# Copyright 2010 Sean Cribbs, Sonian Inc., and Basho Technologies, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require File.expand_path("../../spec_helper", __FILE__) describe Ripple::AttributeMethods do require 'support/models/widget' before :each do @widget = Widget.new end describe "object key" do it "should provide access to the key" do @widget.should respond_to(:key) @widget.key.should be_nil end it "should provide a mutator for the key" do @widget.should respond_to(:key=) @widget.key = "cog" @widget.key.should == "cog" end it "should not set the key from mass assignment" do @widget.key = 'widget-key' @widget.attributes = {'key' => 'new-key'} @widget.key.should == 'widget-key' end it "should typecast the key to a string" do @widget.key = 10 @widget.key.should == "10" end end describe "accessors" do it "should be defined for defined properties" do @widget.should respond_to(:size) @widget.should respond_to(:name) end it "should return nil if no default is defined on the property" do @widget.size.should be_nil end it "should return the property default if defined and not set" do @widget.name.should == "widget" @widget.manufactured.should == false end it "should allow raw attribute access when accessing the document with []" do @widget['name'].should == 'widget' end it "should expose the property directly" do @widget.name.gsub!("w","f") @widget.name.should == "fidget" end end describe "mutators" do it "should have mutators for defined properties" do @widget.should respond_to(:size=) @widget.should respond_to(:name=) end it "should assign the value of the attribute" do @widget.size = 10 @widget.size.should == 10 end it "should allow assignment of undefined attributes when assigning to the document with []=" do @widget['name'] = 'sprocket' @widget.name.should == 'sprocket' end it "should type cast assigned values automatically" do @widget.name = :so_what @widget.name.should == "so_what" end it "should raise an error when assigning a bad value" do lambda { @widget.size = true }.should raise_error(Ripple::PropertyTypeMismatch) end end describe "query methods" do it "should be defined for defined properties" do @widget.should respond_to(:size?) @widget.should respond_to(:name?) end it "should be false when the attribute is nil" do @widget.size.should be_nil @widget.size?.should be_false end it "should be true when the attribute has a value present" do @widget.size = 10 @widget.size?.should be_true end it "should be false for 0 values" do @widget.size = 0 @widget.size?.should be_false end it "should be false for empty values" do @widget.name = "" @widget.name?.should be_false end end it "should track changes to attributes" do @widget.name = "foobar" @widget.changed?.should be_true @widget.name_changed?.should be_true @widget.name_change.should == ["widget", "foobar"] @widget.changes.should == {"name" => ["widget", "foobar"]} end it "should report that an attribute is changed only if its value actually changes" do @widget.name = "widget" @widget.changed?.should be_false @widget.name_changed?.should be_false @widget.changes.should be_blank end it "should refresh the attribute methods when adding a new property" do Widget.should_receive(:undefine_attribute_methods) Widget.property :start_date, Date Widget.properties.delete(:start_date) # cleanup end it "should provide a hash representation of all of the attributes" do @widget.attributes.should == {"name" => "widget", "size" => nil, "manufactured" => false, "shipped_at" => nil} end it "should load attributes from mass assignment" do @widget.attributes = {"name" => "Riak", "size" => 100000 } @widget.name.should == "Riak" @widget.size.should == 100000 end it "should assign attributes on initialization" do @widget = Widget.new(:name => "Riak") @widget.name.should == "Riak" end it "should have no changed attributes after initialization" do @widget = Widget.new(:name => "Riak") @widget.changes.should be_blank end it "should allow adding to the @attributes hash for attributes that do not exist" do @widget = Widget.new @widget['foo'] = 'bar' @widget.instance_eval { @attributes['foo'] }.should == 'bar' end it "should allow reading from the @attributes hash for attributes that do not exist" do @widget = Widget.new @widget['foo'] = 'bar' @widget['foo'].should == 'bar' end it "should allow a block upon initialization to set attributes protected from mass assignment" do @widget = Widget.new { |w| w.key = 'some-key' } @widget.key.should == 'some-key' end it "should raise an argument error when assigning a non hash to attributes" do @widget = Widget.new lambda { @widget.attributes = nil }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should protect attributes from mass assignment when initialized" do @widget = Widget.new(:manufactured => true) @widget.manufactured.should be_false end it "should protect attributes from mass assignment by default" do @widget = Widget.new @widget.attributes = { :manufactured => true } @widget.manufactured.should be_false end it "should allow protected attributes to be mass assigned" do @widget = Widget.new @widget.send(:attributes=, { :manufactured => true }, false) @widget.manufactured.should be_true end end