"use strict"; const DOMException = require("domexception/webidl2js-wrapper"); const { documentBaseURLSerialized, parseURLToResultingURLRecord } = require("../helpers/document-base-url.js"); // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#history-3 exports.implementation = class HistoryImpl { constructor(globalObject, args, privateData) { this._window = privateData.window; this._document = privateData.document; this._actAsIfLocationReloadCalled = privateData.actAsIfLocationReloadCalled; this._state = null; this._globalObject = globalObject; } _guardAgainstInactiveDocuments() { if (!this._window) { throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [ "History object is associated with a document that is not fully active.", "SecurityError" ]); } } get length() { this._guardAgainstInactiveDocuments(); return this._window._sessionHistory.length; } get state() { this._guardAgainstInactiveDocuments(); return this._state; } go(delta) { this._guardAgainstInactiveDocuments(); if (delta === 0) { // When the go(delta) method is invoked, if delta is zero, the user agent must act as // if the location.reload() method was called instead. this._actAsIfLocationReloadCalled(); } else { // Otherwise, the user agent must traverse the history by a delta whose value is delta this._window._sessionHistory.traverseByDelta(delta); } } back() { this.go(-1); } forward() { this.go(+1); } pushState(data, title, url) { this._sharedPushAndReplaceState(data, title, url, "pushState"); } replaceState(data, title, url) { this._sharedPushAndReplaceState(data, title, url, "replaceState"); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-history-pushstate _sharedPushAndReplaceState(data, title, url, methodName) { this._guardAgainstInactiveDocuments(); // TODO structured clone data let newURL; if (url !== null) { // Not implemented: use of entry settings object's API base URL. Instead we just use the document base URL. The // difference matters in the case of cross-frame calls. newURL = parseURLToResultingURLRecord(url, this._document); if (newURL === null) { throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [ `Could not parse url argument "${url}" to ${methodName} against base URL ` + `"${documentBaseURLSerialized(this._document)}".`, "SecurityError" ]); } if (newURL.scheme !== this._document._URL.scheme || newURL.username !== this._document._URL.username || newURL.password !== this._document._URL.password || newURL.host !== this._document._URL.host || newURL.port !== this._document._URL.port || newURL.cannotBeABaseURL !== this._document._URL.cannotBeABaseURL) { throw DOMException.create(this._globalObject, [ `${methodName} cannot update history to a URL which differs in components other than in ` + `path, query, or fragment.`, "SecurityError" ]); } // Not implemented: origin check (seems to only apply to documents with weird origins, e.g. sandboxed ones) } else { newURL = this._window._sessionHistory.currentEntry.url; } if (methodName === "pushState") { this._window._sessionHistory.removeAllEntriesAfterCurrentEntry(); this._window._sessionHistory.clearHistoryTraversalTasks(); const newEntry = { document: this._document, stateObject: data, title, url: newURL }; this._window._sessionHistory.addEntryAfterCurrentEntry(newEntry); this._window._sessionHistory.updateCurrentEntry(newEntry); } else { const { currentEntry } = this._window._sessionHistory; currentEntry.stateObject = data; currentEntry.title = title; currentEntry.url = newURL; } // TODO: If the current entry in the session history represents a non-GET request // (e.g. it was the result of a POST submission) then update it to instead represent // a GET request. this._document._URL = newURL; // arguably it's a bit odd that the state and latestEntry do not belong to the SessionHistory // but the spec gives them to "History" and "Document" respecively. this._state = data; // TODO clone again!! O_o this._document._latestEntry = this._window._sessionHistory.currentEntry; } };