/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2010 Phusion * * "Phusion Passenger" is a trademark of Hongli Lai & Ninh Bui. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_MESSAGE_CLIENT_H_ #define _PASSENGER_MESSAGE_CLIENT_H_ #include #include #include #include "StaticString.h" #include "Exceptions.h" #include "Utils/MessageIO.h" #include "Utils/IOUtils.h" #include "Utils/ScopeGuard.h" namespace Passenger { using namespace std; using namespace boost; class MessageClient { protected: FileDescriptor fd; bool shouldAutoDisconnect; /* sendUsername() and sendPassword() exist and are virtual in order to facilitate unit testing. */ virtual void sendUsername(int fd, const StaticString &username, unsigned long long *timeout) { writeScalarMessage(fd, username); } virtual void sendPassword(int fd, const StaticString &userSuppliedPassword, unsigned long long *timeout) { writeScalarMessage(fd, userSuppliedPassword); } /** * Authenticate to the server with the given username and password. * * @throws SystemException An error occurred while reading data from or sending data to the server. * @throws IOException An error occurred while reading data from or sending data to the server. * @throws SecurityException The server denied authentication. * @throws boost::thread_interrupted * @pre channel is connected. */ void authenticate(const StaticString &username, const StaticString &userSuppliedPassword, unsigned long long *timeout) { vector args; sendUsername(fd, username, timeout); sendPassword(fd, userSuppliedPassword, timeout); if (!readArrayMessage(fd, args, timeout)) { throw IOException("The message server did not send an authentication response."); } else if (args.size() != 1) { throw IOException("The authentication response that the message server sent is not valid."); } else if (args[0] != "ok") { throw SecurityException("The message server denied authentication: " + args[0]); } } void checkConnection() { if (!connected()) { throw IOException("Not connected"); } } void autoDisconnect() { if (shouldAutoDisconnect) { fd.close(false); } } public: /** * Create a new MessageClient object. It doesn't actually connect to the server until * you call connect(). */ MessageClient() { /* The reason why we don't connect right away is because we want to make * certain methods virtual for unit testing purposes. We can't call * virtual methods in the constructor. :-( */ shouldAutoDisconnect = true; } virtual ~MessageClient() { } /** * Connect to the given MessageServer. If a connection was already established, * then the old connection will be closed and a new connection will be established. * * If this MessageClient was in a connected state, and this method throws an exception, * then old connection will be broken. * * @param serverAddress The address of the server to connect to, in the format * as specified by getSocketAddressType(). * @param username The username to use for authenticating with the server. * @param userSuppliedPassword The password to use for authenticating with the server. * @return this * @throws SystemException Something went wrong while connecting to the server. * @throws IOException Something went wrong while connecting to the server. * @throws RuntimeException Something went wrong. * @throws SecurityException Unable to authenticate to the server with the given username and password. * You may call connect() again with a different username/password. * @throws boost::thread_interrupted * @post connected() */ MessageClient *connect(const string &serverAddress, const StaticString &username, const StaticString &userSuppliedPassword) { TRACE_POINT(); ScopeGuard g(boost::bind(&MessageClient::autoDisconnect, this)); fd = connectToServer(serverAddress.c_str()); vector args; if (!readArrayMessage(fd, args)) { throw IOException("The message server closed the connection before sending a version identifier."); } if (args.size() != 2 || args[0] != "version") { throw IOException("The message server didn't sent a valid version identifier."); } if (args[1] != "1") { string message = string("Unsupported message server protocol version ") + args[1] + "."; throw IOException(message); } authenticate(username, userSuppliedPassword, NULL); g.clear(); return this; } void disconnect() { fd.close(); } bool connected() const { return fd != -1; } void setAutoDisconnect(bool value) { shouldAutoDisconnect = value; } FileDescriptor getConnection() const { return fd; } /** * @throws SystemException * @throws TimeoutException * @throws boost::thread_interrupted */ bool read(vector &args, unsigned long long *timeout = NULL) { return readArray(args); } /** * @throws SystemException * @throws TimeoutException * @throws boost::thread_interrupted */ bool readArray(vector &args, unsigned long long *timeout = NULL) { checkConnection(); ScopeGuard g(boost::bind(&MessageClient::autoDisconnect, this)); bool result = readArrayMessage(fd, args, timeout); g.clear(); return result; } /** * @throws SystemException * @throws SecurityException * @throws TimeoutException * @throws boost::thread_interrupted */ bool readScalar(string &output, unsigned int maxSize = 0, unsigned long long *timeout = NULL) { checkConnection(); ScopeGuard g(boost::bind(&MessageClient::autoDisconnect, this)); try { output = readScalarMessage(fd, maxSize, timeout); g.clear(); return true; } catch (const EOFException &) { g.clear(); return false; } } /** * @throws SystemExeption * @throws IOException * @throws boost::thread_interrupted */ int readFileDescriptor(bool negotiate = true) { checkConnection(); ScopeGuard g(boost::bind(&MessageClient::autoDisconnect, this)); int result; if (negotiate) { result = Passenger::readFileDescriptorWithNegotiation(fd); } else { result = Passenger::readFileDescriptor(fd); } g.clear(); return result; } /** * @throws SystemException * @throws boost::thread_interrupted */ void write(const char *name, ...) { checkConnection(); va_list ap; va_start(ap, name); try { try { writeArrayMessage(fd, name, ap); } catch (const SystemException &) { autoDisconnect(); throw; } va_end(ap); } catch (...) { va_end(ap); throw; } } /** * @throws SystemException * @throws TimeoutException * @throws boost::thread_interrupted */ void writeScalar(const char *data, unsigned int size, unsigned long long *timeout = NULL) { checkConnection(); ScopeGuard g(boost::bind(&MessageClient::autoDisconnect, this)); writeScalarMessage(fd, data, size, timeout); g.clear(); } /** * @throws SystemException * @throws TimeoutException * @throws boost::thread_interrupted */ void writeScalar(const StaticString &data, unsigned long long *timeout = NULL) { checkConnection(); ScopeGuard g(boost::bind(&MessageClient::autoDisconnect, this)); writeScalarMessage(fd, data, timeout); g.clear(); } /** * @throws SystemException * @throws boost::thread_interrupted */ void writeFileDescriptor(int fileDescriptor, bool negotiate = true) { checkConnection(); ScopeGuard g(boost::bind(&MessageClient::autoDisconnect, this)); if (negotiate) { Passenger::writeFileDescriptorWithNegotiation(fd, fileDescriptor); } else { Passenger::writeFileDescriptor(fd, fileDescriptor); } g.clear(); } }; typedef shared_ptr MessageClientPtr; } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_MESSAGE_CLIENT_H_ */