// Copyright (C) 2008  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.

#include <vector>
#include <limits>

#include "feature_ranking_abstract.h"
#include "kcentroid.h"
#include "../optimization.h"
#include "../statistics.h"
#include <iostream>

namespace dlib

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename kernel_type,
        typename sample_matrix_type,
        typename label_matrix_type
    matrix<typename kernel_type::scalar_type,0,2,typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type> rank_features_impl (
        const kcentroid<kernel_type>& kc,
        const sample_matrix_type& samples,
        const label_matrix_type& labels
            This function ranks features by doing recursive feature elimination

        typedef typename kernel_type::scalar_type scalar_type;
        typedef typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type mm;

        // make sure requires clause is not broken
        DLIB_ASSERT(is_binary_classification_problem(samples, labels) == true,
            "\tmatrix rank_features()"
            << "\n\t you have given invalid arguments to this function"

        matrix<scalar_type,0,2,mm> results(samples(0).nr(), 2);
        matrix<scalar_type,sample_matrix_type::type::NR,1,mm> mask(samples(0).nr());

        // figure out what the separation is between the two centroids when all the features are 
        // present.
        scalar_type first_separation;
            kcentroid<kernel_type> c1(kc);
            kcentroid<kernel_type> c2(kc);
            // find the centers of each class
            for (long s = 0; s < samples.size(); ++s)
                if (labels(s) < 0)

            first_separation = c1(c2);

        using namespace std;

        for (long i = results.nr()-1; i >= 0; --i)
            long worst_feature_idx = 0;
            scalar_type worst_feature_score = -std::numeric_limits<scalar_type>::infinity();

            // figure out which feature to remove next
            for (long j = 0; j < mask.size(); ++j)
                // skip features we have already removed
                if (mask(j) == 0)

                kcentroid<kernel_type> c1(kc);
                kcentroid<kernel_type> c2(kc);

                // temporarily remove this feature from the working set of features
                mask(j) = 0;

                // find the centers of each class
                for (long s = 0; s < samples.size(); ++s)
                    if (labels(s) < 0)


                // find the distance between the two centroids and use that
                // as the score
                const double score = c1(c2);

                if (score > worst_feature_score)
                    worst_feature_score = score;
                    worst_feature_idx = j;

                // add this feature back to the working set of features
                mask(j) = 1;


            // now that we know what the next worst feature is record it 
            mask(worst_feature_idx) = 0;
            results(i,0) = worst_feature_idx;
            results(i,1) = worst_feature_score; 

        // now normalize the results 
        const scalar_type max_separation = std::max(max(colm(results,1)), first_separation);
        set_colm(results,1) = colm(results,1)/max_separation;
        for (long r = 0; r < results.nr()-1; ++r)
            results(r,1) = results(r+1,1);
        results(results.nr()-1,1) = first_separation/max_separation;

        return results;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename kernel_type,
        typename sample_matrix_type,
        typename label_matrix_type
    matrix<typename kernel_type::scalar_type,0,2,typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type> rank_features (
        const kcentroid<kernel_type>& kc,
        const sample_matrix_type& samples,
        const label_matrix_type& labels
        return rank_features_impl(kc, mat(samples), mat(labels));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename kernel_type,
        typename sample_matrix_type,
        typename label_matrix_type
    matrix<typename kernel_type::scalar_type,0,2,typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type> rank_features_impl (
        const kcentroid<kernel_type>& kc,
        const sample_matrix_type& samples,
        const label_matrix_type& labels,
        const long num_features
            This function ranks features by doing recursive feature addition 

        typedef typename kernel_type::scalar_type scalar_type;
        typedef typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type mm;

        // make sure requires clause is not broken
        DLIB_ASSERT(is_binary_classification_problem(samples, labels) == true,
            "\tmatrix rank_features()"
            << "\n\t you have given invalid arguments to this function"
        DLIB_ASSERT(0 < num_features && num_features <= samples(0).nr(),
            "\tmatrix rank_features()"
            << "\n\t you have given invalid arguments to this function"
            << "\n\t num_features:    " << num_features
            << "\n\t samples(0).nr(): " << samples(0).nr() 

        matrix<scalar_type,0,2,mm> results(num_features, 2);
        matrix<scalar_type,sample_matrix_type::type::NR,1,mm> mask(samples(0).nr());

        using namespace std;

        for (long i = 0; i < results.nr(); ++i)
            long best_feature_idx = 0;
            scalar_type best_feature_score = -std::numeric_limits<scalar_type>::infinity();

            // figure out which feature to add next
            for (long j = 0; j < mask.size(); ++j)
                // skip features we have already added 
                if (mask(j) == 1)

                kcentroid<kernel_type> c1(kc);
                kcentroid<kernel_type> c2(kc);

                // temporarily add this feature to the working set of features
                mask(j) = 1;

                // find the centers of each class
                for (long s = 0; s < samples.size(); ++s)
                    if (labels(s) < 0)


                // find the distance between the two centroids and use that
                // as the score
                const double score = c1(c2);

                if (score > best_feature_score)
                    best_feature_score = score;
                    best_feature_idx = j;

                // take this feature back out of the working set of features
                mask(j) = 0;


            // now that we know what the next best feature is record it 
            mask(best_feature_idx) = 1;
            results(i,0) = best_feature_idx;
            results(i,1) = best_feature_score; 

        // now normalize the results 
        set_colm(results,1) = colm(results,1)/max(colm(results,1));

        return results;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename kernel_type,
        typename sample_matrix_type,
        typename label_matrix_type
    matrix<typename kernel_type::scalar_type,0,2,typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type> rank_features (
        const kcentroid<kernel_type>& kc,
        const sample_matrix_type& samples,
        const label_matrix_type& labels,
        const long num_features
        if (mat(samples).nr() > 0 && num_features == mat(samples)(0).nr())
            // if we are going to rank them all then might as well do the recursive feature elimination version
            return rank_features_impl(kc, mat(samples), mat(labels));
            return rank_features_impl(kc, mat(samples), mat(labels), num_features);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    namespace rank_features_helpers
        template <
            typename K,
            typename sample_matrix_type,
            typename label_matrix_type
        typename K::scalar_type centroid_gap (
            const kcentroid<K>& kc,
            const sample_matrix_type& samples,
            const label_matrix_type& labels
            kcentroid<K> kc1(kc);
            kcentroid<K> kc2(kc);

            // toss all the samples into our kcentroids
            for (long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
                if (labels(i) > 0)

            // now return the separation between the mean of these two centroids
            return kc1(kc2);

        template <
            typename sample_matrix_type,
            typename label_matrix_type
        class test
            typedef typename sample_matrix_type::type sample_type;
            typedef typename sample_type::type scalar_type;
            typedef typename sample_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;

            test (
                const sample_matrix_type& samples_,
                const label_matrix_type& labels_,
                unsigned long num_sv_,
                bool verbose_
            ) : samples(samples_), labels(labels_), num_sv(num_sv_), verbose(verbose_)

            double operator() (
                double gamma
            ) const
                using namespace std;

                // we are doing the optimization in log space so don't forget to convert back to normal space
                gamma = std::exp(gamma);

                typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
                // Make a kcentroid and find out what the gap is at the current gamma.  Try to pick a reasonable
                // tolerance.
                const double tolerance = std::min(gamma*0.01, 0.01);
                const kernel_type kern(gamma);
                kcentroid<kernel_type> kc(kern, tolerance, num_sv);
                scalar_type temp = centroid_gap(kc, samples, labels);

                if (verbose)
                    cout << "\rChecking goodness of gamma = " << gamma << ".  Goodness = " 
                         << temp << "                    " << flush;
                return temp;

            const sample_matrix_type& samples;
            const label_matrix_type& labels;
            unsigned long num_sv;
            bool verbose;


        template <
            typename sample_matrix_type,
            typename label_matrix_type
        double find_gamma_with_big_centroid_gap_impl (
            const sample_matrix_type& samples,
            const label_matrix_type& labels,
            double initial_gamma,
            unsigned long num_sv,
            bool verbose
            using namespace std;

            if (verbose)
                cout << endl;

            test<sample_matrix_type, label_matrix_type> funct(samples, labels, num_sv, verbose);
            double best_gamma = std::log(initial_gamma);
            double goodness = find_max_single_variable(funct, best_gamma, -15, 15, 1e-3, 100);
            if (verbose)
                cout << "\rBest gamma = " << std::exp(best_gamma) << ".  Goodness = " 
                    << goodness << "                    " << endl;

            return std::exp(best_gamma);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename sample_matrix_type,
        typename label_matrix_type
    double find_gamma_with_big_centroid_gap (
        const sample_matrix_type& samples,
        const label_matrix_type& labels,
        double initial_gamma = 0.1,
        unsigned long num_sv = 40
        DLIB_ASSERT(initial_gamma > 0 && num_sv > 0 && is_binary_classification_problem(samples, labels),
            "\t double find_gamma_with_big_centroid_gap()"
            << "\n\t initial_gamma: " << initial_gamma
            << "\n\t num_sv:        " << num_sv 
            << "\n\t is_binary_classification_problem(): " << is_binary_classification_problem(samples, labels) 

        return rank_features_helpers::find_gamma_with_big_centroid_gap_impl(mat(samples), 

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename sample_matrix_type,
        typename label_matrix_type
    double verbose_find_gamma_with_big_centroid_gap (
        const sample_matrix_type& samples,
        const label_matrix_type& labels,
        double initial_gamma = 0.1,
        unsigned long num_sv = 40
        DLIB_ASSERT(initial_gamma > 0 && num_sv > 0 && is_binary_classification_problem(samples, labels),
            "\t double verbose_find_gamma_with_big_centroid_gap()"
            << "\n\t initial_gamma: " << initial_gamma
            << "\n\t num_sv:        " << num_sv 
            << "\n\t is_binary_classification_problem(): " << is_binary_classification_problem(samples, labels) 

        return rank_features_helpers::find_gamma_with_big_centroid_gap_impl(mat(samples), 

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename vector_type
    double compute_mean_squared_distance (
        const vector_type& samples
        running_stats<double> rs;
        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
            for (unsigned long j = i+1; j < samples.size(); ++j)
                rs.add(length_squared(samples[i] - samples[j]));

        return rs.mean();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
