Class GGLib::StateObject
In: state.rb
Parent: Object

A StaticScreen is a menu. It suspends the game and redirects all input to itself. StaticScreen is typically used through derivation, although it can be used otherwise. StaticScreen#start suspends the game and starts the menu. StaticScreen#end returns to the game.


button_down   button_up   draw   end   onEnd   onStart   onTerminate   start   update   window  

Public Instance methods

Equivalent to Gosu::Window#button_down

Equivalent to Gosu::Window#button_down

Equivalent to Gosu::Window#draw

Return control to the GameWindow. DO NOT OVERRIDE THIS METHOD.

This method is called when the static screen is uninitialized. It is ment to be overridden in derived classes. This is a good place to preform tasks such as stopping audio. Widgets are automatically destroyed on exit by the base class StaticScreen

This method is called when the static screen is initialized. It is ment to be overridden in derived classes. This is a good place to preform tasks such as creating widgets.

Begin rerouting input to the static screen. DO NOT OVERRIDE THIS METHOD.

Equivalent to Gosu::Window#update

Returns a reference to the window to which the static screen is associated.
