# Bullet [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/bullet.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/bullet) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/flyerhzm/bullet.png)](http://travis-ci.org/flyerhzm/bullet) [![AwesomeCode Status for flyerhzm/bullet](https://awesomecode.io/projects/6755235b-e2c1-459e-bf92-b8b13d0c0472/status)](https://awesomecode.io/repos/flyerhzm/bullet) [![Coderwall Endorse](http://api.coderwall.com/flyerhzm/endorsecount.png)](http://coderwall.com/flyerhzm) The Bullet gem is designed to help you increase your application's performance by reducing the number of queries it makes. It will watch your queries while you develop your application and notify you when you should add eager loading (N+1 queries), when you're using eager loading that isn't necessary and when you should use counter cache. Best practice is to use Bullet in development mode or custom mode (staging, profile, etc.). The last thing you want is your clients getting alerts about how lazy you are. Bullet gem now supports **activerecord** >= 4.0 and **mongoid** >= 4.0. If you use activerecord 2.x, please use bullet <= 4.5.0 If you use activerecord 3.x, please use bullet < 5.5.0 ## External Introduction * [http://railscasts.com/episodes/372-bullet](http://railscasts.com/episodes/372-bullet) * [http://ruby5.envylabs.com/episodes/9-episode-8-september-8-2009](http://ruby5.envylabs.com/episodes/9-episode-8-september-8-2009) * [http://railslab.newrelic.com/2009/10/23/episode-19-on-the-edge-part-1](http://railslab.newrelic.com/2009/10/23/episode-19-on-the-edge-part-1) * [http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2009/10/22/community-highlights](http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2009/10/22/community-highlights) ## Install You can install it as a gem: ``` gem install bullet ``` or add it into a Gemfile (Bundler): ```ruby gem 'bullet', group: 'development' ``` **Note**: make sure `bullet` gem is added after activerecord (rails) and mongoid. ## Configuration Bullet won't do ANYTHING unless you tell it to explicitly. Append to `config/environments/development.rb` initializer with the following code: ```ruby config.after_initialize do Bullet.enable = true Bullet.sentry = true Bullet.alert = true Bullet.bullet_logger = true Bullet.console = true Bullet.growl = true Bullet.xmpp = { :account => 'bullets_account@jabber.org', :password => 'bullets_password_for_jabber', :receiver => 'your_account@jabber.org', :show_online_status => true } Bullet.rails_logger = true Bullet.honeybadger = true Bullet.bugsnag = true Bullet.airbrake = true Bullet.rollbar = true Bullet.add_footer = true Bullet.stacktrace_includes = [ 'your_gem', 'your_middleware' ] Bullet.stacktrace_excludes = [ 'their_gem', 'their_middleware', ['my_file.rb', 'my_method'], ['my_file.rb', 16..20] ] Bullet.slack = { webhook_url: 'http://some.slack.url', channel: '#default', username: 'notifier' } end ``` The notifier of Bullet is a wrap of [uniform_notifier](https://github.com/flyerhzm/uniform_notifier) The code above will enable all of the Bullet notification systems: * `Bullet.enable`: enable Bullet gem, otherwise do nothing * `Bullet.alert`: pop up a JavaScript alert in the browser * `Bullet.bullet_logger`: log to the Bullet log file (Rails.root/log/bullet.log) * `Bullet.console`: log warnings to your browser's console.log (Safari/Webkit browsers or Firefox w/Firebug installed) * `Bullet.growl`: pop up Growl warnings if your system has Growl installed. Requires a little bit of configuration * `Bullet.xmpp`: send XMPP/Jabber notifications to the receiver indicated. Note that the code will currently not handle the adding of contacts, so you will need to make both accounts indicated know each other manually before you will receive any notifications. If you restart the development server frequently, the 'coming online' sound for the Bullet account may start to annoy - in this case set :show_online_status to false; you will still get notifications, but the Bullet account won't announce it's online status anymore. * `Bullet.rails_logger`: add warnings directly to the Rails log * `Bullet.honeybadger`: add notifications to Honeybadger * `Bullet.bugsnag`: add notifications to bugsnag * `Bullet.airbrake`: add notifications to airbrake * `Bullet.rollbar`: add notifications to rollbar * `Bullet.sentry`: add notifications to sentry * `Bullet.add_footer`: adds the details in the bottom left corner of the page. Double click the footer or use close button to hide footer. * `Bullet.stacktrace_includes`: include paths with any of these substrings in the stack trace, even if they are not in your main app * `Bullet.stacktrace_excludes`: ignore paths with any of these substrings in the stack trace, even if they are not in your main app. Each item can be a string (match substring), a regex, or an array where the first item is a path to match, and the second item is a line number, a Range of line numbers, or a (bare) method name, to exclude only particular lines in a file. * `Bullet.slack`: add notifications to slack * `Bullet.raise`: raise errors, useful for making your specs fail unless they have optimized queries Bullet also allows you to disable any of its detectors. ```ruby # Each of these settings defaults to true # Detect N+1 queries Bullet.n_plus_one_query_enable = false # Detect eager-loaded associations which are not used Bullet.unused_eager_loading_enable = false # Detect unnecessary COUNT queries which could be avoided # with a counter_cache Bullet.counter_cache_enable = false ``` ## Whitelist Sometimes Bullet may notify you of query problems you don't care to fix, or which come from outside your code. You can whitelist these to ignore them: ```ruby Bullet.add_whitelist :type => :n_plus_one_query, :class_name => "Post", :association => :comments Bullet.add_whitelist :type => :unused_eager_loading, :class_name => "Post", :association => :comments Bullet.add_whitelist :type => :counter_cache, :class_name => "Country", :association => :cities ``` If you want to skip bullet in some specific controller actions, you can do like ```ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base around_action :skip_bullet, if: -> { defined?(Bullet) } def skip_bullet previous_value = Bullet.enable? Bullet.enable = false yield ensure Bullet.enable = previous_value end end ``` ## Log The Bullet log `log/bullet.log` will look something like this: * N+1 Query: ``` 2009-08-25 20:40:17[INFO] N+1 Query: PATH_INFO: /posts; model: Post => associations: [comments]· Add to your finder: :include => [:comments] 2009-08-25 20:40:17[INFO] N+1 Query: method call stack:· /Users/richard/Downloads/test/app/views/posts/index.html.erb:11:in `_run_erb_app47views47posts47index46html46erb' /Users/richard/Downloads/test/app/views/posts/index.html.erb:8:in `each' /Users/richard/Downloads/test/app/views/posts/index.html.erb:8:in `_run_erb_app47views47posts47index46html46erb' /Users/richard/Downloads/test/app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:7:in `index' ``` The first two lines are notifications that N+1 queries have been encountered. The remaining lines are stack traces so you can find exactly where the queries were invoked in your code, and fix them. * Unused eager loading: ``` 2009-08-25 20:53:56[INFO] Unused eager loadings: PATH_INFO: /posts; model: Post => associations: [comments]· Remove from your finder: :include => [:comments] ``` These two lines are notifications that unused eager loadings have been encountered. * Need counter cache: ``` 2009-09-11 09:46:50[INFO] Need Counter Cache Post => [:comments] ``` ## Growl, XMPP/Jabber and Airbrake Support see [https://github.com/flyerhzm/uniform_notifier](https://github.com/flyerhzm/uniform_notifier) ## Important If you find Bullet does not work for you, *please disable your browser's cache*. ## Advanced ### Work with ActiveJob Include `Bullet::ActiveJob` in your `ApplicationJob`. ```ruby class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base include Bullet::ActiveJob if Rails.env.development? end ``` ### Work with other background job solution Use the Bullet.profile method. ```ruby class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base around_perform do |_job, block| Bullet.profile do block.call end end end ``` ### Work with sinatra Configure and use `Bullet::Rack` ```ruby configure :development do Bullet.enable = true Bullet.bullet_logger = true use Bullet::Rack end ``` ### Run in tests First you need to enable Bullet in test environment. ```ruby # config/environments/test.rb config.after_initialize do Bullet.enable = true Bullet.bullet_logger = true Bullet.raise = true # raise an error if n+1 query occurs end ``` Then wrap each test in Bullet api. ```ruby # spec/rails_helper.rb if Bullet.enable? config.before(:each) do Bullet.start_request end config.after(:each) do Bullet.perform_out_of_channel_notifications if Bullet.notification? Bullet.end_request end end ``` ## Debug Mode Bullet outputs some details info, to enable debug mode, set `BULLET_DEBUG=true` env. ## Contributors [https://github.com/flyerhzm/bullet/contributors](https://github.com/flyerhzm/bullet/contributors) ## Demo Bullet is designed to function as you browse through your application in development. To see it in action, you can visit [https://github.com/flyerhzm/bullet_test](https://github.com/flyerhzm/bullet_test) or follow these steps to create, detect, and fix example query problems. 1\. Create an example application ``` $ rails new test_bullet $ cd test_bullet $ rails g scaffold post name:string $ rails g scaffold comment name:string post_id:integer $ bundle exec rake db:migrate ``` 2\. Change `app/model/post.rb` and `app/model/comment.rb` ```ruby class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :comments end class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :post end ``` 3\. Go to `rails c` and execute ```ruby post1 = Post.create(:name => 'first') post2 = Post.create(:name => 'second') post1.comments.create(:name => 'first') post1.comments.create(:name => 'second') post2.comments.create(:name => 'third') post2.comments.create(:name => 'fourth') ``` 4\. Change the `app/views/posts/index.html.erb` to produce a N+1 query ``` <% @posts.each do |post| %>