require "mkmf" require "yaml" module Sqlite3 module ExtConf ENV_ALLOWLIST = ["CC", "CFLAGS", "LDFLAGS", "LIBS", "CPPFLAGS", "LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH", "CPP"] class << self def configure configure_cross_compiler if system_libraries? message "Building sqlite3-ruby using system #{libname}.\n" configure_system_libraries else message "Building sqlite3-ruby using packaged sqlite3.\n" configure_packaged_libraries end configure_extension create_makefile("sqlite3/sqlite3_native") end def configure_cross_compiler RbConfig::CONFIG["CC"] = RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG["CC"] = ENV["CC"] if ENV["CC"] ENV["CC"] = RbConfig::CONFIG["CC"] end def system_libraries? sqlcipher? || enable_config("system-libraries") end def libname sqlcipher? ? "sqlcipher" : "sqlite3" end def sqlcipher? with_config("sqlcipher") || with_config("sqlcipher-dir") || with_config("sqlcipher-include") || with_config("sqlcipher-lib") end def configure_system_libraries pkg_config(libname) append_cppflags("-DUSING_SQLCIPHER") if sqlcipher? end def configure_packaged_libraries minimal_recipe.tap do |recipe| recipe.configure_options += [ "--disable-shared", "--enable-static", "--disable-tcl", "--enable-fts5" ] ENV.to_h.tap do |env| user_cflags = with_config("sqlite-cflags") more_cflags = [ "-fPIC", # needed for linking the static library into a shared library "-O2", # see for some benchmarks "-fvisibility=hidden", # see "-DSQLITE_DEFAULT_WAL_SYNCHRONOUS=1", "-DSQLITE_USE_URI=1", "-DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBPAGE_VTAB=1", "-DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBSTAT_VTAB=1" ] env["CFLAGS"] = [user_cflags, env["CFLAGS"], more_cflags].flatten.join(" ") recipe.configure_options += { |k, v| ENV_ALLOWLIST.include?(k) } .map { |key, value| "#{key}=#{value.strip}" } end unless File.exist?(File.join(,,, recipe.version)) recipe.cook end recipe.activate # on macos, pkg-config will not return --cflags without this ENV["PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_CFLAGS"] = "t" # only needed for Ruby 3.1.3, see RbConfig::CONFIG["PKG_CONFIG"] = config_string("PKG_CONFIG") || "pkg-config" lib_path = File.join(recipe.path, "lib") pcfile = File.join(lib_path, "pkgconfig", "sqlite3.pc") abort_pkg_config("pkg_config") unless pkg_config(pcfile) # see ldflags = xpopen(["pkg-config", "--libs", "--static", pcfile], err: [:child, :out], &:read) abort_pkg_config("xpopen") unless $?.success? ldflags = ldflags.split # see "-L#{lib_path}".tap do |lib_path_flag| ldflags.prepend(lib_path_flag) unless ldflags.include?(lib_path_flag) end ldflags.each { |ldflag| append_ldflags(ldflag) } append_cppflags("-DUSING_PACKAGED_LIBRARIES") append_cppflags("-DUSING_PRECOMPILED_LIBRARIES") if cross_build? end end def configure_extension append_cflags("-fvisibility=hidden") # see if find_header("sqlite3.h") # noop elsif sqlcipher? && find_header("sqlcipher/sqlite3.h") append_cppflags("-DUSING_SQLCIPHER_INC_SUBDIR") else abort_could_not_find("sqlite3.h") end abort_could_not_find(libname) unless find_library(libname, "sqlite3_libversion_number", "sqlite3.h") # Truffle Ruby doesn't support this yet: # have_func("rb_enc_interned_str_cstr") # Functions defined in 1.9 but not 1.8 have_func("rb_proc_arity") # Functions defined in 2.1 but not 2.0 have_func("rb_integer_pack") # These functions may not be defined have_func("sqlite3_initialize") have_func("sqlite3_backup_init") have_func("sqlite3_column_database_name") have_func("sqlite3_enable_load_extension") have_func("sqlite3_load_extension") unless have_func("sqlite3_open_v2") # abort("\nPlease use a version of SQLite3 >= 3.5.0\n\n") end have_func("sqlite3_prepare_v2") have_func("sqlite3_db_name", "sqlite3.h") # v3.39.0 have_func("sqlite3_error_offset", "sqlite3.h") # v3.38.0 have_type("sqlite3_int64", "sqlite3.h") have_type("sqlite3_uint64", "sqlite3.h") end def minimal_recipe require "mini_portile2", sqlite3_config[:version]).tap do |recipe| if sqlite_source_dir recipe.source_directory = sqlite_source_dir else recipe.files = sqlite3_config[:files] = File.join(package_root_dir, "ports") recipe.patch_files = Dir[File.join(package_root_dir, "patches", "*.patch")].sort end end end def package_root_dir File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..")) end def sqlite3_config mini_portile_config[:sqlite3] end def mini_portile_config YAML.load_file(File.join(package_root_dir, "dependencies.yml"), symbolize_names: true) end def abort_could_not_find(missing) abort("\nCould not find #{missing}.\nPlease visit for installation instructions.\n\n") end def abort_pkg_config(id) abort("\nCould not configure the build properly (#{id}). Please install the `pkg-config` utility.\n\n") end def cross_build? enable_config("cross-build") end def sqlite_source_dir arg_config("--with-sqlite-source-dir") end def download end def darwin? RbConfig::CONFIG["target_os"].include?("darwin") end def print_help print(<<~TEXT) USAGE: ruby #{$PROGRAM_NAME} [options] Flags that are always valid: --disable-system-libraries Use the packaged libraries, and ignore the system libraries. (This is the default behavior.) --enable-system-libraries Use system libraries instead of building and using the packaged libraries. --with-sqlcipher Use libsqlcipher instead of libsqlite3. (Implies `--enable-system-libraries`.) --with-sqlite-source-dir=DIRECTORY (dev only) Build sqlite from the source code in DIRECTORY --help Display this message. Flags only used when using system libraries: General (applying to all system libraries): --with-opt-dir=DIRECTORY Look for headers and libraries in DIRECTORY. --with-opt-lib=DIRECTORY Look for libraries in DIRECTORY. --with-opt-include=DIRECTORY Look for headers in DIRECTORY. Related to sqlcipher: --with-sqlcipher-dir=DIRECTORY Look for sqlcipher headers and library in DIRECTORY. (Implies `--with-sqlcipher` and `--enable-system-libraries`.) --with-sqlcipher-lib=DIRECTORY Look for sqlcipher library in DIRECTORY. (Implies `--with-sqlcipher` and `--enable-system-libraries`.) --with-sqlcipher-include=DIRECTORY Look for sqlcipher headers in DIRECTORY. (Implies `--with-sqlcipher` and `--enable-system-libraries`.) Flags only used when building and using the packaged libraries: --with-sqlite-cflags=CFLAGS Explicitly pass compiler flags to the sqlite library build. These flags will appear on the commandline before any flags set in the CFLAGS environment variable. This is useful for setting compilation options in your project's bundler config. See for more information. --enable-cross-build Enable cross-build mode. (You probably do not want to set this manually.) Environment variables used for compiling the gem's C extension: CC Use this path to invoke the compiler instead of `RbConfig::CONFIG['CC']` Environment variables passed through to the compilation of sqlite: CC CPPFLAGS CFLAGS LDFLAGS LIBS LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH CPP TEXT end end end end if arg_config("--help") Sqlite3::ExtConf.print_help exit!(0) end if arg_config("--download-dependencies") exit!(0) end Sqlite3::ExtConf.configure