have_css('li a', text: about_page2.title) end end end end describe 'page options' do before { login_as exhibit_curator } describe 'publish' do it 'is updatable from the edit page' do expect(unpublished_page).not_to be_published visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_about_page_path(unpublished_page.exhibit, unpublished_page) expect(find('#about_page_published')).not_to be_checked check 'Publish' click_button 'Save changes' expect(unpublished_page.reload).to be_published visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_about_page_path(unpublished_page.exhibit, unpublished_page) expect(find('#about_page_published')).to be_checked end end end end