# # Author:: Adam Jacob (<adam@chef.io>) # Author:: Christopher Walters (<cw@chef.io>) # Author:: Tim Hinderliter (<tim@chef.io>) # Author:: Seth Chisamore (<schisamo@chef.io>) # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2017, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "chef/platform/resource_priority_map" describe Chef::Recipe do let(:cookbook_collection) do cookbook_repo = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "data", "cookbooks")) cookbook_loader = Chef::CookbookLoader.new(cookbook_repo) cookbook_loader.load_cookbooks Chef::CookbookCollection.new(cookbook_loader) end let(:node) do Chef::Node.new end let(:run_context) do events = Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new Chef::RunContext.new(node, cookbook_collection, events) end let(:recipe) do Chef::Recipe.new("hjk", "test", run_context) end describe "method_missing" do describe "resources" do it "should load a two word (zen_master) resource" do expect do recipe.zen_master "monkey" do peace true end end.not_to raise_error end it "should load a one word (cat) resource" do expect do recipe.cat "loulou" do pretty_kitty true end end.not_to raise_error end it "should load a four word (one_two_three_four) resource" do expect do recipe.one_two_three_four "numbers" do i_can_count true end end.not_to raise_error end it "should throw an error if you access a resource that we can't find" do expect { recipe.not_home("not_home_resource") }.to raise_error(NameError) end it "should allow regular errors (not NameErrors) to pass unchanged" do expect do recipe.cat("felix") { raise ArgumentError, "You Suck" } end.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should add our zen_master to the collection" do recipe.zen_master "monkey" do peace true end expect(run_context.resource_collection.lookup("zen_master[monkey]").name).to eql("monkey") end it "should add our zen masters to the collection in the order they appear" do %w{monkey dog cat}.each do |name| recipe.zen_master name do peace true end end expect(run_context.resource_collection.map { |r| r.name }).to eql(%w{monkey dog cat}) end it "should return the new resource after creating it" do res = recipe.zen_master "makoto" do peace true end expect(res.resource_name).to eql(:zen_master) expect(res.name).to eql("makoto") end describe "should locate platform mapped resources" do it "locate resource for particular platform" do ShaunTheSheep = Class.new(Chef::Resource) ShaunTheSheep.resource_name :shaun_the_sheep ShaunTheSheep.provides :laughter, :platform => ["television"] node.automatic[:platform] = "television" node.automatic[:platform_version] = "123" res = recipe.laughter "timmy" expect(res.name).to eql("timmy") res.kind_of?(ShaunTheSheep) end it "locate a resource for all platforms" do YourMom = Class.new(Chef::Resource) YourMom.resource_name :your_mom YourMom.provides :love_and_caring res = recipe.love_and_caring "mommy" expect(res.name).to eql("mommy") res.kind_of?(YourMom) end describe "when there is more than one resource that resolves on a node" do before do node.automatic[:platform] = "nbc_sports" Sounders = Class.new(Chef::Resource) Sounders.resource_name :sounders TottenhamHotspur = Class.new(Chef::Resource) TottenhamHotspur.resource_name :tottenham_hotspur end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :Sounders) Object.send(:remove_const, :TottenhamHotspur) end it "selects the first one alphabetically" do Sounders.provides :football, platform: "nbc_sports" TottenhamHotspur.provides :football, platform: "nbc_sports" res1 = recipe.football "club world cup" expect(res1.name).to eql("club world cup") expect(res1).to be_a_kind_of(Sounders) end it "selects the first one alphabetically even if the declaration order is reversed" do TottenhamHotspur.provides :football2, platform: "nbc_sports" Sounders.provides :football2, platform: "nbc_sports" res1 = recipe.football2 "club world cup" expect(res1.name).to eql("club world cup") expect(res1).to be_a_kind_of(Sounders) end end end end describe "creating resources via build_resource" do let(:zm_resource) do recipe.build_resource(:zen_master, "klopp") do something "bvb" end end it "applies attributes from the block to the resource" do expect(zm_resource.something).to eq("bvb") end it "sets contextual attributes on the resource" do expect(zm_resource.recipe_name).to eq("test") expect(zm_resource.cookbook_name).to eq("hjk") expect(zm_resource.source_line).to include(__FILE__) expect(zm_resource.declared_type).to eq(:zen_master) end it "does not add the resource to the resource collection" do zm_resource # force let binding evaluation expect { run_context.resource_collection.resources(:zen_master => "klopp") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ResourceNotFound) end end describe "when resource cloning is disabled" do def not_expect_warning expect(Chef::Log).not_to receive(:warn).with(/3694/) expect(Chef::Log).not_to receive(:warn).with(/Previous/) expect(Chef::Log).not_to receive(:warn).with(/Current/) end before do Chef::Config[:resource_cloning] = false end it "should emit a 3694 warning when attributes change" do recipe.zen_master "klopp" do something "bvb" end not_expect_warning recipe.zen_master "klopp" do something "vbv" end end it "should not copy attributes from a prior resource" do recipe.zen_master "klopp" do something "bvb" end not_expect_warning recipe.zen_master "klopp" expect(run_context.resource_collection.first.something).to eql("bvb") expect(run_context.resource_collection[1].something).to be nil end end describe "creating resources via declare_resource" do let(:zm_resource) do recipe.declare_resource(:zen_master, "klopp") do something "bvb" end end it "applies attributes from the block to the resource" do expect(zm_resource.something).to eq("bvb") end it "sets contextual attributes on the resource" do expect(zm_resource.recipe_name).to eq("test") expect(zm_resource.cookbook_name).to eq("hjk") expect(zm_resource.source_line).to include(__FILE__) end it "adds the resource to the resource collection" do zm_resource # force let binding evaluation expect(run_context.resource_collection.resources(:zen_master => "klopp")).to eq(zm_resource) end it "will insert another resource if create_if_missing is not set (cloned resource as of Chef-12)" do zm_resource recipe.declare_resource(:zen_master, "klopp") expect(run_context.resource_collection.count).to eql(2) end context "injecting a different run_context" do let(:run_context2) do events = Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new Chef::RunContext.new(node, cookbook_collection, events) end it "should insert resources into the correct run_context" do zm_resource recipe.declare_resource(:zen_master, "klopp2", run_context: run_context2) run_context2.resource_collection.lookup("zen_master[klopp2]") expect { run_context2.resource_collection.lookup("zen_master[klopp]") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ResourceNotFound) expect { run_context.resource_collection.lookup("zen_master[klopp2]") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ResourceNotFound) run_context.resource_collection.lookup("zen_master[klopp]") end end end describe "creating a resource with short name" do # zen_follower resource has this: # provides :follower, :on_platforms => ["zen"] before do node.automatic_attrs[:platform] = "zen" end let(:resource_follower) do recipe.declare_resource(:follower, "srst") do master "none" end end it "defines the resource using the declaration name with short name" do resource_follower expect(run_context.resource_collection.lookup("follower[srst]")).not_to be_nil end end describe "creating a resource with a long name" do let(:resource_zn_follower) do recipe.declare_resource(:zen_follower, "srst") do master "none" end end it "defines the resource using the declaration name with long name" do resource_zn_follower expect(run_context.resource_collection.lookup("zen_follower[srst]")).not_to be_nil end end describe "when attempting to create a resource of an invalid type" do it "gives a sane error message when using method_missing" do expect do recipe.no_such_resource("foo") end.to raise_error(NoMethodError, /undefined method `no_such_resource' for cookbook: hjk, recipe: test :Chef::Recipe/) end it "gives a sane error message when using method_missing 'bare'" do expect do recipe.instance_eval do # Giving an argument will change this from NameError to NoMethodError no_such_resource end end.to raise_error(NameError, /undefined local variable or method `no_such_resource' for cookbook: hjk, recipe: test :Chef::Recipe/) end it "gives a sane error message when using build_resource" do expect { recipe.build_resource(:no_such_resource, "foo") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::NoSuchResourceType) end it "gives a sane error message when using declare_resource" do expect { recipe.declare_resource(:no_such_resource, "bar") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::NoSuchResourceType) end end describe "when creating a resource that contains an error in the attributes block" do it "does not obfuscate the error source" do expect do recipe.zen_master("klopp") do this_method_doesnt_exist end end.to raise_error(NoMethodError, "undefined method `this_method_doesnt_exist' for Chef::Resource::ZenMaster") end end describe "resource definitions" do it "should execute defined resources" do crow_define = Chef::ResourceDefinition.new crow_define.define :crow, :peace => false, :something => true do zen_master "lao tzu" do peace params[:peace] something params[:something] end end run_context.definitions[:crow] = crow_define recipe.crow "mine" do peace true end expect(run_context.resource_collection.resources(:zen_master => "lao tzu").name).to eql("lao tzu") expect(run_context.resource_collection.resources(:zen_master => "lao tzu").something).to eql(true) end it "should set the node on defined resources" do crow_define = Chef::ResourceDefinition.new crow_define.define :crow, :peace => false, :something => true do zen_master "lao tzu" do peace params[:peace] something params[:something] end end run_context.definitions[:crow] = crow_define node.normal[:foo] = false recipe.crow "mine" do something node[:foo] end expect(recipe.resources(:zen_master => "lao tzu").something).to eql(false) end it "should return the last statement in the definition as the retval" do crow_define = Chef::ResourceDefinition.new crow_define.define :crow, :peace => false, :something => true do "the return val" end run_context.definitions[:crow] = crow_define crow_block = recipe.crow "mine" do peace true end expect(crow_block).to eql("the return val") end end end describe "instance_eval" do it "should handle an instance_eval properly" do code = <<-CODE zen_master "gnome" do peace = true end CODE expect { recipe.instance_eval(code) }.not_to raise_error expect(recipe.resources(:zen_master => "gnome").name).to eql("gnome") end end describe "handle exec calls" do it "should raise ResourceNotFound error if exec is used" do code = <<-CODE exec 'do_not_try_to_exec' CODE expect { recipe.instance_eval(code) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ResourceNotFound) end end describe "from_file" do it "should load a resource from a ruby file" do recipe.from_file(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "recipes", "test.rb")) res = recipe.resources(:file => "/etc/nsswitch.conf") expect(res.name).to eql("/etc/nsswitch.conf") expect(res.action).to eql([:create]) expect(res.owner).to eql("root") expect(res.group).to eql("root") expect(res.mode).to eql(0644) end it "should raise an exception if the file cannot be found or read" do expect { recipe.from_file("/tmp/monkeydiving") }.to raise_error(IOError) end end describe "include_recipe" do it "should evaluate another recipe with include_recipe" do expect(node).to receive(:loaded_recipe).with(:openldap, "gigantor") allow(run_context).to receive(:unreachable_cookbook?).with(:openldap).and_return(false) run_context.include_recipe "openldap::gigantor" res = run_context.resource_collection.resources(:cat => "blanket") expect(res.name).to eql("blanket") expect(res.pretty_kitty).to eql(false) end it "should load the default recipe for a cookbook if include_recipe is called without a ::" do expect(node).to receive(:loaded_recipe).with(:openldap, "default") allow(run_context).to receive(:unreachable_cookbook?).with(:openldap).and_return(false) run_context.include_recipe "openldap" res = run_context.resource_collection.resources(:cat => "blanket") expect(res.name).to eql("blanket") expect(res.pretty_kitty).to eql(true) end it "should store that it has seen a recipe in the run_context" do expect(node).to receive(:loaded_recipe).with(:openldap, "default") allow(run_context).to receive(:unreachable_cookbook?).with(:openldap).and_return(false) run_context.include_recipe "openldap" expect(run_context.loaded_recipe?("openldap")).to be_truthy end it "should not include the same recipe twice" do expect(node).to receive(:loaded_recipe).with(:openldap, "default").exactly(:once) allow(run_context).to receive(:unreachable_cookbook?).with(:openldap).and_return(false) expect(cookbook_collection[:openldap]).to receive(:load_recipe).with("default", run_context) recipe.include_recipe "openldap" expect(cookbook_collection[:openldap]).not_to receive(:load_recipe).with("default", run_context) recipe.include_recipe "openldap" end it "will load a recipe out of the current cookbook when include_recipe is called with a leading ::" do openldap_recipe = Chef::Recipe.new("openldap", "test", run_context) expect(node).to receive(:loaded_recipe).with(:openldap, "default").exactly(:once) allow(run_context).to receive(:unreachable_cookbook?).with(:openldap).and_return(false) expect(cookbook_collection[:openldap]).to receive(:load_recipe).with("default", run_context) openldap_recipe.include_recipe "::default" end it "will not include the same recipe twice when using leading :: syntax" do openldap_recipe = Chef::Recipe.new("openldap", "test", run_context) expect(node).to receive(:loaded_recipe).with(:openldap, "default").exactly(:once) allow(run_context).to receive(:unreachable_cookbook?).with(:openldap).and_return(false) expect(cookbook_collection[:openldap]).to receive(:load_recipe).with("default", run_context) openldap_recipe.include_recipe "::default" expect(cookbook_collection[:openldap]).not_to receive(:load_recipe).with("default", run_context) openldap_recipe.include_recipe "openldap::default" end it "will not include the same recipe twice when using leading :: syntax (reversed order)" do openldap_recipe = Chef::Recipe.new("openldap", "test", run_context) expect(node).to receive(:loaded_recipe).with(:openldap, "default").exactly(:once) allow(run_context).to receive(:unreachable_cookbook?).with(:openldap).and_return(false) expect(cookbook_collection[:openldap]).to receive(:load_recipe).with("default", run_context) openldap_recipe.include_recipe "openldap::default" expect(cookbook_collection[:openldap]).not_to receive(:load_recipe).with("default", run_context) openldap_recipe.include_recipe "::default" end it "will not load a recipe twice when called first from an LWRP provider" do openldap_recipe = Chef::Recipe.new("openldap", "test", run_context) expect(node).to receive(:loaded_recipe).with(:openldap, "default").exactly(:once) allow(run_context).to receive(:unreachable_cookbook?).with(:openldap).and_return(false) expect(cookbook_collection[:openldap]).to receive(:load_recipe).with("default", run_context) openldap_recipe.include_recipe "::default" expect(cookbook_collection[:openldap]).not_to receive(:load_recipe).with("default", run_context) openldap_recipe.openldap_includer("do it").run_action(:run) end it "will not load a recipe twice when called last from an LWRP provider" do openldap_recipe = Chef::Recipe.new("openldap", "test", run_context) expect(node).to receive(:loaded_recipe).with(:openldap, "default").exactly(:once) allow(run_context).to receive(:unreachable_cookbook?).with(:openldap).and_return(false) expect(cookbook_collection[:openldap]).to receive(:load_recipe).with("default", run_context) openldap_recipe.openldap_includer("do it").run_action(:run) expect(cookbook_collection[:openldap]).not_to receive(:load_recipe).with("default", run_context) openldap_recipe.include_recipe "::default" end it "will not load a recipe twice when called both times from an LWRP provider" do openldap_recipe = Chef::Recipe.new("openldap", "test", run_context) expect(node).to receive(:loaded_recipe).with(:openldap, "default").exactly(:once) allow(run_context).to receive(:unreachable_cookbook?).with(:openldap).and_return(false) expect(cookbook_collection[:openldap]).to receive(:load_recipe).with("default", run_context) openldap_recipe.openldap_includer("do it").run_action(:run) expect(cookbook_collection[:openldap]).not_to receive(:load_recipe).with("default", run_context) openldap_recipe.openldap_includer("do it").run_action(:run) end end describe "tags" do describe "with the default node object" do let(:node) { Chef::Node.new } it "should return false for any tags" do expect(recipe.tagged?("foo")).to be(false) end end it "should initialize tags to an empty Array" do expect(node.tags).to eql([]) end it "should set tags via tag" do recipe.tag "foo" expect(node.tags).to include("foo") end it "should set multiple tags via tag" do recipe.tag "foo", "bar" expect(node.tags).to include("foo") expect(node.tags).to include("bar") end it "should not set the same tag twice via tag" do recipe.tag "foo" recipe.tag "foo" expect(node.tags).to eql([ "foo" ]) end it "should return the current list of tags from tag with no arguments" do recipe.tag "foo" expect(recipe.tag).to eql([ "foo" ]) end it "should return true from tagged? if node is tagged" do recipe.tag "foo" expect(recipe.tagged?("foo")).to be(true) end it "should return false from tagged? if node is not tagged" do expect(recipe.tagged?("foo")).to be(false) end it "should return false from tagged? if node is not tagged" do expect(recipe.tagged?("foo")).to be(false) end it "should remove a tag from the tag list via untag" do recipe.tag "foo" recipe.untag "foo" expect(node.tags).to eql([]) end it "should remove multiple tags from the tag list via untag" do recipe.tag "foo", "bar" recipe.untag "bar", "foo" expect(node.tags).to eql([]) end end describe "included DSL" do it "should include features from Chef::DSL::Audit" do expect(recipe.singleton_class.included_modules).to include(Chef::DSL::Audit) expect(recipe.respond_to?(:control_group)).to be true end it "should respond to :ps_credential from Chef::DSL::Powershell" do expect(recipe.respond_to?(:ps_credential)).to be true end end end