module Killbill #:nodoc: module Cybersource #:nodoc: class PaymentPlugin < ::Killbill::Plugin::ActiveMerchant::PaymentPlugin SIXTY_DAYS_AGO = (60 * 86400) def initialize gateway_builder = do |config| :login => config[:login], :password => config[:password] end super(gateway_builder, :cybersource, ::Killbill::Cybersource::CybersourcePaymentMethod, ::Killbill::Cybersource::CybersourceTransaction, ::Killbill::Cybersource::CybersourceResponse) end def on_event(event) # Require to deal with per tenant configuration invalidation super(event) # # Custom event logic could be added below... # end def authorize_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} add_required_options(kb_account_id, properties, options, context) properties = merge_properties(properties, options) auth_response = super(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) # Error 234 is "A problem exists with your CyberSource merchant configuration", most likely the processor used doesn't support $0 auth for this card type if auth_response.gateway_error_code == '234' && to_cents(amount, currency) == 0 h_props = properties_to_hash(properties) if ::Killbill::Plugin::ActiveMerchant::Utils.normalized(h_props, :force_validation) force_validation_amount = (::Killbill::Plugin::ActiveMerchant::Utils.normalized(h_props, :force_validation_amount) || 1).to_f auth_response = force_validation(auth_response, kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, force_validation_amount, currency, properties, context) end end auth_response end def capture_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} add_required_options(kb_account_id, properties, options, context) properties = merge_properties(properties, options) super(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) end def purchase_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} add_required_options(kb_account_id, properties, options, context) properties = merge_properties(properties, options) super(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) end def void_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, properties, context) # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} add_required_options(kb_account_id, properties, options, context) properties = merge_properties(properties, options) super(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, properties, context) end def credit_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} add_required_options(kb_account_id, properties, options, context) properties = merge_properties(properties, options) super(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) end def refund_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) if should_credit?(kb_payment_id, context, properties_to_hash(properties)) # Note: from the plugin perspective, this transaction is a CREDIT but Kill Bill doesn't care about PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin#TransactionType return credit_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) end # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} add_required_options(kb_account_id, properties, options, context) properties = merge_properties(properties, options) super(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) end def get_payment_info(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, properties, context) # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} properties = merge_properties(properties, options) transaction_info_plugins = super(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, properties, context) # Should never happen... return [] if transaction_info_plugins.nil? # Note: this won't handle the case where we don't have any record in the DB. While this should very rarely happen # (see Killbill::Plugin::ActiveMerchant::Gateway), we could use the CyberSource Payment Batch Detail Report to fix it. options = properties_to_hash(properties) stale = false transaction_info_plugins.each do |transaction_info_plugin| # We only need to fix the UNDEFINED ones next unless transaction_info_plugin.status == :UNDEFINED cybersource_response_id = find_value_from_properties(, 'cybersourceResponseId') next if cybersource_response_id.nil? report_date = transaction_info_plugin.created_date authorization = find_value_from_properties(, 'authorization') order_id = Killbill::Plugin::ActiveMerchant::Utils.normalized(options, :order_id) # authorization is very likely nil, as we didn't get an answer from the gateway in the first place order_id ||= authorization.split(';')[0] unless authorization.nil? # Retrieve the report from CyberSource if order_id.nil? # order_id undetermined - try the defaults (see PaymentPlugin#dispatch_to_gateways) report = get_report(transaction_info_plugin.kb_transaction_payment_id, report_date, options, context) if report.nil? kb_transaction = get_kb_transaction(kb_payment_id, transaction_info_plugin.kb_transaction_payment_id, context.tenant_id) report = get_report(kb_transaction.external_key, report_date, options, context) end else report = get_report(order_id, report_date, options, context) end # Report API not configured or skip_gw=true next if report.nil? # Report not found if report.empty?"Unable to fix UNDEFINED transaction #{transaction_info_plugin.kb_transaction_payment_id} (not found in CyberSource)") next end # Update our rows response = CybersourceResponse.find_by(:id => cybersource_response_id) next if response.nil?"Fixing UNDEFINED transaction #{transaction_info_plugin.kb_transaction_payment_id}: success? = #{report.response.success?}") response.update_and_create_transaction(report.response) stale = true end # If we updated the state, re-fetch the latest data stale ? super(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, properties, context) : transaction_info_plugins end def search_payments(search_key, offset, limit, properties, context) # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} properties = merge_properties(properties, options) super(search_key, offset, limit, properties, context) end def add_payment_method(kb_account_id, kb_payment_method_id, payment_method_props, set_default, properties, context) # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} properties = merge_properties(properties, options) super(kb_account_id, kb_payment_method_id, payment_method_props, set_default, properties, context) end def delete_payment_method(kb_account_id, kb_payment_method_id, properties, context) # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} properties = merge_properties(properties, options) super(kb_account_id, kb_payment_method_id, properties, context) end def get_payment_method_detail(kb_account_id, kb_payment_method_id, properties, context) # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} properties = merge_properties(properties, options) super(kb_account_id, kb_payment_method_id, properties, context) end def set_default_payment_method(kb_account_id, kb_payment_method_id, properties, context) # TODO end def get_payment_methods(kb_account_id, refresh_from_gateway, properties, context) # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} properties = merge_properties(properties, options) super(kb_account_id, refresh_from_gateway, properties, context) end def search_payment_methods(search_key, offset, limit, properties, context) # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} properties = merge_properties(properties, options) super(search_key, offset, limit, properties, context) end def reset_payment_methods(kb_account_id, payment_methods, properties, context) super end def build_form_descriptor(kb_account_id, descriptor_fields, properties, context) # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} properties = merge_properties(properties, options) # Add your custom static hidden tags here options = { #:token => config[:cybersource][:token] } descriptor_fields = merge_properties(descriptor_fields, options) super(kb_account_id, descriptor_fields, properties, context) end def process_notification(notification, properties, context) # Pass extra parameters for the gateway here options = {} properties = merge_properties(properties, options) super(notification, properties, context) do |gw_notification, service| # Retrieve the payment # gw_notification.kb_payment_id = # # Set the response body # gw_notification.entity = end end def should_credit?(kb_payment_id, context, options = {}) # Transform refunds on old payments into credits automatically unless the disable_auto_credit property is passed return false if Killbill::Plugin::ActiveMerchant::Utils.normalized(options, :disable_auto_credit) transaction = @transaction_model.find_candidate_transaction_for_refund(kb_payment_id, context.tenant_id) return false if transaction.nil? threshold = (Killbill::Plugin::ActiveMerchant::Utils.normalized(options, :auto_credit_threshold) || SIXTY_DAYS_AGO).to_i # we might want a 'util' function to make the conversion joda DateTime to a ruby Time object now = Time.parse(@clock.get_clock.get_utc_now.to_s) (now - transaction.created_at) >= threshold end # Make calls idempotent def before_gateway(gateway, kb_transaction, last_transaction, payment_source, amount_in_cents, currency, options, context) super merchant_reference_code = options[:order_id] report = get_report_for_kb_transaction(merchant_reference_code, kb_transaction, options, context) return nil if report.nil? || report.empty? "Skipping gateway call for existing kb_transaction_id='#{}', merchant_reference_code='#{merchant_reference_code}'" options[:skip_gw] = true rescue => e logger.warn "Error checking for duplicate payment for merchant_reference_code='#{merchant_reference_code}'\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end # Duplicate check def get_report_for_kb_transaction(merchant_reference_code, kb_transaction, options, context) report_api = get_report_api(options, context) return nil if report_api.nil? || !report_api.check_for_duplicates? # kb_transaction is a Utils::LazyEvaluator, delay evaluation as much as possible get_single_transaction_report(report_api, merchant_reference_code, kb_transaction.created_date) end # Janitor path def get_report(merchant_reference_code, date, options, context) report_api = get_report_api(options, context) return nil if report_api.nil? get_single_transaction_report(report_api, merchant_reference_code, date) end def get_single_transaction_report(report_api, merchant_reference_code, date) report_api.single_transaction_report(merchant_reference_code, date.strftime('%Y%m%d')) end def add_required_options(kb_account_id, properties, options, context) if options[:email].nil? email = find_value_from_properties(properties, 'email') if email.nil? # Note: we need to clone the context otherwise it will be transformed back to a Java one here kb_account = @kb_apis.account_user_api.get_account_by_id(kb_account_id, @kb_apis.create_context(context.tenant_id)) email = end options[:email] = email end ::Killbill::Plugin::ActiveMerchant::Utils.normalize_property(properties, 'ignore_avs') ::Killbill::Plugin::ActiveMerchant::Utils.normalize_property(properties, 'ignore_cvv') end def get_report_api(options, context) return nil if options[:skip_gw] || options[:bypass_duplicate_check] cybersource_config = config(context.tenant_id)[:cybersource] return nil unless cybersource_config.is_a?(Array) on_demand_config = cybersource_config.find { |c| c[:account_id].to_s == 'on_demand' } return nil if on_demand_config.nil?, logger) rescue => e @logger.warn("Unexpected exception while looking-up reporting API for kb_tenant_id='#{context.tenant_id}'\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") nil end # TODO: should this eventually be hardened and extracted into the base framework? def force_validation(auth_response, kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) # Trigger a non-$0 auth new_auth_response = nil begin # If duplicate checks are enabled, we need to bypass them (since a transaction for that merchant reference code was already attempted) properties << build_property(:bypass_duplicate_check, true) new_auth_response = authorize_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, kb_payment_transaction_id, kb_payment_method_id, amount, currency, properties, context) rescue => e # Note: state might be broken here (potentially two responses with the same kb_payment_transaction_id) @logger.warn("Unexpected exception while forcing validation for kb_payment_id='#{kb_payment_id}', kb_payment_transaction_id='#{kb_payment_transaction_id}'\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") return auth_response end # Void it right away on success (make sure we didn't skip the gateway call too) if new_auth_response.status == :PROCESSED && !new_auth_response.first_payment_reference_id.blank? begin void_payment(kb_account_id, kb_payment_id, SecureRandom.uuid, kb_payment_method_id, properties, context) rescue => e @logger.warn("Unexpected exception while voiding forced validation for kb_payment_id='#{kb_payment_id}', kb_payment_transaction_id='#{kb_payment_transaction_id}'\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") end end # Finally, clean up the state of the original (failed) auth cybersource_response_id = find_value_from_properties(, 'cybersourceResponseId') if cybersource_response_id.nil? @logger.warn "Unable to find cybersourceResponseId matching failed authorization for kb_payment_id='#{kb_payment_id}', kb_payment_transaction_id='#{kb_payment_transaction_id}'" else response = CybersourceResponse.find_by(:id => cybersource_response_id) if response.nil? @logger.warn "Unable to find response matching failed authorization for kb_payment_id='#{kb_payment_id}', kb_payment_transaction_id='#{kb_payment_transaction_id}'" else # Change the kb_payment_transaction_id to avoid confusing Kill Bill (there is no transaction row to update since the call wasn't successful) response.update(:kb_payment_transaction_id => SecureRandom.uuid) end end new_auth_response end end end end