msgid "" msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Project-Id-Version: Roots WordPress theme translations 1.0\n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n" "Last-Translator: Harald Ringvold \n" "Language-Team: Harald Ringvold \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Norwegian Bokmål\n" "X-Poedit-Country: NORWAY\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" #. Text in echo #: comments.php:72 #: comments.php:76 msgid " (required)" msgstr " (obligatorisk)" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-options.php:260 msgid "#fullwidth CSS Classes" msgstr "#fullwidth CSS Classes" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-options.php:238 #: inc/roots-options.php:240 msgid "#main CSS Classes" msgstr "#main CSS Classes" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-options.php:248 #: inc/roots-options.php:250 msgid "#sidebar CSS Classes" msgstr "#sidebar CSS Classes" #. Text in function #: comments.php:8 msgid "%1$s" msgstr "%1$s" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-activation.php:70 msgid "%s Theme Activation" msgstr "%s Aktivering av temaet" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-options.php:214 msgid "%s Theme Options" msgstr "%s Innstillinger for temaet" #. Text in function #: comments.php:43 msgid "← Older comments" msgstr "← Eldre kommentarer" #. Text in function #: loop.php:34 msgid "← Older posts" msgstr "← Eldre innlegg" #. Text in function #: comments.php:9 msgid "(Edit)" msgstr "(Rediger)" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-options.php:1 msgid "1140" msgstr "1140" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-options.php:1 msgid "960gs (12 cols)" msgstr "960gs (12 cols)" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-options.php:1 msgid "960gs (16 cols)" msgstr "960gs (16 cols)" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-options.php:1 msgid "960gs (24 cols)" msgstr "960gs (24 cols)" #. Text in function #: comments.php:7 msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-options.php:1 msgid "Adapt.js" msgstr "Adapt.js" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-activation.php:145 msgid "Add all current published pages to the Primary Navigation" msgstr "Legg alle publiserte sider til i hovednavigasjonen." #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-activation.php:137 #: inc/roots-activation.php:139 msgid "Add pages to menu?" msgstr "Legg til sider i menyen?" #. Text in function #: archive.php:8 msgid "Author Archives: %s" msgstr "Forfatterarkiv: %s" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-options.php:1 msgid "Blueprint CSS" msgstr "Blueprint CSS" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-options.php:1 msgid "Bootstrap" msgstr "Bootstrap" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-options.php:282 msgid "Bootstrap Javascript Packages" msgstr "Bootstrap Javascript Packages" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-options.php:1 msgid "Bootstrap w/ Less" msgstr "Bootstrap w/ Less" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-options.php:226 #: inc/roots-options.php:228 msgid "CSS Grid Framework" msgstr "CSS Grid Framework" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-activation.php:106 msgid "Change permalink structure to /%postname%/" msgstr "Endre permalenkestrukturen til /%postname%/" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-activation.php:98 msgid "Change permalink structure?" msgstr "Endre permalenkestruktur?" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-activation.php:119 msgid "Change uploads folder to /assets/ instead of /wp-content/uploads/" msgstr "Endre mappe for opplastinger til /assets/ i stedet for /wp-content/uploads/" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-activation.php:111 msgid "Change uploads folder?" msgstr "Endre mappe for opplasting?" #. Text in echo #: 404.php:11 msgid "Check your spelling" msgstr "Kontroller stavinger" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-widgets.php:107 msgid "City/Locality:" msgstr "By/Område:" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-options.php:315 #: inc/roots-options.php:317 msgid "Cleanup Menu Output" msgstr "Rens menyutdata" #. Text in echo #: 404.php:13 msgid "Click the Back button" msgstr "Gå til forrige side" #. Text in echo #: comments.php:85 msgid "Comment" msgstr "Kommentar" #. Text in echo #: comments.php:49 #: comments.php:56 msgid "Comments are closed." msgstr "Kommentarene er stengt." #. Text in function #: inc/roots-cleanup.php:1 msgid "Continued" msgstr "Les videre" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-activation.php:93 msgid "Create a page called Home and set it to be the static front page" msgstr "Opprett en side som heter Hjem, og sett den som statisk forside" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-activation.php:124 #: inc/roots-activation.php:126 msgid "Create navigation menus?" msgstr "Opprett navigasjon/menyer?" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-activation.php:85 #: inc/roots-activation.php:87 msgid "Create static front page?" msgstr "Opprett statisk forside?" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-activation.php:132 msgid "Create the Primary and Utility Navigation menus and set their locations" msgstr "Opprett primære og sekundære navigasjonsmenyer og sett opp plassering" #. Text in function #: archive.php:8 msgid "Daily Archives: %s" msgstr "Daglige arkiv: %s" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-options.php:243 #: inc/roots-options.php:253 #: inc/roots-options.php:263 msgid "Default:" msgstr "Standard:" #. Text in echo #: comments.php:76 msgid "Email (will not be published)" msgstr "E-post (blir ikke vist)" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-widgets.php:123 msgid "Email:" msgstr "E-post:" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-options.php:284 msgid "Enable Bootstrap Javascript" msgstr "Aktiver Bootstrap Javascript" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-options.php:304 #: inc/roots-options.php:306 msgid "Enable Root Relative URLs" msgstr "Aktiver rotrelative URLer" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-options.php:299 msgid "Enter your UA-XXXXX-X ID" msgstr "Fyll inn din UA-XXXXX-X ID" #. Text in echo #: 404.php:7 msgid "File Not Found" msgstr "Fant ikke filen" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-options.php:1 msgid "Foundation" msgstr "Foundation" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-options.php:258 msgid "Full Width CSS Classes" msgstr "Full Width CSS Classes" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-options.php:294 #: inc/roots-options.php:296 msgid "Google Analytics ID" msgstr "Google Analytics ID" #. Text in echo #: index.php:7 msgid "Latest Posts" msgstr "Nyeste innlegg" #. Text in function #: comments.php:62 msgid "Leave a Reply" msgstr "Skriv et svar" #. Text in function #: comments.php:62 msgid "Leave a Reply to %s" msgstr "Skriv et svar til %s" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-options.php:1 msgid "Less Framework 4" msgstr "Less Framework 4" #. Text in echo #: comments.php:69 msgid "Log out »" msgstr "Logg ut »" #. Text in function #: comments.php:69 msgid "Log out of this account" msgstr "Logg ut av kontoen" #. Text in function #: comments.php:69 msgid "Logged in as %s." msgstr "Innlogget som %s." #. Text in function #: archive.php:8 msgid "Monthly Archives: %s" msgstr "Månedlige arkiv: %s" #. Text in echo #: comments.php:72 msgid "Name" msgstr "Navn" #. Text in function #: comments.php:44 msgid "Newer comments →" msgstr "Nyere kommentarer →" #. Text in function #: loop.php:35 msgid "Newer posts →" msgstr "Nyere innlegg →" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-activation.php:142 #: inc/roots-options.php:274 #: inc/roots-options.php:287 #: inc/roots-options.php:309 #: inc/roots-options.php:320 msgid "No" msgstr "Nei" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-options.php:1 msgid "None" msgstr "Ingen" #. Text in function #: loop-single.php:14 #: loop-page.php:7 msgid "Pages:" msgstr "Sider:" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-htaccess.php:1 msgid "Please make sure your .htaccess file is writable " msgstr "Sjekk at .htaccess er skrivbar" #. Text in echo #: 404.php:9 msgid "Please try the following:" msgstr "Vennligst prøv et av de følgene forslagene:" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-cleanup.php:1 msgid "Please update your site tagline Hide Notice" msgstr "Vennligst oppdater slagordet for nettsiden Skjul meldingen" #. Text in function #: functions.php:1 msgid "Posted on %s at %s." msgstr "Skrevet %s kl. %s." #. Text in function #: functions.php:1 msgid "Primary Navigation" msgstr "Primær navigasjon" #. Text in function #: 404.php:12 msgid "Return to the home page" msgstr "Tilbake til forsida" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-widgets.php:1 msgid "Roots: vCard" msgstr "Roots: vCard" #. Text in echo #: searchform.php:3 #: searchform.php:4 msgid "Search" msgstr "Søk" #. Text in echo #: search.php:7 msgid "Search Results for" msgstr "Søkeresultat for" #. Text in echo #: searchform.php:2 msgid "Search for:" msgstr "Søk etter:" #. Text in echo #: loop.php:3 msgid "Sorry, no results were found." msgstr "Vi er lei for det, men søket gav ingen resultat." #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-widgets.php:111 msgid "State/Region:" msgstr "Stat/Region:" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-widgets.php:103 msgid "Street Address:" msgstr "Adresse:" #. Text in echo #: comments.php:88 msgid "Submit Comment" msgstr "Lagre kommentar" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-widgets.php:119 msgid "Telephone:" msgstr "Telefon:" #. Text in echo #: 404.php:8 msgid "The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable." msgstr "Sida du ser etter er ikke her. Den kan ha blitt fjernet, fått nytt navn eller er middlertidig utilgjengelig. Vi er veldig lei oss for det inntrufne." #. Text in function #: inc/roots-activation.php:1 msgid "Theme Activation" msgstr "Temaaktivering" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-options.php:1 msgid "Theme Options" msgstr "Temavalg" #. Text in echo #: comments.php:27 msgid "This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments." msgstr "Dette innlegget er passordbeskyttet. Skriv inn passord for å se kommentarer." #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-widgets.php:99 msgid "Title (optional):" msgstr "Tittel (valgfri):" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-activation.php:100 msgid "Update permalink structure?" msgstr "Oppdater permalenkestruktur?" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-activation.php:113 msgid "Update uploads folder?" msgstr "Oppdater opplastingsmappe?" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-widgets.php:1 msgid "Use this widget to add a vCard" msgstr "Bruk denne widgeten for å sette inn et visittkort (vCard)" #. Text in function #: functions.php:1 msgid "Utility Navigation" msgstr "Sekundær navigasjon" #. Text in echo #: comments.php:80 msgid "Website" msgstr "Nettside" #. Text in function #: functions.php:1 msgid "Written by" msgstr "Skrevet av" #. Text in function #: archive.php:8 msgid "Yearly Archives: %s" msgstr "Årlige arkiv: %s" #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-activation.php:141 #: inc/roots-options.php:273 #: inc/roots-options.php:286 #: inc/roots-options.php:308 #: inc/roots-options.php:319 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Ja" #. Text in function #: comments.php:65 msgid "You must be logged in to post a comment." msgstr "Du må være innlogget for å skrive kommentarer." #. Text in echo #: comments.php:13 msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation." msgstr "Kommentaren din venter på å bli godkjent." #. Text in echo #: inc/roots-widgets.php:115 msgid "Zipcode/Postal Code:" msgstr "Postnr.:" #. Text in function #: inc/roots-widgets.php:1 msgid "vCard" msgstr "Visittkort (vCard)"