shared_examples_for "non-empty Stack" do it { @stack.should_not be_empty } it "should return the top item when sent #peek" do @stack.peek.should == @last_item_added end it "should NOT remove the top item when sent #peek" do @stack.peek.should == @last_item_added @stack.peek.should == @last_item_added end it "should return the top item when sent #pop" do @stack.pop.should == @last_item_added end it "should remove the top item when sent #pop" do @stack.pop.should == @last_item_added unless @stack.empty? @stack.pop.should_not == @last_item_added end end end shared_examples_for "non-full Stack" do it { @stack.should_not be_full } it "should add to the top when sent #push" do @stack.push "newly added top item" @stack.peek.should == "newly added top item" end end