# encoding: UTF-8 # # Copyright 2010 Dan Wanek <dan.wanek@gmail.com> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require_relative 'response_handler' module WinRM module HTTP # A generic HTTP transport that utilized HTTPClient to send messages back and forth. # This backend will maintain state for every WinRMWebService instance that is instantiated so it # is possible to use GSSAPI with Keep-Alive. class HttpTransport # Set this to an unreasonable amount because WinRM has its own timeouts DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = 3600 attr_reader :endpoint def initialize(endpoint) @endpoint = endpoint.is_a?(String) ? URI.parse(endpoint) : endpoint @httpcli = HTTPClient.new(agent_name: 'Ruby WinRM Client') @httpcli.receive_timeout = DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT @logger = Logging.logger[self] end # Sends the SOAP payload to the WinRM service and returns the service's # SOAP response. If an error occurrs an appropriate error is raised. # # @param [String] The XML SOAP message # @returns [REXML::Document] The parsed response body def send_request(message) log_soap_message(message) hdr = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length' => message.length } resp = @httpcli.post(@endpoint, message, hdr) log_soap_message(resp.http_body.content) handler = WinRM::ResponseHandler.new(resp.http_body.content, resp.status) handler.parse_to_xml end # We'll need this to force basic authentication if desired def basic_auth_only! auths = @httpcli.www_auth.instance_variable_get('@authenticator') auths.delete_if { |i| i.scheme !~ /basic/i } end # Disable SSPI Auth def no_sspi_auth! auths = @httpcli.www_auth.instance_variable_get('@authenticator') auths.delete_if { |i| i.is_a? HTTPClient::SSPINegotiateAuth } end # Disable SSL Peer Verification def no_ssl_peer_verification! @httpcli.ssl_config.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end # HTTP Client receive timeout. How long should a remote call wait for a # for a response from WinRM? def receive_timeout=(sec) @httpcli.receive_timeout = sec end def receive_timeout @httpcli.receive_timeout end protected def log_soap_message(message) return unless @logger.debug? xml_msg = REXML::Document.new(message) formatter = REXML::Formatters::Pretty.new(2) formatter.compact = true formatter.write(xml_msg, @logger) @logger.debug("\n") rescue StandardError => e @logger.debug("Couldn't log SOAP request/response: #{e.message} - #{message}") end end # Plain text, insecure, HTTP transport class HttpPlaintext < HttpTransport def initialize(endpoint, user, pass, opts) super(endpoint) @httpcli.set_auth(nil, user, pass) no_sspi_auth! if opts[:disable_sspi] basic_auth_only! if opts[:basic_auth_only] no_ssl_peer_verification! if opts[:no_ssl_peer_verification] end end # Uses SSL to secure the transport class HttpSSL < HttpTransport def initialize(endpoint, user, pass, ca_trust_path = nil, opts) super(endpoint) @httpcli.set_auth(endpoint, user, pass) @httpcli.ssl_config.set_trust_ca(ca_trust_path) unless ca_trust_path.nil? no_sspi_auth! if opts[:disable_sspi] basic_auth_only! if opts[:basic_auth_only] no_ssl_peer_verification! if opts[:no_ssl_peer_verification] end end # Uses Kerberos/GSSAPI to authenticate and encrypt messages # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class HttpGSSAPI < HttpTransport # @param [String,URI] endpoint the WinRM webservice endpoint # @param [String] realm the Kerberos realm we are authenticating to # @param [String<optional>] service the service name, default is HTTP # @param [String<optional>] keytab the path to a keytab file if you are using one # rubocop:disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument def initialize(endpoint, realm, service = nil, keytab = nil, opts) # rubocop:enable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument super(endpoint) # Remove the GSSAPI auth from HTTPClient because we are doing our own thing no_sspi_auth! service ||= 'HTTP' @service = "#{service}/#{@endpoint.host}@#{realm}" init_krb end # Sends the SOAP payload to the WinRM service and returns the service's # SOAP response. If an error occurrs an appropriate error is raised. # # @param [String] The XML SOAP message # @returns [REXML::Document] The parsed response body def send_request(message) resp = send_kerberos_request(message) if resp.status == 401 @logger.debug 'Got 401 - reinitializing Kerberos and retrying one more time' init_krb resp = send_kerberos_request(message) end handler = WinRM::ResponseHandler.new(winrm_decrypt(resp.http_body.content), resp.status) handler.parse_to_xml end private # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # Sends the SOAP payload to the WinRM service and returns the service's # HTTP response. # # @param [String] The XML SOAP message # @returns [Object] The HTTP response object def send_kerberos_request(message) log_soap_message(message) original_length = message.length pad_len, emsg = winrm_encrypt(message) hdr = { 'Connection' => 'Keep-Alive', 'Content-Type' => 'multipart/encrypted;' \ 'protocol="application/HTTP-Kerberos-session-encrypted";' \ 'boundary="Encrypted Boundary"' } body = <<-EOF --Encrypted Boundary\r Content-Type: application/HTTP-Kerberos-session-encrypted\r OriginalContent: type=application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8;Length=#{original_length + pad_len}\r --Encrypted Boundary\r Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r #{emsg}--Encrypted Boundary\r EOF resp = @httpcli.post(@endpoint, body, hdr) log_soap_message(resp.http_body.content) resp end def init_krb @logger.debug "Initializing Kerberos for #{@service}" @gsscli = GSSAPI::Simple.new(@endpoint.host, @service) token = @gsscli.init_context auth = Base64.strict_encode64 token hdr = { 'Authorization' => "Kerberos #{auth}", 'Connection' => 'Keep-Alive', 'Content-Type' => 'application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8' } @logger.debug 'Sending HTTP POST for Kerberos Authentication' r = @httpcli.post(@endpoint, '', hdr) itok = r.header['WWW-Authenticate'].pop itok = itok.split.last itok = Base64.strict_decode64(itok) @gsscli.init_context(itok) end # @return [String] the encrypted request string def winrm_encrypt(str) @logger.debug "Encrypting SOAP message:\n#{str}" iov_cnt = 3 iov = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GssIOVBufferDesc.size * iov_cnt) iov0 = GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GssIOVBufferDesc.new(FFI::Pointer.new(iov.address)) iov0[:type] = (GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_HEADER | \ GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GSS_IOV_BUFFER_FLAG_ALLOCATE) iov1 = GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GssIOVBufferDesc.new( FFI::Pointer.new(iov.address + (GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GssIOVBufferDesc.size * 1))) iov1[:type] = (GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_DATA) iov1[:buffer].value = str iov2 = GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GssIOVBufferDesc.new( FFI::Pointer.new(iov.address + (GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GssIOVBufferDesc.size * 2))) iov2[:type] = (GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_PADDING | \ GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GSS_IOV_BUFFER_FLAG_ALLOCATE) conf_state = FFI::MemoryPointer.new :uint32 min_stat = FFI::MemoryPointer.new :uint32 GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI.gss_wrap_iov( min_stat, @gsscli.context, 1, GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GSS_C_QOP_DEFAULT, conf_state, iov, iov_cnt) token = [iov0[:buffer].length].pack('L') token += iov0[:buffer].value token += iov1[:buffer].value pad_len = iov2[:buffer].length token += iov2[:buffer].value if pad_len > 0 [pad_len, token] end # @return [String] the unencrypted response string def winrm_decrypt(str) @logger.debug "Decrypting SOAP message:\n#{str}" iov_cnt = 3 iov = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GssIOVBufferDesc.size * iov_cnt) iov0 = GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GssIOVBufferDesc.new(FFI::Pointer.new(iov.address)) iov0[:type] = (GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_HEADER | \ GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GSS_IOV_BUFFER_FLAG_ALLOCATE) iov1 = GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GssIOVBufferDesc.new( FFI::Pointer.new(iov.address + (GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GssIOVBufferDesc.size * 1))) iov1[:type] = (GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_DATA) iov2 = GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GssIOVBufferDesc.new( FFI::Pointer.new(iov.address + (GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GssIOVBufferDesc.size * 2))) iov2[:type] = (GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI::GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_DATA) str.force_encoding('BINARY') str.sub!(/^.*Content-Type: application\/octet-stream\r\n(.*)--Encrypted.*$/m, '\1') len = str.unpack('L').first iov_data = str.unpack("LA#{len}A*") iov0[:buffer].value = iov_data[1] iov1[:buffer].value = iov_data[2] min_stat = FFI::MemoryPointer.new :uint32 conf_state = FFI::MemoryPointer.new :uint32 conf_state.write_int(1) qop_state = FFI::MemoryPointer.new :uint32 qop_state.write_int(0) maj_stat = GSSAPI::LibGSSAPI.gss_unwrap_iov( min_stat, @gsscli.context, conf_state, qop_state, iov, iov_cnt) @logger.debug "SOAP message decrypted (MAJ: #{maj_stat}, " \ "MIN: #{min_stat.read_int}):\n#{iov1[:buffer].value}" iov1[:buffer].value end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end end # WinRM