# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- class Card # Model for the card_virtuals table. # It provides method to get and store content for virtual cards from # the card_virtuals table. class Virtual < Cardio::Record def update new_content content == new_content ? touch : update!(content: new_content) new_content end class << self def fetch card cache.fetch card.key do find_by_card(card) || create(card) end end def save card cache.write card.key, create_or_update(card) end def delete card cache.delete card.key find_by_card(card)&.delete end private def create_or_update card if (virt = find_by_card card) virt.update(card.virtual_content) virt else create(card) end end def cache Card::Cache[Virtual] end def create card validate_card card create! left_id: left_id(card), right_id: right_id(card), left_key: card.name.left_key, content: card.virtual_content end def find_by_card card where_card(card).take end def where_card card query = { right_id: right_id(card) } if (lid = left_id(card)) query[:left_id] = lid else query[:left_key] = card.name.left_key end where query end def left_id card if card.compound? card.left_id&.positive? ? card.left_id : card.left&.id else card.id end end def right_id card if card.compound? card.right_id&.positive? ? card.right_id : card.right&.id else -2 end end def validate_card card reason ||= if card.compound? "needs left_id" unless left_id(card) "needs right_id" unless right_id(card) elsif !card.id "needs id" end return unless reason raise Card::Error, card.name, "count not cacheable: card #{card.name} #{reason}" end end end end