#ifndef GOSUIMPL_GRAPHICS_TEXTFORMATTING #define GOSUIMPL_GRAPHICS_TEXTFORMATTING #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Gosu { class FormattedString { struct FormattedChar { wchar_t wc; Gosu::Color color; unsigned flags; std::wstring entity; bool sameStyleAs(const FormattedChar& other) const { return wc && other.wc && color == other.color && flags == other.flags; } }; // If characters.empty(), use these for the whole string. std::wstring simpleString; unsigned simpleFlags; // If not characters.empty(), ignore above fields and use this. std::vector characters; static unsigned flags(int b, int u, int i) { unsigned flags = 0; if (b > 0) flags |= ffBold; if (u > 0) flags |= ffUnderline; if (i > 0) flags |= ffItalic; return flags; } public: FormattedString() { } explicit FormattedString(const wchar_t* html, unsigned baseFlags) { // Remove \r characters if existent. Avoid a copy if we don't need one. std::wstring unixified; if (std::wcschr(html, L'\r')) { unixified.resize(std::wcslen(html)); unsigned pos = 0; while (*html) { if (*html != '\r') unixified[pos++] = *html; ++html; } unixified.resize(pos); html = unixified.c_str(); } std::size_t len = std::wcslen(html); // Just skip all this if there are entities or formatting tags in the string. if (std::wcscspn(html, L"<&") == len) { simpleString = html; simpleFlags = baseFlags; return; } unsigned pos = 0; int b = (baseFlags & ffBold) ? 1 : 0, u = (baseFlags & ffUnderline) ? 1 : 0, i = (baseFlags & ffItalic) ? 1 : 0; std::vector c; c.push_back(0xffffffff); while (pos < len) { if (!std::wcsncmp(html + pos, L"", 3)) { b += 1; pos += 3; continue; } if (!std::wcsncmp(html + pos, L"", 4)) { b -= 1; pos += 4; continue; } if (!std::wcsncmp(html + pos, L"", 3)) { u += 1; pos += 3; continue; } if (!std::wcsncmp(html + pos, L"", 4)) { u -= 1; pos += 4; continue; } if (!std::wcsncmp(html + pos, L"", 3)) { i += 1; pos += 3; continue; } if (!std::wcsncmp(html + pos, L"", 4)) { i -= 1; pos += 4; continue; } if (!std::wcsncmp(html + pos, L"= pos + 10 && html[pos + 9] == L'>') { using namespace std; unsigned rgb = wcstoul(html + pos + 3, 0, 16); c.push_back(0xff000000 | rgb); pos += 10; continue; } if (!std::wcsncmp(html + pos, L"= pos + 12 && html[pos + 11] == L'>') { using namespace std; unsigned argb = wcstoul(html + pos + 3, 0, 16); c.push_back(argb); pos += 12; continue; } if (!std::wcsncmp(html + pos, L"", 4)) { if (c.size() > 1) c.pop_back(); pos += 4; continue; } if (!std::wcsncmp(html + pos, L"<", 4)) { FormattedChar fc = { L'<', c.back(), flags(b,u,i) }; characters.push_back(fc); pos += 4; continue; } if (!std::wcsncmp(html + pos, L">", 4)) { FormattedChar fc = { L'>', c.back(), flags(b,u,i) }; characters.push_back(fc); pos += 4; continue; } if (!std::wcsncmp(html + pos, L"&", 5)) { FormattedChar fc = { L'&', c.back(), flags(b,u,i) }; characters.push_back(fc); pos += 5; continue; } if (html[pos] == L'&' && html[pos + 1]) { int endOfEntity = pos + 1; while (html[endOfEntity] != L';') { // Never know where the wchar_t stuff is...what a mess! using namespace std; using namespace std::tr1; if (!iswalnum(static_cast(html[endOfEntity]))) goto normalCharacter; endOfEntity += 1; if (endOfEntity >= len) goto normalCharacter; } FormattedChar fc = { 0, c.back(), 0, std::wstring(html + pos + 1, html + endOfEntity) }; if (!isEntity(fc.entity)) goto normalCharacter; characters.push_back(fc); pos = endOfEntity + 1; continue; } normalCharacter: FormattedChar fc = { html[pos], c.back(), flags(b,u,i) }; characters.push_back(fc); pos += 1; } } std::wstring unformat() const { if (characters.empty()) return simpleString; std::wstring result(characters.size(), 0); for (int i = 0; i < characters.size(); ++i) result[i] = characters[i].wc; return result; } const wchar_t* entityAt(unsigned index) const { if (characters.empty()) return 0; assert (index <= characters.size()); if (characters[index].wc != 0 || characters[index].entity.empty()) return 0; return characters[index].entity.c_str(); } wchar_t charAt(unsigned index) const { if (characters.empty()) return simpleString[index]; else return characters[index].wc; } unsigned flagsAt(unsigned index) const { if (characters.empty()) return simpleFlags; else return characters[index].flags; } Gosu::Color colorAt(unsigned index) const { if (characters.empty()) return Color::WHITE; else return characters[index].color; } unsigned length() const { if (unsigned len = characters.size()) return len; else return simpleString.length(); } FormattedString range(unsigned begin, unsigned end) const { FormattedString result; if (characters.empty()) { result.simpleString.assign(simpleString.begin() + begin, simpleString.begin() + end); result.simpleFlags = simpleFlags; } else result.characters.assign(characters.begin() + begin, characters.begin() + end); return result; } std::vector splitLines() const { std::vector result; unsigned begin = 0; for (unsigned cur = 0; cur < length(); ++cur) if (charAt(cur) == L'\n') { result.push_back(range(begin, cur)); begin = cur + 1; } result.push_back(range(begin, length())); return result; } std::vector splitParts() const { if (characters.empty()) return std::vector(1, *this); std::vector result; unsigned begin = 0; for (unsigned cur = 1; cur < length(); ++cur) if (!characters[begin].sameStyleAs(characters[cur])) { result.push_back(range(begin, cur)); begin = cur; } result.push_back(range(begin, length())); return result; } }; } #endif