# rubocop:disable Metrics/ModuleLength module PageMagic describe Elements do include_context :nested_elements_html let(:page) { double(init: nested_elements_node) } subject do Class.new do extend Elements include Element::Locators end end let(:instance) do subject.new end let(:child_selector) { { id: 'child' } } describe '#element' do it 'sets the selector and type' do expected_definition = ElementDefinitionBuilder.new(definition_class: Element, type: :text_field, selector: child_selector, options: {}) subject.text_field :alias, child_selector expect(instance.element_by_name(:alias)).to eq(expected_definition) end context 'options' do it 'puts them on the builder' do options = { my: :options } subject.text_field :alias, child_selector, options expect(instance.element_by_name(:alias).options).to eq(options) end end context 'complex elements' do let!(:section_class) do Class.new(Element) do def self.name 'PageSection' end end end context 'using a predefined class' do it 'should add an element using that class section' do subject.element section_class, :page_section, child_selector element_definition_builder = instance.element_by_name(:page_section) expect(element_definition_builder.definition_class).to be < section_class end context 'with no selector supplied' do it 'defaults the selector to the one on the class' do section_class.selector child_selector subject.element section_class, :alias element_definition_builder = instance.element_by_name(:alias) expect(element_definition_builder.selector).to eq(child_selector) end end context 'with no name supplied' do it 'should default to the name of the class if one is not supplied' do subject.element section_class, child_selector element_definition_builder = instance.element_by_name(:page_section) expect(element_definition_builder.definition_class).to be < section_class end end end end context 'using a block' do it 'passes the parent element in as the last argument' do expected_element = instance subject.element :page_section, child_selector do |_arg1| extend RSpec::Matchers expect(parent_element).to eq(expected_element) end instance.element_by_name(:page_section, :arg1) end it 'should pass args through to the block' do subject.element :page_section, child_selector do |arg| extend RSpec::Matchers expect(arg).to eq(:arg1) end instance.element_by_name(:page_section, :arg1) end end describe 'location' do context 'a prefetched object' do it 'should add a section' do subject.element :page_section, :object element_defintion_builder = instance.element_by_name(:page_section) expect(element_defintion_builder.element).to eq(:object) end end end describe 'restrictions' do subject do Class.new.tap do |clazz| clazz.extend(described_class) end end it 'should not allow method names that match element names' do expect do subject.class_eval do link(:hello, text: 'world') def hello end end end.to raise_error(InvalidMethodNameException) end it 'should not allow element names that match method names' do expect do subject.class_eval do def hello end link(:hello, text: 'world') end end.to raise_error(InvalidElementNameException) end it 'should not allow duplicate element names' do expect do subject.class_eval do link(:hello, text: 'world') link(:hello, text: 'world') end end.to raise_error(InvalidElementNameException) end it 'should not evaluate the elements when applying naming checks' do subject.class_eval do link(:link1, :selector) do raise('should not have been evaluated') end link(:link2, :selector) end end end end describe '#element_definitions' do it 'should return your a copy of the core definition' do subject.text_field :alias, child_selector first = instance.element_by_name(:alias) second = instance.element_by_name(:alias) expect(first).to_not equal(second) end end end end