=== 0.5.2 / 2009-09-29 NOTE: Haml output can be improved by installing haml from http://github.com/drnic/haml to get latest patches. Future History.txt will update when it has been applied to haml gem. Major: * Speed improvements by using html2haml/css2sass internally instead of Ruby shell Minor/Internal: * reverted the content_for erb to have -%> suffixes [Jack Chen and Dr Nic Williams] * Fixed the test for generation of the sample haml file of content_for samples [Jack Chen and Dr Nic Williams] * removing the matchers we weren't using [Jack Chen and Dr Nic Williams] * If html2haml or css2sass throw an error then copy over the original erb/css file instead. [Jack Chen and Dr Nic Williams] * rendering html2haml with rhtml enabled [Jack Chen and Dr Nic Williams] * using before(:all) around the theme installation calls so they are only run once * removed test theme webresourcedepot * sample extracted HTML placed into a app/views/original_template/index.html.erb file instead of readme printout * removed the djclub test theme as its interesting qualities for testing (assets in root folder) are duplicated by the hobbit theme === 0.5.1 / 2009-09-28 Major: * Much better options syntax: --inside_yield header:#header Minor: * added Haml instructions to README, and --erb flag to force erb generation === 0.5.0 / 2009-09-27 * haml support === 0.4.1 / 2009-09-27 Major: * Allow a class name instead of a DOM element id for the content path * Templates can have assets in the root of the template folder Minor: * cleaning actual/expected files so EOL characters aren't the cause of diff mismatches === 0.4.0 / 2009-09-27 * rename gem to install_theme from convert_theme === 0.3.1 / 2009-09-27 Major: * Display sample Ruby for how to use the named yields inserted into the layout. Minor: * Include sample for the automatically included <%= yield(:head) %> * passing target rails path into #new instead of #apply_to; which is renamed to #apply_to_target * More spec cleanup * remove script folder from expected rails apps; not required * minor refactoring of specs === 0.3.0 / 2009-09-27 Major: * content_id is now a required argument of the CLI; instead of --content_id flag * Replace some DOM content with <%= yield :some_label %> with --inside_yields: convert_theme path/to/app path/to/rails_app content_box \ "--inside_yield=header=>#header h2" \ --inside_yield=sidebar=>#sidebar * insert <%= yield(:head) %> at the end of the section of layouts Minor: * Can use css paths to identify inner html to replace with <%= yield :some_header %>. For example, to constructor pass :inside_yields => { :some_header => "header h3" } * removing PostInstall.txt from project * Remove the current spec/tmp from the gem === 0.2.0 / 2009-09-26 Major: * Using Rubigen to install files, which means you get prompted about conflicts. Commits: * Running specs no longer spews out the rubigen create/exists logs * Better checking for file vs directory? * using rubigen run install modified template files into target rails app * wired in more options to CLI * adding hoe-git plugin * Added README content === 0.1.0 2009-09-26 * 1 major enhancement: * Initial release