/* RSence * Copyright 2008 Riassence Inc. * http://riassence.com/ * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this software package. If not, contact licensing@riassence.com */ /*** = Description ** The +HControl+ extension that defines a draggable and ** resizable foundation container view. ** ** It's used like a HControl, but contains pre-defined active areas ** for resizing and moving its view. The resizable areas are defined ** by the edges (only horizontal or vertical resizability) and corners ** (both horizontal and vertical resizability). The rest triggers ** the movable area. ** ** The droppable events are enabled by default and ** a lot more constructor options can be defined: see +controlDefaults+ ** ** ***/ var//RSence.Foundation HDynControl = HControl.extend({ preserveTheme: true, defaultEvents: { draggable: true }, /** = Description * In addition to the standard HControl#constructor options, * the following properties can be set: * * Key:: Description * +minX+:: The minimum X-coordinate allowed to be dragged or resized to. * Defaults to +0+. * +minY+:: The minimum Y-coordinate allowed to be dragged or resized to. * Defaults to +0+. * +maxX+:: The maximum X-coordinate allowed to be dragged or resized to. * Defaults to the browser window width. * +maxY+:: The maximum Y-coordinate allowed to be dragged or resized to. * Defaults to the browser window height. * +minSize+:: An array containing exactly two values: +[ width, height ]+. * Defines the minimum size allowed for resizing. * Defaults to +[ 24, 54 ]+ * +maxSize+:: An array containing exactly two values: +[ width, height ]+. * Defines the maximum size allowed for resizing. * Defaults to the browser window size. * +resizeW+:: The size of the west (left) resizable edge. Defaults to +1+. * +resizeE+:: The size of the east (right) resizable edge. Defaults to +1+. * +resizeN+:: The size of the north (top) resizable edge. Defaults to +1+. * +resizeS+:: The size of the south (bottom) resizable edge. Default to +1+. * +resizeNW+:: The size of the north-west (left top) resizable corner. * Defaults to +[ 1, 1 ]+ * +resizeNE+:: The size of the north-east (right top) resizable corner. * Defaults to +[ 1, 1 ]+ * +resizeSW+:: The size of the south-west (left bottom) resizable corner. * Defaults to +[ 1, 1 ]+ * +resizeSE+:: The size of the south-east (right bottom) resizable corner. * Defaults to +[ 1, 1 ]+ * +noResize+:: A flag (when true) disables all resizing and only allows * moving. * **/ controlDefaults: (HControlDefaults.extend({ constructor: function(_ctrl){ var _winSize = ELEM.windowSize(), _winWidth = _winSize[0], _winHeight = _winSize[1]; if(!this.minSize){ this.minSize = [24,54]; } if(!this.maxSize){ this.maxSize = _winSize; } if(!this.maxX){ this.maxX = _winWidth-this.minSize[0]; } if(!this.maxY){ this.maxY = _winHeight-this.minSize[1]; } if(!this.resizeNW){ this.resizeNW = [ 1, 1 ]; } if(!this.resizeNE){ this.resizeNE = [ 1, 1 ]; } if(!this.resizeSW){ this.resizeSW = [ 1, 1 ]; } if(!this.resizeSE){ this.resizeSE = [ 1, 1 ]; } }, minX: 0, minY: 0, maxX: null, maxY: null, minSize: null, maxSize: null, resizeW: 1, resizeE: 1, resizeN: 1, resizeS: 1, resizeNW: null, resizeNE: null, resizeSW: null, resizeSE: null, noResize: false })), draw: function(){ this.base(); this._initActionFns(); this._initActionFlag(); }, /* Method for checking the change is within the limits */ _checkConstraints: function(_leftChange,_topChange){ var _this = this, _rect = _this.rect, _options = _this.options, _dw, _dh; if(_rect.width < _options.minSize[0]){ _dw=0-(_options.minSize[0]-_rect.width); _rect.setWidth( _options.minSize[0]); if(_leftChange){ _rect.offsetBy( _dw, 0 ); } } else if(_rect.width > _options.maxSize[0]){ _dw=0-(_options.maxSize[0]-_rect.width); _rect.setWidth( _options.maxSize[0]); if(_leftChange){ _rect.offsetBy( _dw, 0 ); } } if(_rect.height < _options.minSize[1]){ _dh=0-(_options.minSize[1]-_rect.height); _rect.setHeight(_options.minSize[1]); if(_topChange){ _rect.offsetBy( 0, _dh ); } } else if(_rect.height > _options.maxSize[1]){ _dh=0-(_options.maxSize[1]-_rect.height); _rect.setHeight(_options.maxSize[1]); if(_topChange){ _rect.offsetBy( 0, _dh ); } } if(_rect.left < _options.minX){ _rect.offsetTo( _options.minX, _rect.top ); } else if(_rect.left > _options.maxX){ _rect.offsetTo( _options.maxX, _rect.top ); } if(_rect.top < _options.minY){ _rect.offsetTo( _rect.left, _options.minY ); } else if(_rect.top > _options.maxY){ _rect.offsetTo( _rect.left, _options.maxY ); } _this.drawRect(); }, /* Method for returning the coordinate difference as a HPoint instance */ _diffPoint: function(x,y){ return this._startPoint.subtract(x,y); }, /** = Description * Sub-event method responder when the north-west (left-top) corner is being * moved to resize the view. * * By default calculates the dimensions and checks the constraints. * * = Parameters * +_this+:: The instance of the class it belongs to (+self+). * +x+:: The current x coordinate of the mouse cursor. * +y+:: The current y coordinate of the mouse cursor. * **/ dynResizeNW: function(_this,x,y){ var _dp = _this._diffPoint(x,y); _this.rect.setLeftTop(_this._startRect.leftTop.subtract(_dp)); _this._checkConstraints(1,1); }, /** = Description * Sub-event method responder when the north-east (right-top) corner is being * moved to resize the view. * * By default calculates the dimensions and checks the constraints. * * = Parameters * +_this+:: The instance of the class it belongs to (+self+). * +x+:: The current x coordinate of the mouse cursor. * +y+:: The current y coordinate of the mouse cursor. * **/ dynResizeNE: function(_this,x,y){ var _dp = _this._diffPoint(x,y); _this.rect.setRightTop(_this._startRect.rightTop.subtract(_dp)); _this._checkConstraints(0,1); }, /** = Description * Sub-event method responder when the south-west (left-bottom) corner is being * moved to resize the view. * * By default calculates the dimensions and checks the constraints. * * = Parameters * +_this+:: The instance of the class it belongs to (+self+). * +x+:: The current x coordinate of the mouse cursor. * +y+:: The current y coordinate of the mouse cursor. * **/ dynResizeSW: function(_this,x,y){ var _dp = _this._diffPoint(x,y); _this.rect.setLeftBottom(_this._startRect.leftBottom.subtract(_dp)); _this._checkConstraints(1,0); }, /** = Description * Sub-event method responder when the south-east (right-bottom) corner is being * moved to resize the view. * * By default calculates the dimensions and checks the constraints. * * = Parameters * +_this+:: The instance of the class it belongs to (+self+). * +x+:: The current x coordinate of the mouse cursor. * +y+:: The current y coordinate of the mouse cursor. * **/ dynResizeSE: function(_this,x,y){ var _dp = _this._diffPoint(x,y); _this.rect.setRightBottom(_this._startRect.rightBottom.subtract(_dp)); _this._checkConstraints(0,0); }, /** = Description * Sub-event method responder when the west (left) edge is being * moved to resize the view. * * By default calculates the dimensions and checks the constraints. * * = Parameters * +_this+:: The instance of the class it belongs to (+self+). * +x+:: The current x coordinate of the mouse cursor. * +y+:: The current y coordinate of the mouse cursor. * **/ dynResizeW: function(_this,x,y){ var _dp = _this._diffPoint(x,y); _this.rect.setLeft(_this._startRect.left-_dp.x); _this._checkConstraints(1,0); }, /** = Description * Sub-event method responder when the east (right) edge is being * moved to resize the view. * * By default calculates the dimensions and checks the constraints. * * = Parameters * +_this+:: The instance of the class it belongs to (+self+). * +x+:: The current x coordinate of the mouse cursor. * +y+:: The current y coordinate of the mouse cursor. * **/ dynResizeE: function(_this,x,y){ var _dp = _this._diffPoint(x,y); _this.rect.setRight(_this._startRect.right-_dp.x); _this._checkConstraints(0,0); }, /** = Description * Sub-event method responder when the north (top) edge is being * moved to resize the view. * * By default calculates the dimensions and checks the constraints. * * = Parameters * +_this+:: The instance of the class it belongs to (+self+). * +x+:: The current x coordinate of the mouse cursor. * +y+:: The current y coordinate of the mouse cursor. * **/ dynResizeN: function(_this,x,y){ var _dp = _this._diffPoint(x,y); _this.rect.setTop(_this._startRect.top-_dp.y); _this._checkConstraints(0,1); }, /** = Description * Sub-event method responder when the south (bottom) edge is being * moved to resize the view. * * By default calculates the dimensions and checks the constraints. * * = Parameters * +_this+:: The instance of the class it belongs to (+self+). * +x+:: The current x coordinate of the mouse cursor. * +y+:: The current y coordinate of the mouse cursor. * **/ dynResizeS: function(_this,x,y){ var _dp = _this._diffPoint(x,y); _this.rect.setBottom(_this._startRect.bottom-_dp.y); _this._checkConstraints(0,0); }, /** = Description * Sub-event method responder when moving the offset of the view. * This is called when no resize areas are triggered. * * By default calculates the dimensions and checks the constraints. * * = Parameters * +_this+:: The instance of the class it belongs to (+self+). * +x+:: The current x coordinate of the mouse cursor. * +y+:: The current y coordinate of the mouse cursor. * **/ dynDrag: function(_this,x,y){ var _dp = _this._diffPoint(x,y); _this.rect.offsetTo(_this._startRect.leftTop.subtract(_dp)); _this._checkConstraints(1,1); }, /* Method to initialize the rules */ _initActionFns: function(){ this._actionFns = []; this._actionCrsr = [ 'nw-resize', 'ne-resize', 'sw-resize', 'se-resize', 'w-resize', 'e-resize', 'n-resize', 's-resize', 'move' ]; var i, _this = this, _resizeNW=0,_resizeNE=1,_resizeSW=2,_resizeSE=3, _resizeW =4, _resizeE=5, _resizeN=6, _resizeS=7, _drag=8, _actionFns=this._actionFns; _actionFns[_resizeNW] = _this.dynResizeNW; _actionFns[_resizeNE] = _this.dynResizeNE; _actionFns[_resizeSW] = _this.dynResizeSW; _actionFns[_resizeSE] = _this.dynResizeSE; _actionFns[_resizeW] = _this.dynResizeW; _actionFns[_resizeE] = _this.dynResizeE; _actionFns[_resizeN] = _this.dynResizeN; _actionFns[_resizeS] = _this.dynResizeS; _actionFns[_drag] = _this.dynDrag; }, /** Calculates the rectangles for all the active areas. **/ makeRectRules: function(){ var _opts=this.options, _rect=this.rect; return [ // corners: [0,0,_opts.resizeNW[0],_opts.resizeNW[1]], // NW [_rect.width-_opts.resizeNE[0],0,_rect.width,_opts.resizeNE[1]], // NE [0,_rect.height-_opts.resizeSW[1],_opts.resizeSW[0],_rect.height], // SW [_rect.width-_opts.resizeSE[0],_rect.height-_opts.resizeSE[1],_rect.width,_rect.height], // SE // borders: [0,_opts.resizeN,_opts.resizeW,_rect.height-_opts.resizeS], // W [_rect.width-_opts.resizeE,_opts.resizeN,_rect.width,_rect.height-_opts.resizeS], // E [_opts.resizeW,0,_rect.width-_opts.resizeE,_opts.resizeN], // N [_opts.resizeW,_rect.height-_opts.resizeS,_rect.width-_opts.resizeE,_rect.height], // S // drag-area: [_opts.resizeW,_opts.resizeN,_rect.width-_opts.resizeE,_rect.height-_opts.resizeS] ]; }, /* Method used for initializing the action flags. */ _initActionFlag: function(){ this._actionFlag = -1; this._actionRects = []; var i=0,_rr,_rectRules = this.makeRectRules(); for(;i<9;i++){ _rr = _rectRules[i]; this._actionRects.push( HRect.nu(_rr[0],_rr[1],_rr[2],_rr[3]) ); } }, /* Method used to detect the action flags. Also sets the cursor. */ _detectActionFlag: function(){ var i, _actionPoint = this._startPoint.subtract(this.rect.left,this.rect.top), _actionRects = this._actionRects; if(this.options.noResize){ if(_actionRects[8].contains(_actionPoint)){ this._actionFlag = 8; this.setStyle('cursor',this._actionCrsr[8]); return; } else { this._actionFlag = -1; } } else{ for(i=0;i!==9;i++){ if(_actionRects[i].contains(_actionPoint)){ this._actionFlag=i; this.setStyle('cursor',this._actionCrsr[i]); return; } } } }, /** = Description * Event method responder that decides and initializes * a resize or move operation on the drag events. * * = Parameters * +x+:: The current x coordinate of the mouse cursor. * +y+:: The current y coordinate of the mouse cursor. * +_isRightButton+:: A flag that is true when right (or context) clicking. * * = Returns * +true+ * **/ startDrag: function(x,y,_isRightButton){ var _parent = this.parent; // parent outer position // parent inner position, if it has subviews with different offset. if ( _parent.markupElemIds && _parent.markupElemIds.subview ) { x -= ELEM._getVisibleLeftPosition( _parent.markupElemIds.subview ); y -= ELEM._getVisibleTopPosition( _parent.markupElemIds.subview ); } else if(_parent.elemId){ x-=_parent.pageX(); y-=_parent.pageY(); } else { var _scrollPos = ELEM.getScrollPosition(0); x+=_scrollPos[0]; y+=_scrollPos[1]; } this._startPoint = new HPoint(x,y); this._startRect = new HRect( this.rect ); this._detectActionFlag(); if(~this._actionFlag){ this._actionFns[this._actionFlag](this,x,y); } return true; // prevents text selection }, /** = Description * Event method responder that performs a resize or move recalculation * and redraw call when dragging one of the corners or edges to resize or * any other area to move. * * = Parameters * +x+:: The current x coordinate of the mouse cursor. * +y+:: The current y coordinate of the mouse cursor. * * = Returns * +true+ * **/ drag: function(x,y){ var _parent = this.parent; if ( _parent.markupElemIds && _parent.markupElemIds.subview ) { x -= ELEM._getVisibleLeftPosition( _parent.markupElemIds.subview ); y -= ELEM._getVisibleTopPosition( _parent.markupElemIds.subview ); } else if(_parent.elemId){ x-=_parent.pageX(); y-=_parent.pageY(); } else { var _scrollPos = ELEM.getScrollPosition(0); x+=_scrollPos[0]; y+=_scrollPos[1]; } if(~this._actionFlag){ this._actionFns[this._actionFlag](this,x,y); } return true; // prevents text selection }, /** = Description * Event method responder that ends a resize or move operation. * Also restores the mouse cursor. * * = Parameters * +x+:: The current x coordinate of the mouse cursor. * +y+:: The current y coordinate of the mouse cursor. * +_isRightButton+:: A flag that is true when right (or context) clicking. * * = Returns * +true+ * **/ endDrag: function(x,y,_isRightButton){ this.base(); var _parent = this.parent; if ( _parent.markupElemIds && _parent.markupElemIds.subview ) { x -= ELEM._getVisibleLeftPosition( _parent.markupElemIds.subview ); y -= ELEM._getVisibleTopPosition( _parent.markupElemIds.subview ); } else if(_parent.elemId){ x-=_parent.pageX(); y-=_parent.pageY(); } else { var _scrollPos = ELEM.getScrollPosition(0); x+=_scrollPos[0]; y+=_scrollPos[1]; } if(~this._actionFlag){ this._actionFns[this._actionFlag](this,x,y); } this.setStyle('cursor','default'); this._initActionFlag(); EVENT.resize(); // Triggers the window resize event (automatic event for the browser's window). return true; // prevents text selection } });