module Zena module Integration class MockConnection < ActiveResource::Connection def initialize(test, site = '') @test = test super site end def logger Page.logger end # Mock ActiveResource request to remote service by doing a call to the integration test. def request(method, path, *arguments) case method when :get, :delete, :head headers = arguments.first params = {} else headers = arguments.last # The params here contain an xml string representing the request body. params = arguments.first end test_request(method, path, params, headers) end # Mock HTTParty::Request request def test_request(method, path, params, headers, parse_response = true) "#{method.to_s.upcase} #{site.scheme}://#{}#{path} (#{headers.inspect})" if logger result = nil ms = do @test.send(method, "#{site.scheme}://#{}#{path}", params, headers) result = @test.response end "--> %d %s (%d %.0fms)" % [result.code, result.message, result.body ? result.body.length : 0, ms] if logger parse_response ? handle_response(result) : result rescue Timeout::Error => e raise end end # MockConnection class TestCase < ActionController::IntegrationTest include Zena::Use::Fixtures def open_session sess = super sess.extend Zena::Acts::Secure sess.extend Zena::Use::TestHelper yield sess if block_given? sess end def init_test_connection! $test_connection = end end # TestCase module MockResource def self.included(base) base.class_eval do def self.connection(*args) $test_connection.tap do |conn| = conn.password = self.password conn.user = self.user end end end end end # MockResource end # Integration end # Zena