class Hyde class CLI < Shake autoload :Helpers, "#{PREFIX}/hyde/cli/helpers" extend Helpers include Defaults task(:create) do wrong_usage unless params.size == 1 template = File.expand_path('../../../data/new_site', __FILE__) target = params.first if target == '.' pass "This is already a Hyde project." if @hydefile FileUtils.cp_r File.join(template, 'hyde.conf'), target say_status :create, 'hyde.conf' pass end pass "Error: target directory already exists." if puts "Creating files in #{target}:" puts FileUtils.cp_r template, target Dir[File.join(target, '**', '*')].sort.each do |f| say_status :create, f if File.file?(f) end puts "" puts "Done! You've created a new project in #{target}." puts "Get started now:" puts "" puts " $ cd #{target}" puts " $ #{executable} start" puts "" puts "Or build the HTML files:" puts "" puts " $ #{executable} build" puts "" end task.description = "Starts a new Hyde project" task.usage = "create NAME" task.category = :create task(:build) do pre = project.config.output_path { |page| c, handler = if page.tilt? [ 33, "#{page.tilt_engine_name.downcase}" ] else [ 30, '*' ] end puts ("\033[0;#{c}m%10s\033[0;32m #{pre}\033[0;m%s" % [ handler, page.path ]).strip } project.send :build_cleanup end task.description = "Builds the current project" task.category = :project task(:start) do project port = (params.extract('-p') || 4833).to_i host = (params.extract('-o') || '') daemon = (!! params.delete('-D')) cache = (!! params.delete('--cache')) require 'hyde/server' # No caching whatsoever. Hyde::Server.options[:cache] = cache if daemon pid = fork {! :Host => host, :Port => port, :quiet => true } sleep 2 puts puts "Listening on #{host}:#{port} on pid #{pid}." puts "To stop: kill #{pid}" else! :Host => host, :Port => port end end task.description = "Starts the server" task.category = :project = %{ Usage: #{executable} start [-p PORT] [-o HOST] [--cache] [-D] Starts an HTTP server so you may rapidly test your project locally. If the -p and/or -o is specified, it will listen on the specified HOST:PORT. Otherwise, the default is Hyde doesn't send cache instructions, ensuring that every page load is fresh. You can use --cache to override this behavior. If -D is specified, it goes into daemon mode. }.gsub(/^ {4}/, '').strip.split("\n") task(:version) do puts "Hyde #{Hyde::VERSION}" end task.description = "Shows the current version" task.category = :misc task(:help) do show_help_for(params.first) and pass if params.any? show_task = { |name, t| err " %-20s %s" % [ t.usage || name, t.description ] } err "Usage: #{executable} " err "\nCommands:" tasks_for(:create).each &show_task err "\nProject commands:" tasks_for(:project).each &show_task if other_tasks.any? err "\nOthers:" other_tasks.each &show_task end err "\nMisc commands:" tasks_for(:misc).each &show_task unless project? err err "Get started by typing:" err " $ #{executable} create my_project" end err err "Type `#{executable} help COMMAND` for additional help on a command." end task.description = "Shows help for a given command" task.usage = "help [COMMAND]" task.category = :misc invalid do task = task(command) if task err "Invalid usage." err "Try: #{executable} #{task.usage}" err err "Type `#{executable} help` for more info." else err "Invalid command: #{command}" err "Type `#{executable} help` for more info." end end def*argv) return invoke(:version) if argv == ['-v'] || argv == ['--version'] trace = (!!argv.delete('--trace')) begin super *argv rescue SyntaxError => e raise e if trace err say_error e.message.split("\n").last err say_error "You have a syntax error." say_info "Use --trace for more info." # Convert 'can't load redcloth' to a friendly 'please gem install RedCloth' rescue LoadError => e raise e if trace show_needed_gem gem_name(e) # Print generic errors as something friendlier rescue => e raise e if trace # Can't assume that HAML is always available. if Object.const_defined?(:Haml) && e.is_a?(Haml::Error) # Convert HAML's "Can't run XX filter; required 'yy'" messages # to something friendlier needed = %w(rdiscount stringio sass/plugin redcloth) needed.detect { |what| show_needed_gem(what) && true if e.message.include?(what) } else err say_error "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" say_info "#{e.backtrace.first}" err say_error "Oops! An error occured." say_info "Use --trace for more info." end end end def!(options={}) @hydefile = options[:file] super *[] end end end